Sentences with phrase «of ordinary days»

The first thing that came to mind was the title of a Hallmark type movie: The Magic of Ordinary Days.
The Splendor of Ordinary Days Is Here!
The Splendor of Ordinary Days.
But in the near - zero - cost world of Flickr and Lifeblog, it's easier to justify keeping a visual diary of our ordinary days.
Once I accept the plain words of Scripture in context, the fact of ordinary days, no death before sin, the Bible's genealogies, etc., all make it clear that I can not accept millions or billions of years of history.
If in the course of an ordinary day we are not struck in the face or accosted by beggars or taken to court or hit up for a loan, there are plenty of other demands on our time for faithful living!
The concept for the project was simple — to document as much life as possible in one single cubic foot during the process of an ordinary day.
I weigh myself every morning, noting whether I'm fasting or not and whether I have done something out of the ordinary the day before (visited a friend, etc) I like lists, number and statistics and it works for me.
In the middle of an ordinary day in an ordinary Los Angeles school, four middle school students shared fascinating insights in response to the question, «Does advisory help you feel connected to school?»
As Ben's friends oohed and ahhed, the neighbors came out of their houses and joined them, enjoying the breathtaking pyrotechnic display on the eve of an ordinary day.
2002 Jim Hodges: constellation of an ordinary day, Jundt Art Museum, Gonzaga University, Spokane, Washington D.C., USA Jim Hodges: Subway Music Box, Day - Ellis Gallery, Museum of Arts and Culture, Spokane, Washington, D.C., USA This and This, CRG Gallery, New York, USA Like This, Dieu Donne Papermill, New York, USA
Hatred, cynicism and depravity were part of an ordinary day for this bunch as they grouped together in packs.
Every morning, they savor the miracle of an ordinary day.
Driving is just part of our ordinary day.

Not exact matches

are considered ordinary income on the day of the air drop.
is considered ordinary income equal to the fair market value of the coin the day it was successfully mined.
As a result, the interior of the institute looks less like a lab than like an ordinary Flatiron - district office: casually dressed people sitting all day at desks, staring at screens, under high ceilings.
While his story is nothing out of the ordinary, it's one of many cases in which patient capital could have saved the day.
Ordinary metrics such as calls per day and minutes per call are a decent starting point, but they alone are not comprehensive enough to paint a complete picture of the skills of any particular sales rep.. So, consider incorporating lesser - used metrics into your performance tracking, such as voicemail - return rate, dial - to - opportunity percentage and dials - to - appointments ratio.
In the early days of bitcoin, enthusiasts could use ordinary video graphics cards to profitably process computations needed to mine the cryptocurrency.
Every day, for three months, ordinary people came and said «I do not want the forest of this area or any other area destroyed.»»
It's not every day you have the chance to ask the Oracle of Omaha a question, but when you do, you know that the advice is sure to be anything but ordinary.
CIFS ended its first day of trading on Nasdaq with the Company's ordinary shares up 23 % at $ 12.30 / share.
Our company receives a large volume of correspondence regarding a wide range of subjects each day, including correspondence relating to ordinary store operations and merchandise in our stores.
The Staff has consistently agreed that proposals relating to a company's sale and marketing of its products or services, or seeking to dictate management's day - to - day decisions regarding the selection of products or services offered, implicate a company's ordinary business operations and may be excluded pursuant to Rule 14a - 8 (i)(7).
Because banks typically receive fresh inflows of reserves every day, as a result of ordinary deposits, loan repayments, or maturing securities, a responsible banker, once having set - aside a reasonable cushion of reserves, has only to see to it that the lending and investment that his or her bank engages in just suffices to employ those inflows, in order to succeed in keeping it sufficiently liquid.
The day after the Journal story appeared, Senators Max Baucus and Chuck Grassley proposed legislation that would subject private - equity partnerships like Blackstone, whose earnings had been taxed at the lower rate of «passive income,» to ordinary corporate income taxes.
This is our reality: All day long God is reaching into our condition, sending certain thoughts and desires, arousing certain emotions and calming unhealthy patterns, calling us further towards love / life, showing us that he is to be experienced in every piece of His creation and known in every ordinary fraction - of - a-second.
The truth is, the ordinary life we wake up to every day is full of its own magic, beauty, wonder and meaning; we just choose to ignore it most of the time.
But this is out of the ordinary so it makes news, like that guy who ate that other guy's face... you just don't see that every day.
The last decade of showing up and being awkward and feeling left out and regretting what I said and wishing I could start over has taught me that my early - college ideals were not going to cut it in the difficult day to day of ordinary relationships.
I sat at the family dinner table on an ordinary Monday night, cutting a pork chop and listening to my five - year - old rattle off her favorite activities of the day — recess, snack time, blowing bubbles in the yard.
But here's the truth: lifelong love is actually most built throughout the hours of the day, all twenty four of them, in the ordinary moments of our humanity.
Saul of Tarsus was not just some ordinary person he was a Roman citizen, educated by the finest scholars of his day, a zealot for the Jews and you want to make believe he fell for myth, Jesus who his fellow Sanhedrin leaders hated and crucified was a myth, Saul was dispatched to kill those who believed in a myth, Saul witnessed Stephen filled with the Holy Spirit and stood by as Stephen was stoned to death over a myth, Saul later called Paul established the church over a myth, Paul tortured and killed for refusing to reject a myth.
Sadly, I've seen how the Fox church people treat compassionate Christian moderates on an ordinary day, so it won't be too much of a fight.
Failure to recognize this simple and patent truth about the people of our time, whether they be educated or uneducated, sophisticated or simple, explains to a large degree the admitted failure of what is compendiously called «neo-orthodoxy» to communicate itself significantly to the ordinary man and woman of our day.
«One sure mark of genuine spiritual growth, I think, is a growing preference for the ordinary days of our life with God» (Thomas H. Green, When the Well Runs Dry).
Instead in our day we have seen a great affirmation of the value of Scotus» teaching by the ordinary magisterium of the Church.
Such chronicles have always been fraught with ambiguity and the possibility of misinterpretation, however, and such reckonings have generally been disapproved by the church; Origen and Augustine, among many others, both argued that many of the ages chronicled in the OT are simply of unknowable length, and went on to note that the «days» of the creation story simply can not be «days» in the ordinary sense of the term as the sun isn't created until the fourth «day».
The reason, though offered as much by faith as by sight, is that in Jesus Christ, as the apostle put it to the Colossians, «all things hold together,» even the well - publicized actions of well - known figures and the day - to - day activities of ordinary people carried on with never a thought about the scrutiny of history.
The ordinary pleasures of life give us just an inkling of what true pleasure must be, and Lewis is a master at using them to depict the happiness God will one day bestow on those who love him.
Every day I brought her tokens of my devotion, like the guileless boy I was: all the choicest flowers of Platonic contemplation, blossoms of Pythagorean mysticism, bouquets of visionary idealism, little punnets of berries — not ordinary, ephemeral, seasonal berries either, but the finest, rarest, eternal hyperouranian berries, gleaming, unique, and imperishable.
These men had crowned the second Elizabeth before an astonished world in 1953, and made an ordinary young woman our anointed monarch in a ceremony of grandeur, mystery, and poetry, a vast moth - eaten musical brocade that in those days still comfortingly covered up the peeling wallpaper and cracked plaster of our national home.
Their road to Emmaus is an ordinary road, the road each of us is on every day.
It is filled with the fears, the myths, the fairy tales of every day, the transcendence in the ordinary.
The recognition of the parables as being drawn from the daily experiences of the peasant life, in the first century Palestine, 150 lays stress on the close connection between ordinary day - to - day experiences in life and the message concerning the divine rule.
It feels like going mad, this following - The voice from the starry night, the tent pegs pulled, Camels tracking through a dusty haze, The dawn on unknown dunes - the hollowing Out of normal, ordinary days, Like meal poured from a sack, till now we hold Only the echoes of a voice.
'' [The Christians] were in the habit of meeting on a certain fixed day before it was light, when they sang in alternate verses a hymn to Christ, as to a god, and bound themselves by a solemn oath, not to any wicked deeds, but never to commit any fraud, theft or adultery, never to falsify their word, nor deny a trust when they should be called upon to deliver it up; after which it was their custom to separate, and then reas semble to partake of food — but food of an ordinary and innocent kind.»
True, it is an interruption of our ordinary tasks; we do lay down our work as though it were a day of rest, when the penitent (and it is only in a time of repentance that the heavy - laden worker may be quiet in the confession of sin) is alone before Thee in self - accusation.
There is also a fifth, more detached, philosophical way of looking at these issues without appealing to «direct historical influence» as if it were some sort of causal connection as Lowe claims it is.7 Of course the fourth line and fifth lines are outside ordinary present - day historiographical research, excepting undergraduates in general education courses (who seem inevitably to find, in spite of the odds in a fair - sized library, Russell's History of Western Philosophy first, and then cite it liberallyof looking at these issues without appealing to «direct historical influence» as if it were some sort of causal connection as Lowe claims it is.7 Of course the fourth line and fifth lines are outside ordinary present - day historiographical research, excepting undergraduates in general education courses (who seem inevitably to find, in spite of the odds in a fair - sized library, Russell's History of Western Philosophy first, and then cite it liberallyof causal connection as Lowe claims it is.7 Of course the fourth line and fifth lines are outside ordinary present - day historiographical research, excepting undergraduates in general education courses (who seem inevitably to find, in spite of the odds in a fair - sized library, Russell's History of Western Philosophy first, and then cite it liberallyOf course the fourth line and fifth lines are outside ordinary present - day historiographical research, excepting undergraduates in general education courses (who seem inevitably to find, in spite of the odds in a fair - sized library, Russell's History of Western Philosophy first, and then cite it liberallyof the odds in a fair - sized library, Russell's History of Western Philosophy first, and then cite it liberallyof Western Philosophy first, and then cite it liberally).
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