Sentences with phrase «of public agenda»

A series of events — beginning with Hurricane Katrina and continuing through the release of Al Gore's new movie — has finally pushed the issue near the forefront of the public agenda.
«The transformers knew teachers, knew kids, knew what they needed, and were on top of it,» Jean Johnson of Public Agenda said.
We began by conducting interviews and focus group discussions, guided in part by the work of the Public Agenda Foundation (Johnson and Immerwahl 1994).
You can find the original version of this Public Agenda post at
The guide is part of Public Agenda's Citizens» Guide Series, which helps change the conversation on some of our more pressing public issues.
A while back I brought to your attention the great analysis of my current research heroes — those delightful debunkers at the the National Education Policy Center — of the Public Agenda report explaining to self - described «education reformers» how they can give us stupid, stupid parents the run - around on school turnarounds despite our natural opposition.
This is the question that leaps out of Public Agenda's latest work on school leadership, a series of focus groups with principals in high - needs public schools conducted for the Wallace Foundation.
And in the days leading up to the national conventions, education policy, though hardly at the top of the public agenda, did assume a more prominent role in both campaigns.
With the exception of Public Agenda's report, «Stand by Me,» I have found little research on teachers» perceptions of alternative compensation.
Speakers included Kirstin Dow, of the University of South Carolina, Kishore Hari, of the University of California San Francisco, and Matt Leighninger, of Public Agenda.
A conspiracy presumes secrecy and a hidden plan of action, and I'm talking of a public agenda, very well know by everyone, and even nominally defended by some major icons.
The precautionary principle has enabled environmentalists to capture a variety of public agendas.

Not exact matches

Political scientist Keith Brownsey of Mount Royal University argues the Liberals paid close attention to the many fumbles made by Harper's Tories on the energy file: failing to build solid relationships with First Nations, allowing environmental groups to seize the public - relations initiative, not asserting federal authority and handing provinces like B.C. and Quebec control of the political agenda, keeping Canada outside of the international consensus on climate change, and ignoring legitimate criticisms of the federal review process.
Even people who believe fully in the crucial role that business plays in making the world a better place — and yes, that includes banks — are likely to respect you more if you admit that you've got an agenda, and that that agenda is not, and properly is not, direct pursuit of the public good.
But when that agenda means reneging on the EPA's core mission of protecting public health to serve corporate interests, it falls way outside any electoral mandate.
None of these fixes can come from Big Waste alone: they require a surge in public concern to lift the unsexy issue of garbage onto politicians» agendas.
«It's nice you don't have to raise funds, that you can time an IPO (initial public offering) yourself, it empties out a lot of work on your agenda, and it's nice Adyen can focus on building a strong company.»
In the end, I have concluded that Johnson & Johnson has a responsibility to remain engaged, not as a way to support any specific political agenda, but as a way to represent the values of Our Credo as crucial public policy is discussed and developed.
December 2002 (769 kb PDF file): Research summaries on IMF conditionality and country ownership of reforms and on public policies and the Millennium Development Goals; country / area study: Hong Kong SAR; summaries of conferences on challenges to central banking from globalized financial systems and on globalization in historical perspective; agenda of Third Annual IMF Research Conference; summary of September 2002 World Economic Outlook; visiting scholars at the IMF; contents of latest issue of IMF Staff Papers, other IMF research publications.
The national public good calls for a balance between necessary diversification, continued ambition and inclusion of values (the progressive agenda) wherever possible.
They inform the Institute's research and policy agenda and contribute their knowledge and analysis to further the Institute's efforts to impact public debate in support of progressive change.
«By being involved at all levels of government, she helps advance the public policy agenda for retailers, their employees and customers in her community.»
Our public sector management policies and principles are world - renowned and have allowed Canada to leverage our position to remain at the forefront of the global public management agenda - perhaps so much so that the Chinese needed to dig a little deeper to understand what we were doing?
But the show has also done good, small - bore reporting on President Trump's domestic agenda — the impact on Kentucky drug - treatment programs if Obamacare is repealed, or how public - private partnerships, of the sort championed by Trump to rebuild infrastructure, have failed to work in building highways in Virginia.
Last week, Public Citizen's Chamber Watch project began a series exposing the U.S. Chamber of Commerce as one of the central actors pushing the modern day Republican Party's extremist agenda.
As such, the most effective approach to building public support is to craft a trade agenda that aligns with the economic interests of the general public and the long - term economic prosperity of Canada as a whole, rather than focusing on the narrow interests of some business groups.
Past Red Deer - North Liberal candidate Michael Dawe announced via email this week that he will «investigate what might be involved, and what might be possible, in creating cross partisan alliances in the next election, in order to ensure that the people who elect us come first, instead of a group of semi-anonymous backroom players, who are always trying to set the agenda, regardless of what the general public might feel.»
The Hudak agenda and the Harper agenda don't differ much: slashing public services, breaking unions, rewarding their corporate friends on the backs of working people.
All participated in a symposium on «Canada's Trade Policy Agenda: Looking Ahead» organized by the School of Public Policy of the University of Calgary in conjunction with CIGI and the University of Ottawa in Ottawa on November 17, 2017.
Officious social engineers of both the right and the left abuse the public schools to promote parochial agendas, whether by sanctioning the recitation of prayers over the school loudspeaker or by the distribution of contraceptives despite parental objections, thereby undermining parental authority and impairing the ability of parents to form their own family values.
They have lost the capacity to develop a middle - class narrative against the Democrats» cultural libertarianism as part of an agenda of pro-family public policy.
You «cherry - picked» a handful of select words from Mark 14v7, twisted it & used it to confuse the public & falsely support your agenda.
Pretending that there is an honest public debate about the gay rights agenda is an act of dishonesty.
In wider public life, too, the plight of a local borough councillor, school governor, magistrate or head teacher who challenges the gender - agenda is likely to be a bleak one.
The site posted a recording of Benham talking to a talk show host about «homosexuality and its agenda that is attacking the nation» and «demonic ideologies» taking hold in colleges and public schools.
kermit «and praying is NOT an agenda to establish religion at all» True for the most part, but putting on a public display of your religion at a government business meeting is.
This vision could lead to a national agenda that makes family life the cornerstone of all domestic public policy.
We see clearly in the result of the 2016 presidential election that political outcomes can act as a brake on runaway cultural agendas promoted by activists and elites at the extremes of public opinion.
The need to address poverty's basic causes, including the unhealthy concentration of America's land and resources in the hands of so few owners — who have tended to misappropriate land values — ought to be high on our religious and public policy agendas.
In most cases they have overcome both political fragmentation and government overload by replacing their old governmental bureaucracies with an innovative and effective form of governance: coalitions (composed of business, government, nonprofits, universities, neighborhood and minority associations, and religious groups) that develop a cooperative agenda to improve the city and that assume many of the city government's traditional functions (economic development, long - term planning, educational reform, even care of the homeless), and that also operate like political parties of yore (providing the point of access for new groups and a public realm for discourse, debate, and negotiation concerning matters of the common good).
That means the candidates should have principles but also policy agendas that are plausible given the state of public opinion in those constituencies.
But there is general agreement that being «honest» about one's homosexuality, which means making a public issue of it, secures one a position in solidarity with the oppressed and their agenda of radical change.
Indeed, I still believe that the question of an adequate paradigm for theology as a public form of discourse remains the most important item on the contemporary theological agenda.
when people stop using religion to pursue any agenda in the public arena we can worry less about talking of the atheist point of view.
I suspect fear mongering to justify disproportionate retribution and agendas by those who don't have to risk life and limb but profit from war and politicians being puppets of that with measure to deceive the public to keep the public in line with their policy about war.
«Particularly ominous,» says Mr. Rich in tones most ominous, «are the many ideological and financial links between the PK hierarchy and organizations that are pushing the full religious - right agenda of outlawing abortion, demonizing homosexuals, and bringing prayer and the teaching of creationism to public schools.»
Your posts indicate you are part of a social / political agenda that suppresses science and teaches racism in public schools.
God has done NOTHING for me, but at least I can go to the Public Library and get online so that I can troll all of these opinion posts to spread my crazy schizo agenda for Jesus!
Moreover, Maradiaga has been an extremely public voice on behalf of the pope and his agenda.
Within many denominations there are growing numbers of organizations dedicated to pressing rival agendas on both religious issues and public affairs.
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