Sentences with phrase «of godly women»

That is in the form of Godly women.
She is the author of Godly Women: Fundamentalism and Female Power (Rutgers University Press, 1998) and Give Me that Online Religion: Churches, Cults and Community in the Information Age (Jossey - Bass, 2000).
I am a loving, kind, trustworthy, but most of all a godly woman who tries to hold up the principles of god.

Not exact matches

I'm sure there are godly men and women working out the implications from both sides of this — and that they are pleasing the heart of God in the process.
Verses fighting to control women's reproductive rights, fighting to keep their pastors out of jails for illicit se x ual conduct, fighting to protect their money... Gays are obviously walking in the Godly path and the religious right is going down the drain with the «ways of men.»
But we DO have examples of covenant gay relationships today and as godly men and women, we should promote these type of relationships over shame and promiscuity.
It is the godly response to these questions that has allowed countless great men and women of Christ to persevere even after their title of husband, wife, mother or father is taken from them at a moment's notice.
As an African American woman, it tells me that the Church is not interested in Calvary - like reconciliation; we'd rather stop short at empty words of «I'm with the blacks» and insensitive generalizations like «they were godly; they were happy» and uneducated assumptions that, because you have not heard, seen, or have been party to mistreatment, it doesn't exist.
Some of the most Godly men and women I've ever known have not been Calvinists and they are wise and great examples that I look up to.
I often hear from women who feel lost in our evangelical construct of what the godly woman looks like.
In fact, here is what one commentator said: «Here is a woman who is willing to stay in Persia and sleep with a heathen king, rather than to return to Israel and become the wife of a godly Israelite — she is a schemer and a manipulator.
In the Bible, it is the Godly men and women who always seem to be getting the short end of the stick.
I don't believe single women are called to twiddle their thumbs until a godly man finds you and makes you his wife and then you can finally serve God in the context of marriage.
Then we have eugenics programs, testing of chemicals and radiation on unsuspecting civilians, slavery, women having no right other than to shut up and stay in the kitchen, children working in factories... I'm not seeing where we were doing all that well when we were supposedly so Godly.
I've sat in elder meetings and listened while godly women brought wisdom and discernment to bear on complex issues of church discipline.
They are some of the most Godly women we have ever known, and I do not doubt their sincerity, or their genuine love for God and desire to be used by Him.
I recall those when godly men and women expressed deeply felt beliefs, but did so with that fruit of the Spirit — kindness.
We do not want our public officials to preach at us, but we do want to be assured that they are godly men and women and that ours is a society that acknowledges the rule of God.
The Church needs to get it's own house in order before it accuses godly women of not doing theirs...
Propagate the natural reading of the account from a version true to the Hebrew (such as nkjv): godly men marrying women for their beauty producing a generation of ungodly «men of renown;» and lead people to scholarly sites where they can see what the Hebrew says and compare the Biblical basis for the various interpretations, such as Who Were The Nephilim, Genesis.6 & Numbers 13 A Fresh Look, by Bodie Hodge at Answers in Genesis.
Yes, she would step up to the plate if no men were available but if a Godly man was standing in the sanctuary and he gave over leadership of the church to a woman???? No doubt about it, we both do not believe that God intended for women to be preachers, or priestesses, or leaders in the church except for tending to the women and the children.
This is true of the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31 as well, who though something of a whirling dervish of godly femininity was not, like her husband, by the city gates with the elders (Proverbs 31:23), but working tirelessly to bless her family and manage her home for God's glory.»
Godly men imitate Christ — who praised the gentle and the peacemakers, who stood up for the exploited and abused, who showed compassion for the downtrodden, who valued women, and who loved his enemies to the point of death.
These references depict a society still in touch with its roots, old men and old women renewed in the shade of Jesse's ancient stock, their old frames, matured by godly fear and faith, now become the polished horn for the spirit's eloquence: «The people who have walked in the dark have seen a wonderful light... for unto us a child is born.»
«Historically, we've had so much literature, from every side of the aisle, describing what it means to be a godly woman,» says Margaret Bendroth, adjunct professor at Andover Newton Theological Seminary and author of Fundamentalism and Gender.
We encourage women to keep high standards and desire only the godliest of men, yet we pity the «forever alone» single women who seemingly received a lifetime supply of the «gift» of singleness.
And it's beautiful to see how God has answered and still is answering the faithful, specific prayers of faith - filled parents in the lives of these young, godly women.
We are so blessed to have them in our lives and if more were in the cards we would be honored to use anyone of the strong, Godly women at the center.»
Only a virtuous, Godly and resolute woman like her have what it takes to stand firm in the face of attacks.
I am seeking a godly woman, whose desire is to have a serious relationship with a Christian man which hopefully will lead to marriage and a co-operative ministry in the service of... Read More
Not only can money be an aphrodisiac for men and women, like beauty, though neither are bad in themselves, both can lead to all sorts of bad judgements if the person involved has not resolutely made up their mind beforehand to always go for the most Godly options placed before them and consult him in the process and give up their own notions of what's right for them (often God has something totally different, more suited and better for believers).
Single female in Tampa just looking for a friend to talk with I am a woman of God very loving a homebody easy to get along with and just looking for someone honest and Godly as well family oriented as well.
intend to hopefully meet a great woman of God here; Godly - natured, homely, well mannered, good - morals / educational background, career - inclined, focused, funny, fun - loving, adventurous, 26 - 29; working, also intending to get married, lagos based, dark, good height / body; attractive and finally a [email protected] you Hello everyone, Am HIV 26 yrs old from the western part of Nigeria, I need sm1 who is also HIV as a friend either male or female... I tested hiv positive last year while in Ondo state but was not placed on drugs because my CD4 was still high with a low viral load.As advised by the doctor, I have been maintaining good diet.
I believe my interactions with others on the site have matured me and given me a better idea of what a godly woman is and who I should be as a man of God too and has helped me better understand and appreciate my sisters in Christ.
need love and long term relationship I am here because i believe this is the best place to find a Godly woman with the fear of God...
Lynette writes for the Godly Business Woman, American Association of Christian Counselors and other publications and has been interviewed on various radio programs and televised on Primary Focus.
she is a lovely, godly, gainfully employed woman with a heart of gold.
The privilege to work alongside some of the greatest Godly women I know.
I am incredibly proud of you and the mates you have chosen and the godly men and women the four of you are.
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