Sentences with phrase «of necessity defense»

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I will leave a fuller defense of Edmund Burke to Yuval Levin, who is an expert on the subject, but Marr badly mischaracterizes Burke as a kind of Deweyan pragmatist and experimentalist, when in fact Burke believed in the authority of tradition and precedent, in a predisposition toward reverence for the past, in the notion of God - given rights, and in the necessity of transcendental beliefs and institutions as a grounding for political society.
«The Court is not persuaded by the Government's argument that there can not or should not be any defense of justification or necessity merely because the conduct at issue, i.e., abortion, is legal as a matter of positive law.
We don't have to defend ourselves, we who by the necessity of the most central concepts of our theology ought to have no personal defense.
Lombardo thinks not, and in his new book, The Father's Will: Christ's Crucifixion and the Goodness of God, he provides a bold and creative defense of both the necessity of the cross and the goodness of God.
Whitehead cites in defense of his own view the a priori necessity of uniform spacetime in order for empirical measurements to be possible and to have universal application (R v, 9, 25).
The necessities of war and of defense make political democracy difficult, since the great power that must be mobilized and directed by centralized authority against enemies abroad is easily turned to the suppression of inconvenient freedoms at home.
Miller mounts a defense of his failure to provide a critical bibliography on the basis of quantity of material («over one thousand items») and complications of multiple publications, which only further reinforces the absolute necessity of its presence.
The significance of In the Valley of the Shadow rests not on its ability to convert anyone» an immensely rare quality in any text» but on its eloquent defense of the utter necessity of religious belief.
It is possible, of course, but it certainly makes the defense of human freedom more difficult if we have to prove that we somehow stand alone within a natural system governed by necessity.
For Plato, the philosophical life enables a man to leave behind the imperfections of politics» with its harsh necessities, imperatives of self «defense, worldly ambition, violence, and craving for power» to pursue the higher justice supposedly embodied in rational reflection.
Jhud I totally agree about the necessity of building a team based on strong defense, particularly from the back with a strong spine.
Cohen's defense team will of necessity try to pursue various angles to have evidence from the search invalidated, but this will most likely be on procedural and technical grounds («this phrase here is too vague») rather than constitutional ones (this is already settled precedent).
Of course, in defense of these morons, it was the banks and lenders who designed the loan programs to «feed the machine» with more and by necessity, higher risk loans... to the point where it was no longer possible to spread the risk wide enough for protectioOf course, in defense of these morons, it was the banks and lenders who designed the loan programs to «feed the machine» with more and by necessity, higher risk loans... to the point where it was no longer possible to spread the risk wide enough for protectioof these morons, it was the banks and lenders who designed the loan programs to «feed the machine» with more and by necessity, higher risk loans... to the point where it was no longer possible to spread the risk wide enough for protection.
-- It may be a defense to a charge of discrimination under this Act that an alleged application of qualification standards, tests, or selection criteria that screen out or tend to screen out or otherwise deny a job or benefit to an individual with a disability has been shown to be jobrelated and consistent with business necessity, and such performance can not be accomplished by reasonable accommodation, as required under this title.
It is an early (that is before the more celebrated Lincoln - Douglas debates of 1858), devastating critique of Stephen A. Douglas's defense of slavery and, among other points, presented his understanding that the founding generation tolerated slavery only by «necessity,» because it already existed and went to great lengths to limit it with the goal of ending it.
Too often, the debate over the need for a dedicated edit is interpreted as a loose defense of one profession's necessity to the other.
As long as your dog knows you're in charge and will protect it, it won't feel the necessity to attack other dogs out of self defense.
The participating artists have roots in nine different countries, and each provides a unique lens on universal themes: definitions of home and safety, ideological extremism, forced migration in the wake of conflict, the constant shift of weaponry and targets, and the unwavering belief in the necessity for defense.
Thus Iron Brigade neatly avoids the common tower defense trap of giving the player nothing to do once a wave begins, while the necessity for strategic turret placement means the player needs to keep track of the big picture rather than just aiming and shooting as necessary.
The presentation of Frances Stark's paintings, which employ text appropriated from the writings of musician Ian Svenonius, constitutes a vigorous defense of censorship on grounds of its necessity in equalizing political representation in cultural spaces, much as Black suggests.
But U.S. District Judge Dee Benson ruled out use of a «necessity» defense, in which DeChristopher would have claimed he broke the law to prevent greater harm.
A successful necessity defense erases liability for commission of the crime.
Judge Fontaine ruled out use of the «necessity» defense prior to the trial, and she also would not allow me to inform the jury about factors affecting Foster's state of mind and his action.
Just last month, a district judge in Massachusetts found thirteen protesters not guilty after they obstructed construction of a fracked - gas pipeline, a historic ruling in favor of the «climate necessity defense
In many ways, it's somewhat ironic that news of Stewart's pro se win issued today — when other stories remind us of the utter necessity of competent and vigorous defense counsel.
In most cases, necessity will form a basis for defense like legal duty, self - defense and capacity of office.
(Also note that both of those things have necessity as a defense, so if that was the case, the officer could offer aid).
Seriously ill medical marijuana patients in Minnesota are still being prosecuted for the «crime» of marijuana possession or cultivation may find that other legal defenses will have greater efficacy than the medical necessity defense, or jury nullification.
As a result, General Contractor formally withdrew all of its liability experts and adopted our experts, thereby presenting a defense which of necessity exonerated Architectural Firms.
Consequently, when a client urges the necessity of my destroying an opposing witness on cross examination, I respond that the backlash from destroying the opposing witness can be much more harmful than my telling the defense story through cross examination, bringing out important evidentiary points, and defanging the opposing witness's testimony.
The Court rejected Latimer's arguments with regard to the timing of the trial Judge's decision on the necessity defense.
First, did the trial judge mishandle the defense of necessity, resulting in an unfair trial.
When a criminal defense lawyer embraces the rough and tumble of battle and the necessity of skillfully planning and strategizing to win, s / he is closer to victory.
Military necessity during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, however, prompted the secretary of defense, Robert Gates, to authorize the deployment of new drone systems — unmanned air vehicles, or UAVs, with very little autonomy — before they were fully tested.
The standard of necessity of self - defense sets a high threshold, prescribing that «there must be no practical alternative to the proposed use of force that is likely to be effective in ending or averting the attack».
The beauty of product engineering is that it's a necessity for any industry and any company that manufactures products, from consumer goods to high - end vehicles, industrial components, or even aerospace and defense.
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