Sentences with phrase «of gamerscore»

It is particularly important to mention here that irrespective of the device on which you play Xbox Game Anywhere, only single shared set of Gamerscore and Achievements will be earned and awarded.
Cuphead's full achievement list has been revealed for those who like to earn a bit of gamerscore with their crazy difficult games.
This brings the grand total of Gamerscore obtainable in ReCore up to 1500G — with progress syncing between devices on Xbox One consoles and PCs.
I got all of my gamerscore back so just do this, say your own personal f u to Microsoft for scaring the piss out of all of us, and then enjoy getting back to your games!
Many gamers on Xbox enjoy the friendly competitive nature of the Gamerscore leaderboard, competing to be at the top of the list among their circle of friends each month.
Chris Paladino (of the Gamerscore Blog)-- Because, two's company, three's a trend?
If you're an achievement junkie, this package features 10,000 points of Gamerscore waiting to be earned.
Many gamers on Xbox enjoy the friendly competitive nature of the Gamerscore leaderboard, competing to be at the top of the list among their circle of...
There will also be a Gamerscore leaderboard that will rank Xbox One owners by the amount of Gamerscore they've secured in the last 30 days.
Follow us to ensure you don't miss a beat of The Gamerscore Whores coverage, especially the 21 hour refreshed stories on our Instagram for exclusive behind the scenes coverage at Gamescom.
So far four achievements have surfaced on the list, totally at 50 points of Gamerscore, and all of them seem to revolve around Wallace, who's supposedly going to be a new playable character in the upcoming DLC, «Online Multiplayer and Wallace» pack.

Not exact matches

This game is so good that i got all of the achievements not for gamerscore but to experience every aspect of this incredible gaming epic.
Those that care about their Gamerscore / Achievements will be in for a treat, with many of the games 42 achievements, worth just 1 point.
SkyKeepers is going on the short list of Xbox games that are easy gamerscore but just aren't very good.
It packs five maps, four character skins, numerous weapon skins, the classic Guardian multiplayer mode, and of course, 250 GamerScore of Achievements.
The Xbox One version of Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition has 60 Achievements worth a total of 1,000 Gamerscore.
As expected, it will include new maps, characters, Achievements worth a total of 250 GamerScore, and lots more.
Well, thanks to eagle - eyed member «borandi» we have just updated Kane & Lynch: Dead Men to the infamous status of 1250 gamerscore with five new achievements.
By Easter eggs, I basically mean fun or interesting content (including about 500 gamerscore worth of achievements) that relate to non-essential content that you simply might not come across.
While there are a number of achievements, many of them require multiple playthroughs which really is less plausible unless you simply have to have those for your Gamerscore addiction.
Trophy / Achievement of the recently released Resident Evil Revelations 2 will give you one Bronze trophy or 20 Gamerscore points depending upon your console.
Playing either of the new modes will earn players new gamerscore and achievements («Chopping Spree» and «Biters Remorse»).
The Xbox LIVE enforcement team will investigate individual players removed from the leaderboards for potential resetting of the user's gamerscore.
Those who have been verified by their crack criminologists to have not only «violated the spirit of the game, but... also violated the Xbox LIVE Terms of Use» could face banishment from leaderboards, zeroing of their entire gamerscore and public outing as a cheater.
Ringleader — Trapped 15 enemies in one ring of fire with the Fire Baron's Double Team (15 Gamerscore, Bronze Trophy)
Six Degrees of Schafer — Played with or against another player who has this Achievement (15 Gamerscore, Bronze Trophy)
After 20 years of playing every game I can get my hands on, I can now be found selling my soul for anything Resident Evil, Gears of War, or Gamerscore related... all of which will be mastered after a good cuppa!
With a total of 50 achievements adding up to 1000 gamerscore points, Fallout New Vegas is ripe for the picking.
We're about a month away from the launching of the New Xbox Experience and our creepy little Avatars, and thanks to the weekly updates from the folks over at the Gamerscore Blog, are learning something new about it every week.
The original was one of Kinect's best launch titles, and its massive range of activities literally grant you Gamerscore as you burn calories.
The map pack includes new Achievements to the value of 150 Gamerscore.
Now, I'm no stickler for gamerscores and whatnot, but when I play a game I enjoy, I do like to try to accomplish all of the trophies for that particular game — seeing them as part of that «100 % Complete» status.
As usual the games offer a healthy amount of points to boost your gamerscore.
As well as better integration of friend lists, messages and gamerscore, the new update will allow us to customise our avatar in - browser.
Additionally, they attempted to leverage elements of their Xbox Live service, such as their Gamertag and associated achievements and Gamerscore, in addition to voice and text chat and the ability to see the status of friends using the service.
For a console whose greatest magic trick was probably the notification system that broke the fourth wall of your living room to tell you that Dave, right, in his living room across town had just loaded up The Last Airbender for a quick 1000 Gamerscore, here was another deeper glimpse of the wider community.
After April 1st titles can choose to have the old standards or the new one which consists of 30 achievements and 400 gamerscore.
Somebody once told me that Major Nelson was part of the team that came up with Achievements or Gamerscore or both of them.
This keeps my streak of getting all 1000 gamerscore points in every Lego game so far.
Games were not made for the purpose of bragging to each other, «oh look at my high Gamerscore / Trophy level.»
But the crutches in place allow for the opposite, and whilst they limit your achievement and gamerscore collection, infinite lives, double damage and more chances of succeeding before being thrown back to the last checkpoint will always go down well in this era of gaming.
A new DLC pack for Rare's Kinect Sports has hit the Xbox Live Marketplace, delivering a raft of new minigame activities as well as 250 gamerscore for avid achievement hunters to get stuck into.
I was an Xbox 360 gamer for the better of a decade and I've amassed quite the impressive GamerScore and friend's list.
There will be 30 games within the Rare Replay collection and the collection will house 10,000 GamerScore, for Achievement hunters to hunt down, among 700 hours of gameplay.
With the iPad joining the iPhone in the battle to dominate the mobile gaming market, many developers are touting the «high definition graphics» and «silky smooth framerates» of their AppStore entries, but any gamer worth their gamerscore knows that's a load of Apple - flavored bullshit — no mobile phone game is ever going to compare, let alone compete with its console or computer equivalent.
Nintendo is obviously taking a fairly hands - off approach to how developers use online features on Wii U. Contrast their stance with Microsoft's - they have gradually refined their list of TCRs (Technical Certification Requirements) over the life cycle of the Xbox 360, so that all developers must comply with certain rules and put certain features in their games before they can be certified e.g. they must have this many achievements worth this much gamerscore etc..
It reminds us how far we've erred from the thrills of «run - and - gun» into pedestrian «stop - and - pop»; how we've lost the rhythm of the firstperson shooter; and how look and feel are still more important than gimmicks and Gamerscore
I made the 100 % Gamerscore this offers within a handful of hours and I don't feel any reason to play this again.
Features of the Xbox Live service included Gamertags, Gamerscore, Achievements, and more.
MS is going to add XBL integration with achievements and gamerscore to their version of every popular mobile game they can just so they can charge people for it in Windows Phone 7.
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