Sentences with phrase «of obama»

everyone, please google ny times text of obama speech in Chairo Egypt.
U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth granted the preliminary injunction because he held opponents of Obama's executive order had demonstrated they are likely to succeed at trial.
These voices, acting from a putative concern for the nation and even for the Republican Party, urge Republicans to avoid the mistake of Obama and the Democrats after 2008 of displaying hubris and overinterpreting their mandate.
Yuval Levin is right about the dishonesty of the Obama approach.
Coolidge There has been a rush to resurrect Calvin Coolidge as the antithesis of Obama, but one should be a bit careful what one wishes for.
Other Trump supporters (such as the millions of Obama - Trump voters) would favor more spending on healthcare for struggling wage - earners — even if it meant higher taxes.
Dolan is the president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the church's U.S. arm, and has been an outspoken critic of the Obama administration's rule requiring insurance companies to grant employees no - cost contraception coverage.
«Harkins brings the assets of Obama's Chicago church but without the baggage,» Lynch said, a reference to the president's former place of worship, Trinity United Church of Christ, where Obama was close to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the controversial pastor...
So, 4 more years of Obama.
She views the task of the Obama administration and reproductive health advocates as notonly to «provide services to those who need them, but to change the minds and attitudes of those who can be responsible for delivering those services in countries around the world.»
(CNN)- I don't know yet what I think of the Obama administration's policy of requiring employers, including Catholic ones, to offer contraceptive services for free as preventive care.
If persuadable Americans saw — in the media they already consume — a strong and unfiltered message about the abortion radicalism of Obama and the national Democratic Party, that would leave a mark.
I noticed that your work here is to advance the agenda of Obama and Liberals.
The country can not afford 4 more years of Obama
Eichenwald even makes a comparison with the command to submit to governing authorities in Rom 13:1 — 8, which he comically misconstrues as prohibiting any criticism of the Obama administration.
Obama's lead in the Pew survey comes despite outspoken recent criticism of the Obama administration from America's Catholic bishops and despite Mitt Romney's selection of a Catholic running mate, Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan.
Halperin (and others too) pointed out that it ought to be a controversy that the general media in its reporting has ignored its own partisanship in favor of Obama in avoiding the reporting of a real scandal.
That figure holding a offering plate of dollars doesn't remind me of Obama, but of all of David's cartoon pastors and leaders representing the the saddened state of fallen myn in the church of gawd & christ crucified.
The people who read this blog think worse of Obama than the swing guy does — and studies back me up on this.The real charge against Obama that's sticking like glue is that he's CLUELESS — not that he's an EVILDOER.
lol, how does the party of Obama, the guy who lied over and over about O - Care not preventing u from keeping your doctor and that it woudl reduce premiums for most people, call anybody a liar?
«Given modern technology, the length and depth of preparation, and the ethos of the Obama campaign, Romney's pick will be hit harder and faster than any selection ever.»
Whatever misgivings I have about the details of Obama's various proposals aside, his approach to passing the legislation is a good example....
Other good news is that Romney runs ahead of Obama in a 2nd poll.
Let's expand the 2nd amendment so we can actually defend ourselves against the assaults of the Obama administration!
So which part of Obama's polices does he invoke the name of your Sky - God?
This whole talk of Obama turning this country into a godless nation is a joke.
Most of the talk about the Robert Gates memoir has been about his criticism of Obama and Clinton.
Notwithstanding the claims of the Obama administration, employers will still be facilitating the coverage to which they object, in the contracts they make with insurance companies, and in most cases will actually still be paying in full for the coverage.
In the United States, health care providers and others involved in the health care system (including employers and insurers) are threatened by the dictatorship of relativism in the guise of the Obama administration's Department of Health and Human Services, as the bishops of the United States have warned.
When many people think of Obama's religious experience in Chicago, though, they cite his exposure to the angry sermons of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and «black liberation theology,» a movement that emerged in the late 1960s and blended the Social Gospel with the black power movement.
They endorsement of obama by the largest mormon newspaper spells it out...
Identifies all of Obama's influential people through the years, including connections with the CIA (his mother's father), a fraudulent parental relationship, the weather underground and his activities in socialist community organizing (agitating) in the years leading up to this presidency.
Senator Hillary Clinton 2008 campaign staff disclosed details of Obama's Muslim past and concluded he concealed his prior Muslim faith and education.
Conservative Christian books and websites are filled with stories of Obama allegedly trying to suppress the nation's Christian heritage.
@mike, first of all Obama does not mock god.
Another prime example of Obama's manipulative skills — now in the name of religion.
Other books, like «The Faith of Obama» by Stephen Mansfield, also explore Obama's beliefs.
He does not want to be Christian and he has closed his mind to trying to understand and lead people on the right, and not just the rabid wingers, all people to the right of Obama are bad in his point of view.
Obama's actual father is communist Frank Marshall Davis, the photographer that took the nudes of Obama's mother, Stanley Anne Durham.
Your reply left many gaping holes in your promotion of Obama.
No candidate is perfect, some «appear» to be better then others, but this idolatry of Obama by the left has gotten out of control.
I'm afraid of Obama now — His mother messed him up — One day he was a catholic, nest day he was HIndu and at other times he believed Buddhism.
Wallis has been one of the most persistent defenders of Obama's faith.
The criticism of Obama goes years back.
What a ridiculous article written to sway disgruntled democrats who have had enough of Obama... Portraying Barry as the next coming, even being more spiritual or influential than Dr. King is outrageous... His mother being «the most spiritually awakened than anyone he knows» yet acknowledging her as an atheist?
Yes, but it seems that if u r a friend of Obama's as is GE's CEO, then you pay zero.
We spent two hours in a car to travel just 20 blocks both ways, only to have the interview cancelled because of an Obama / Christie press conference.
Santorum is man filled with criticisms of the Obama administration, but who has not a single practical solution to ANY of the nation's problems.
I may not like many of Obama's policies and failed promises - actually, I do not and I did not vote for him - but I hold him in very high regard as a man who tends to speak well of other people (yes, he's said some careless things occasionally, but only occasionally), who clearly loves and respects his family, who tries to take the high road in dealings with others.
(8) Limbaugh is rapidly becoming one of Obama's best vote getters.
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