Sentences with phrase «of harlots»

Rozeal, Sacrifice # 2: It Has to Last (after Yoshitoshi's «Drowsy: the appearance of a harlot of the Meiji era»), 2007; Enamel, acrylic, and paper on panel; Rubell Family Collection, Miami
Rozeal's Sacrifice # 2: It Has to Last (after Yoshitoshi's «Drowsy: the appearance of a harlot of the Meiji era»), 2007
He ministered to the sick, he came to the defense of the harlot, he fed the hungry.
«Many will come in the Last Days, and say Lord Lord I did this and that for you, and Jesus will say, I never knew you» has never been more evident in this current period of history... Ironic, Jesus» works on this Earth were quite liberal, cleaning the feet of a harlot, etc...
She does not dress in the attire of a harlot as mentioned in Prov.
Shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of a harlot?
And the definition of a harlot or a whoremaster is «one who practices habitual, customary, unlawful indulgence of lust, fornication, or adultery.»
Price starts with Lloyd George and goes on to retell the familiar stories of Baldwin versus the press barons Beaverbrook and Rothermere (and his famous denunciation of them as having «power without responsibility, the prerogative of the harlot throughout the ages» - in fact written by Kipling).
Now, not all women do this... and you can't expect them to come running after you, but don't judge them as some kind of harlot if they do, because this is getting more and more common.
The streaming platform will release Season One of Harlots on Wednesday, March 29th.
He learns the spiritual disciplines of Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Hinduism, while his best pal Biff concentrates on chasing girls and learning the finer points of the Kama Sutra from a string of harlots.
The Institutionalized Church (Catholic Church) is «The Whore of Babylon, MOTHER of Harlots (The institutionalized Protestant Churches) She is the «False Bride».
Sacrifice # 2: it has to last (after Yoshitoshi's «Drowsy: the appearance of a harlot of the Meiji era»), 2007.
Iona Rozeal Brown, Sacrifice # 2: it has to last (after Yoshitoshi's «Drowsy: the appearance of a harlot of the Meiji era»), 2007, Enamel, acrylic and paper on wooden panel, 52 x 38 in.
The Catholic church is just one of the «daughters» of Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion and «the mother of the harlots».
Nevertheless, the book of Revelation emerging out of the persecutions under the emperor Domitian does not hesitate to refer to Rome in cryptic but pointed terms as «Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of earth's abominations..., drunk with the blood of the saints and the blood of the martyrs of Jesus» (Rev. 17:5 - 6).
What else in the world and in history fits this thing but Churchianity / the «jesus franchises?!?!» The Mother of all harlots is the church of Rome, so the question becomes, «Then who are her daughters?»
Two significant passages are: 17:5 — And upon her forehead was a name written a mystery: Babylon The Great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the Earth.
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