Sentences with phrase «of social indicators»

From the fact that we are yet to be recognised in the Australian Constitution; that governments seldom work in true partnership with us; and that we are the most disadvantaged group on a range of social indicators; it is clear that the power balance remains unequal.
Moreover, research shows that even after one controls for a range of family background differences, children who grow up living in an intact household with both biological parents present seem to do better, on average, on a wide range of social indicators than do children who grow up in a single - parent household (McLanahan and Sandefur, 1994).
Many Indigenous people are disadvantaged across the full range of social indicators; health, housing, employment, education, etc — this disadvantage impacts upon their ability to understand and engage in the process
Journal of Social Indicators Research, 35, 39 - 52.
Ed Diener, who has studied thousands of people in over 140 nations of the world, present most of his major publications on culture and well - being of his Social Indicators Research Series: Culture and Well - Being.
It's also important because some Americans like to point to our supposedly high poverty rate as an excuse for our lackluster international performance on a variety of social indicators, from health - care outcomes to test scores and beyond.
In order to examine the relationship between prejudice and mortality, the researchers constructed a measure capturing the average level of anti-gay prejudice in the communities where LGB individuals lived, beginning in 1988, using data on prejudicial attitudes from the General Social Survey, one of the primary sources of social indicator data in the social sciences.

Not exact matches

Blackberry sued Facebook for patent infringement, saying the social network's messaging apps infringed on the former phone maker's intellectual property related to such innovations as showing an unread message indicator on top of an icon and showing multiple incoming messages in an inbox.
«There is robust evidence that social isolation and loneliness significantly increase risk for premature mortality, and the magnitude of the risk exceeds that of many leading health indicators,» Holt - Lunstad said in a statement about the research.
There was a lot of obfuscation in Facebook's announcement on Tuesday, but the bottom line is that the social - networking behemoth has short - circuited the way that ad blockers function, by removing all the indicators that tell ad - blocking software what is an ad and what isn't.
A big change to a LinkedIn profile is an especially telling indicator, of course, but don't ignore Facebook, Twitter or Instagram: Makeovers on these social platforms might mean your employee is housecleaning to secure a new gig.
A better indicator of social endorsement is invitations to attend meetings or join committees that don't require your field of expertise.
Mentions of iPhone 8 and iPhone X on the popular Chinese social media platform Weibo, an indicator of consumer interest, were less than seen for previous launches.
By measuring the dilation of their pupils — an indicator of sexual arousal, as proven by a previous study of his published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Savin - Williams and his team were able to conclude that women were aroused by pornography featuring women with men and women with women.
Fast - forward to the first half of 2014, and Next Big Sound was following more than 1 million acts and tracking 3.3 billion fan - to - band connections, slicing and dicing the data to help labels determine which social interactions are leading indicators for ticket, merchandise and download sales.
According to Liu Renwen, a legal scholar at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the move serves as an important indicator of the attitude of China's leadership.
Posted by Nick Falvo under aboriginal peoples, Alberta, cities, demographics, homeless, housing, Indigenous people, inequality, municipalities, population aging, poverty, public services, Role of government, seniors, social indicators, social policy.
Posted by Nick Falvo under Bank of Canada, banks, budgets, Conservative government, consumers, deficits, economic growth, economic models, economic thought, employment, Europe, exchange rates, federal budget, fiscal policy, household debt, housing, inflation, interest rates, monetary policy, oil and gas, prices, Role of government, social indicators, tar sands, US.
In the years after stabilization, Bolivia enjoyed a restoration of economic growth, low inflation, democratic governance, and improvements in social indicators [3] such as life expectancy and infant mortality.
What remains to be seen is how widespread adoption might impact cryptocurrency as an indicator of social status.
Demonstrate significant commitment to social impact and track clear measures of social and / or environmental impact (GIIRS rating, use IRIS metrics, or other indicators to be determined)
The Gross Domestic Product shows directly the economic evolution of the European Union, while the unemployment level is a key indicator that shows the social involvement in the economic processes.
VICTORIA — New Democrats are introducing a bill calling for the creation of a sustainable development board which would report to policy makers about key indicators of economic, environmental and social progress.
VANCOUVER, B.C. — Today, the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade released a new Greater Vancouver Economic Scorecard ranking for the Greater Vancouver region in relation to 19 other international metropolitan regions on key economic and social indicators.
The indices provide real - time linguistic and psychological analysis of news and social media, converting qualitative indicators - such as fear, performance forecasts, and trust in management - into quantitative, actionable insight.
But now with search engines also considering social indicators, and with Facebook and others integrated into every day life including mobile, social media is a massive part of your internet marketing picture.
It reveals clear correlations between various indicators of social strife and religiosity, showing that whether religion causes social strife or not, it certainly does not prevent it.
Even they had to note that «some of the most vital social indicators of all — those regarding the condition and strength of the American family — have so far refused to turn upward.»
Far from being an indicator of social acceptance of homosexuality, a movie such as The Birdcage - sanitized of what homosexuals actually do with their plumbing, and of grim specters such as AIDS - is a very traditional instance of people finding homosexual behavior, especially in its more flamboyant cross-dressing variations, ludicrously funny.
There is no area in social science in which the evidence stacks up so completely on one side: marriage and traditional family life are associated with good outcomes in terms of health, wealth, and other indicators of well - being.
In this regard, the most decisive indicators of social righteousness in society are the structural freedom of religion and the ethical dependence on an ecumenically shaped «public theology.»
Those of us who believe that our social and political order rests on moral foundations applaud William Bennett for his Index of Leading Cultural Indicators.
Likewise, mentions of social connections, which they say are often provided in a «tight - knit moral community,» suggest stronger relationships among Christian tweeters and are, they add, often an indicator of happiness.
globalisation with a human face, global citizenship, sustainable development, good governance, consensus - building, global ethic, cultural diversity, cultural liberty, dialogue among civilizations, quality of life, quality education, education for all, right to choose, informed choice, informed consent, gender, equal opportunity, empowerment, NGOs, civil society, partnerships, transparency, bottom - up participation, accountability, holism, broad - based consultation, facilitation, inclusion, awareness - raising, clarification of values, capacity - building, women's rights, children's rights, reproductive rights, sexual orientation, safe abortion, safe motherhood, enabling environment, equal access, life skills education, peer education, bodily integrity, internalisation, ownership, bestpractices, indicators of progress, culturally sensitive approaches, secular spirituality, Youth Parliament, peace education, the rights of future generations, corporate social responsibility, fair trade, human security, precautionary principle, prevention...
Whether the indicators are marriage, out - of - wedlock births, employment, or social involvement, we now have two Americas that look very different.
Luxury products are those with limited availability, a high price or hold some form of symbolism (e.g. an indicator of social status).
Indicators of social, environmental and economic performance, such as food security, greenhouse gas emissions, food miles, farm income and biodiversity highlight this fact.
To be perfectly honest Arsenal fans, I am never really sure what to make of the stories about things on social media being an indicator of what is happening behind the scenes.
California's evolving knowledge and commitment to social emotional learning can be seen in the state's adoption of school climate and parent engagement, as meaningful state indicators.
«The imitation piece is another indicator of social connection and is an important tool that will be needed for other social, language and play skills.»
A study of voters» social values provides a better indicator of how they voted than their political attitudes based on a left - right split.
A reform of capitalism agenda would also include changes to CEO pay, more prudent mortgage tests, a real end of too - big - to - fail, counter-cyclical monetary policy, more dynamic patenting laws, a rethink of trade agreements and the introduction of a wholly new set of social and economic indicators (to capture phenomena like differential inflation rates and the uneven benefits of GDP growth).
We do not want more minority MPs simply to represent minority communities - we want them because they will be an indicator of social progress and make our democracy more legitimate.
Findings also showed it as an empirically and conceptually innovative, diverse, vibrant discipline that in many areas sets the intellectual agenda The UK publishes more than its share of major disciplinary journals; bibliometric indicators reveal international primacy both in volume and citation impact; and a large number of the seminal publications (books as well as articles) continue to have a UK origin UK human geography is radically interdisciplinary and with the spatial turn in the humanities and social sciences has become an exporter of ideas and faculty to other disciplines There was confidence that research in human geography had substantial impact on policy and practice and would successfully meet the challenges of the current impact agenda
The index is a composite indicator of health status, educational attainment (social development) coupled with per capita income (economic performance) and remains one of the most credible measures for human development across countries and regions worldwide.
The DLT is a simple tool that ranks the level of development in each of Ghana's 216 Districts, using six indicators across six sectors and aimed to increase social accountability — where citizens and service providers demand of, and account to each other — for improved development across Ghana.
One idea was that social progress was an indicator of how well adapted a person (or family, culture, etc.) was to their environment.
See: «Results of the National Demonstration Project to Reduce Violent Crime and Improve Governmental Effectiveness in Washington, D.C.» Social Indicators Research, 47, 153 - 201.
Taking unemployment and migration as key indicators of economic and social prosperity, Mr Blair argues the case for a Scottish success story.
I'm not suggesting that DeBlasio's use of social media played into this upset (more likely it was a hidden indicator of his actual level of support from hard - core political activists, vs people responding to a public opinion poll).
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