Sentences with phrase «of reddit»

The best part of Reddit: anyone can weigh in on any topic.
The rest of the Reddit thread actually makes for a very good read.
Women of Reddit, what are red flags when it comes to dating men?
The darker line at the end reflects a similar analysis applied to the comments section of Reddit.
The bitcoin subsection of Reddit is celebrating the event.
If you're a jerk looking for work, the former head of Reddit just might have a job for you.
In the end, you'll skip straight to the discussions without having to deal with the rest of Reddit, and it's a great way to find related content.
So this gave him the confidence that we were ready to handle traffic for a site the size of Reddit.
One of the Reddit posters said they had asked for price drop refunds over 50 times in the last 3 years.
When two journalists teamed up to see how difficult it would be to manipulate the results of Reddit, they found it easy.
This thread is just one example of a Reddit student loans discussion with useful information for borrowers.
However, others continued facing the problem, even with battery replacement, and again this is also a part of Reddit discussions.
The worst part of Reddit: anyone can weigh in on any topic.
The following images are courtesy of a reddit user by the name of kemar7856 who was eager to share their finding on / r / PS4.
The gameplay preview came courtesy of reddit user Paradigmat as he cut through a million stormtroopers.
Her relationship with Ohanian, whose status as extraordinarily wealthy co-founder of Reddit is delivered with the same off - hand casualness as an ordinary person might give to going to see a new Marvel movie, is treated as sweetly competitive as well.
The closure of the original proposal was a winning fight for many of the Reddit Community on Ethereum, with a user referring to the decision as a «big win for the Ethereum Community and network».
The brief video has some audio in the background, and a member of reddit claims that his translation reveals it will have the just announced Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 processor inside.
Founded by Bindu Reddy, an ex Google employee, along with participation from the former CEO of Reddit, Candid has been in private beta testing amongst some select silicon valley professionals over the last 5 months.
Dec 24, 2014 Alexis Ohanian, one of the founders of reddit, is now the author of a best - selling book, Without Their Permission.
After poor performance in older iPhones prompted an investigation by a number of Reddit users and additional testing by benchmark app maker Primate Labs, Apple has finally weighed in on the controversy surrounding its aging handsets.
A number of Reddit commenters also confirmed they had won in Indianapolis or earlier in other cities such as Austin and Oklahoma City.
In addition, we have updated versions of Reddit Enhancement Suite, Mouse Gestures, and Microsoft Translator.
The response received more than 670,000 downvotes, the most in the history of Reddit by a wide margin.
Now, of course, the majority of Reddit users are real, unless there's a secret underground complex of hundreds, maybe thousands of sweatshop web - surfers, playing the role of the millions of users that post to Reddit every day.
Women of Reddit When you start dating someone Apr 12, 2016.
The plan for a march came out of a Reddit thread that grew in the wake of last weekend's Women's March on Washington which drew hundreds of thousands of people to the nation's capitol.
The video reached the front page of Reddit after it was posted by the son of a council member who was asked by his father to share it with Facebook friends.
EA has now set the record as having the most downvoted comment in the history of Reddit.
Prior to her departure, Pao was criticized and harassed by groups of Reddit users, who are mostly male.
CNET's Scott Stein shot to the top of Reddit in this Apple AirPods meme.
Sounds like the snappy repartee one might find buried deep in the depths of a Reddit conversation.
In general, several researchers have found that women tend to Yik Yak, a social network that's mainly used by college students, is what you get when you combine the community - driven aspect of Reddit with complete
Yik Yak, a social network that's mainly used by college students, is what you get when you combine the community - driven aspect of Reddit with complete Who We Are.
It's a shorter and later update today because of our Reddit AMA that is going on right now!
Some Nexus 5X owners on the Android subreddit of Reddit claim they are able to toggle fingerprint gestures on in Settings.
As an example, they cited outside research and «early evidence» from a previous study Matias conducted on Internet messaging board Reddit that involved showing readers of Reddit's «r / science» forum rules for commenting.
It's very well known in the startup community as a kind of Reddit for new products, featuring Q&A's with founders, videos and a front page where people can upvote products they like the most.
In one of the instructional videos, Huffman reveals that many of Reddit's «users» in the early months were actually fake accounts, created by the founders.
So it may come as a suprise that Ben Silbermann, the founder of Pinterest and perhaps the one of the world's leading evangalists on «good design,» is a big fan of Reddit — the sharing site described by Alexis Madrigal, yesterday's GigaOM moderator, described as the «world's ugliest website.»
Co-host of CNN's «New Day» Chris Cuomo deleted a tweet in which he proposed revealing the identity of the Reddit user who posted the CNN wrestling video of Trump.
@reirab I think you're right, but the idea of a «Dept of Reddit Upvoting» is amusing for me.
Reddit and the alien logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc..
The people of Reddit recently convened to discuss the «silliest» thing they've ever done to avoid paying money while traveling.
He elaborated even further in the comments of his Reddit post.
The brainchild of Reddit (the self - described «front page of the Internet»), AMA is basically just a series of chats that allow you to engage in interactive Q&A sessions with all manner of people (usually celebrities or other current news - makers).
Because of a Reddit post and the loose interpretation of subsequent benchmark tests posted by Primate Labs» John Poole, the «Apple throttles old iPhones» meme has reared its ugly head again.
That means you'll get to see all of our great speakers (like the CEO of 9GAG and the CTO of Reddit), receive full access to our networking tools and parties, and take part in our roundtable Talent Sessions during the conference.
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