Sentences with phrase «of religious literature»

The same claim could be made about every piece of religious literature ever written.
Perhaps the best approach is one which emphasizes the history of the religious literature.
Religious literature and it's uses in worship as well as the Impact of religious literature on believers and non believers.
Bhandarkar, Vaishn i ~ m, Sai,, ii, n. and Minor Religious Systems (Nepali Kapra, Varnas: Indological Book House, 1965), p. 1; j. N. Farquhar, «The Religious Quest of India: An Outline of the Religious Literature of India (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1920); George Thibaut, ed, «The VedantaSt.tra ~ with the Co, nmeneary by Sanltarakaryo, p art I, Vol.
Farquhar, Outlines of Religious Literature of India, p. 92.
I've read a lot of religious literature, none of it say well with me enough to believe it, but I don't think anyone else should be deprived of their right to believe.
One reason is that in the First Century, «Gospel accounts» was a popular genre of religious literature designed to celebrate the birth of a new Roman emperor.
This approach provides a group incentive to read solid religious books and to wrestle collectively with ideas from many facets of religious literature.
Neither «elegant extracts», nor a selection of texts for «devotional» reading (though no doubt each may serve a purpose) could convey the rare, indeed the unique, character of the Bible as a body of religious literature.
That O'Connor was a devout, practicing Catholic who often decried what she saw as the sentimentalism and namby - pambyism of religious literature in her time is no secret to those who've read her writing in books like Mystery and Manners and her letters in The Habit of Being.
In the course of the proceedings, the Tribunal was required to determine two issues: first, whether atheism is in fact a protected «creed»; and, second, whether the School Board's policy on the distribution of religious literature violated the Human Rights Code.
J. N. Farquhar, Outline of the Religious Literature of India, names them and indicates translations and scholarly treatments of various parts of the canon.
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