Sentences with phrase «of shame on»

Thanks REM for keeping us up on this, lots of SHAME on RECO for the extortation techniques, sure taught me a lot, kinda wish I wasn't paying for it, maybe we should have an update course on how to deal with RECO
All in all, this seems to be a rather unceremonious end to the Steam Machine, then, which is something of a shame on a basic level of the door being closed on this mini gaming PC concept.
Marc Whitten even went as far as saying, «it's sort of shame on us that we haven't done as good of a job.»
Labeled as «extremist» and a «provocation» enough to spark tabloid headlines like «the film Hitler could have made,» Armando Iannucci's The Death of Stalin wears a giant badge of pride next to a tiny medallion of shame on its cinematic uniform on being banned in four nations: Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan.
A cool, hip vampire tale, the love for it — and likewise, the decries of shame on its remake — seems built on nostalgia, an admiration and the definition of «classic» that only means it's at least 20 years old.
It was so hard to leave Jake and Ellie, because that meant Ellie had to stay in his tent with the cone of shame on all day, except for when the babysitter came.
you guys all of you shame on you.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals of shame on their heads.»

Not exact matches

This is a great way to over-extend your business so much that nothing works anywhere and then - of course - it's gonna be shame on you when it all comes tumbling down.
We have really, really big global investment funds making big bets on Calgary, and it would be a shame if Canadian financial institutions miss that boat because they're too nervous about the future of the community.
I can't say I've seen a lot of eagerness on anyone's part within the funding power structure to do that, though, and that's a shame.
When CNBC's Jim Cramer worked at a hedge fund, his boss would make him wear a «Post-It note of shame» when he missed a good buy or gave up on a great stock.
«It's all of our time that people take advantage of, and it just needs to stop, and I'll carry on shaming these people until they do.»
Earlier this month, that fuse got significantly shorter once the President weighed in on the issue, as he publicly shamed companies that are not collecting their fair share of local taxes.
If you aren't aware (and if you're not, shame on you) Dave is the founder of Foo Fighters.
To keep the «erotic spark» of desire burning bright over the long haul, Perel suggests boldly expressing what turns you on to your partner, without fear or shame.
• And speaking of new shows... Amanda Knox, the American student who stood trial in Italy for the 2007 murder of her roommate, wants to draw attention to other women who were shamed for their sexuality and womanhood on her new show, The Scarlet Letter Reports, for Vice Media's Broadly.
What a shame it would be if you missed out on something special all because of a lack of urgency.
Every time someone holds back on a new idea, fails to give their manager much needed feedback, and is afraid to speak up in front of a client you can be sure shame played a part,» management consultant Peter Sheehan has said.
Indeed, there was something magical about the time, where a mix of national pride and a shame over Soviet advances led us to cheer on a government program that led us to dominate the USSR in the dome of heaven itself.
We're not exactly sure what that means, but we're definitely sure that no one who works on Wall Street is familiar with the concept of shame.
Be sure to check out her two popular TEDTalks on listening to shame and the power of vulnerability.
Because without real, genuine penalties on the line, without generations of men fearing that if they abuse their power, if they treat women like s — t, they'll be out of jobs, shamed, their families devastated — without that actual, electric, dangerous possibility: Nothing.
She said cases are under - reported in India because of the associated shame and a culture where the onus is on the victim to prove the allegations.
On the other hand, a Board might think primarily in terms of justice: «This guy has brought shame (or at least notoriety) upon the organization.
Trust me, there isn't a single person on earth who hasn't gone through the experience of shame in their life, whether in a one - time instance or as a constant companion.
What matters, in these cases, is that someone on your team is brave enough, vulnerable enough, to use a sentence that starts with, «The story I'm making up right now is...» The idea is to reach the truth as quickly possible, instead of wandering around with your made - up explanation, which more than likely consists of your own shame triggers, and has little relation to reality.
When Cramer worked at a hedge fund, his boss would make him wear a «Post-It note of shame» when he missed a good buy or gave up on a great stock.
The debacle led to widespread ridicule of the company — «The Force Is Not Strong With Emotiv's Epoc,» «Watch Emotiv's Performance Anxiety,» and «The Trade Show and Demo Hall of Shame» were among the headlines on gaming sites.
In 2016, Kate Beckinsale opened up about the body - shaming she suffered on the set of the Michael Bay - directed «Pearl Harbor» while appearing on Britain's «The Graham Norton Show.»
And by making a corporation the public face of shame for the crisis, the U.S. government can hang on to its record of not having criminally charged one single Wall Street exec for the crisis.
After being shamed by OECD over its tax policies, the Bahamas agreed to a number of tax information treaties and now sits on the OECD's «white list» of tax - compliant jurisdictions.
Perhaps it is little wonder, then, that when the Harvey Weinstein scandal broke in October 2017, the general Russian attitude, on the part of both men and women, was overwhelmingly one of bemusement and victim shaming.
China is setting up a vast surveillance system that tracks every single one of its 1.4 billion citizens — from using facial recognition to name and shame jaywalkers, to forcing people to download apps that can access all the photos on their smartphones.
After much public shaming, Equifax backed up on some terms, but not before demonstrating that its first instinct was to gouge consumers and profit off the hack of its own system.
Shame, shame — on all of us for what is transpiring before our apathetic Shame, shame — on all of us for what is transpiring before our apathetic shameon all of us for what is transpiring before our apathetic eyes.
On the evening of April 21, 2005, Paul Martin addressed the nation on the matter of the sponsorship scandal — the great shame that would rightly bring an end to that Liberal government nine months lateOn the evening of April 21, 2005, Paul Martin addressed the nation on the matter of the sponsorship scandal — the great shame that would rightly bring an end to that Liberal government nine months lateon the matter of the sponsorship scandal — the great shame that would rightly bring an end to that Liberal government nine months later.
«Shame on both of you for falsely accusing literally thousands of people and possibly scaring millions of investors in an effort to promote a business model,» O'Brien said, accusing the pair of dishonesty and Lewis of writing a 300 - page commercial for IEX.
Right alongside my admiration for the public school students who have been so articulate and so focused in their advocacy, lies a deep anger and shame for some of the adult behavior on full display: adults creating and perpetuating fake news, doctoring video and pictures; adults pilfering from the holy ground that is the site of a mass killing; and adults attempting to steal the bright shine of these student advocates.
Fool me three times, shame on both of us.»
IPIC's main source of shame, however, is its entanglement in a global money laundering investigation centred on 1MDB.
The inchoate, messy anger of the film mirrors the free - floating frustration of our cultural moment, and I'm stunned to see activists all over the world latch onto the film's central concept by erecting billboards meant to shame politicians into action on a variety of societal issues.
While the New Democrats continue to try to shame Conservative backbenchers — see Olivia Chow's statement on Monday and Niki Ashton's statement on Tuesday — the Conservatives have responded by finding new ways to lament for the prospect of a cap - and - trade system.
Federal Natural Resources Minister James Carr also issued a statement in support of the Trans Mountain expansion project, naming and shaming B.C. Premier John Horgan: «The government of Canada calls on Premier Horgan and the B.C. government to end all threats of delay to the Trans Mountain expansion.
«The thing that is the most noticeable about Stormy, especially on Twitter, is that the usual methods that the internet has of shaming and mocking have little to no effect on her,» Brian Watson, author of «Annals of Pornographie, How Porn Became Bad,» tells Ad Age.
Indian children suffering with birth defects compete in a 25 Meters sprint event during a «Special Olympics» held by the survivors of the deadly 1984 Bhopal gas leak in an effort to shame Olympic sponsor Dow Chemical Co. on the eve of the London Games in Bhopal, India, Thursday, July 26, 2012.
But shame on us if we let it suffice, and leave Title III, the true democritization of our capital markets, to drown.
I'm still unaware of the reason that atheists intend on shaming Christians and other religious groups.
Met lots of immigrants on the job who put me to shame in terms of work efficiency.
Christians should be the first to denounce people like Phelps and the fool that «put the Koran on trial» and burned it in order to cause crap — they don't represent Jesus BUT their actions combined with words claiming to be followers of the Nazarene bring shame on those who do follow Jesus.
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