Sentences with phrase «of writing life»

Meanwhile, I leveled with myself and accepted the fact that I was partial towards solvency, not a notable feature of the writing life.
I bucked that advice and have had the best year of my writing life.
Last year, we also covered the launch of Writing Life from the technical standpoint.
As longtime chief of the Writing Life program Mark Lefebvre stepped aside in November, he told us that 25 percent of English - language books sold on Kobo are being produced on the Writing Life self - publishing platform.
This part has been a constant throughout the last five years of my writing life, but the form of it has morphed over time.
But if practiced regularly and with real effort, it will change how you feel about those things — and how deeply they end up affecting the rest of your writing life (and life - life.)
To make it easier for you, I've filtered the last few years of my writing life blog posts.
If you play and your books don't make it, the cost may be several years of your writing life and possibly no reversion of rights.
Knowing the quality of work Chris generally produces in every aspect of her writing life, the book is bound to be a success.
I post daily — book covers, what I'm reading, photos of my writing life, contests, my critique group, inspiration for characters, etc..
«The primary mission of the Authors Guild has always been the defense of the writing life,» he began.
But when most of my writing life is spent nowadays either knuckled down alone in the writing studio (give or take the odd Australian native wildlife, and an accompanying cat) or on the internet virtually, then it's an easy thing to get away with.
Aimed primarily at fellow writers, but also of interest to anyone wanting a behind - the - scenes goodness (and sometimes blahness) of the writing life.
Based on the best - selling book, The Confidence Factor — Cosmic Gooses Lay Golden Eggs, writers and authors will learn that confidence is acquired, not inherited; and it usually comes from the pitfalls — the cosmic gooses — of the writing life.
I'm a non-sequential writer, and I spent the first ten years or so of my writing life struggling with endless Word docs.
Eighty percent of your writing life should be devoted to the writing itself, the craft, the production.
I know many authors don't like the business side of the writing life.
Now I'm gearing up to make 2018 the best year of my writing life — and I've compiled 18 of my best articles to help you do the same.
Important Questions for Seasoned Authors by Judith Couchman In the early stages of a writing life, every publishing opportunity thrills us.
In the early stages of a writing life, every publishing opportunity thrills us.
(Author's note: initially I thought I'd write some type of instructional post, but in the process of planning and writing, it turned into more of an effort to inspire those of you who are in the early phase of your writing life — probably because I'm in the early phase of my most ambitious project to - date and -LSB-...]
For all the Young Adult and ghost authors out there, this is a must, as it explores the fickle and sometimes even pernicious aspects of the writing life.
In an age without instant and constant online contacts, the solitude and quiet of a writing life may have helped many authors at something of a distance, for better or worse, from their readerships.
, and peopling Newport with three centuries of characters has been the greatest pleasure of my writing life.
Stevens shares a look behind the curtain into the changing tides of her writing life.
My favorite aspect of Writing Life is being able to track your sales in real time.
Before Writing Life was officially announced, we sat down with Mark Lefbvre, who is them man in charge of Writing Life.
The eBooks section is the most important aspect of Writing Life and lets you check out books in Progress, Delisted / Inactive, and On Sale books.
It's a fact of the writing life.
Each individual title focuses on a single aspect of the writing life or the art and craft of storytelling.
You, apparently, intentionally only talk about this website for those who are already established as a writer of a series etc. there are a TON of us who aren't at that stage of our writing life yet.
Make learning a regular part of your writing life.
I myself write poetry and mainstream literary historical novels, published in the past by Penguin, but I consider my move into self - publishing to have been the best move of my writing life.
We will speak to the head of Writing Life on what these new people bring to the table and how it positions writing life going forward.
That was the choice sitting in front of me (in front of all of us, really) back in 2008 when I decided to start my blog and take control of my writing life once and for all.
Freelance Writing Jobs for Beginners: Get Paid to Write (The Write Life): One of the things that most holds writers back is the financials of the writing life, especially being able to afford the time to get writing practice.
A huge number of writers at various stages of our careers blog about our creative process and all aspects of the writing life.
I think most of the world thinks of the world thinks of the writing life as being one of sitting around all day making things up.
And it occurred to me that they might interest readers of my Writing Life site.
Rejection is a big part of the writing life.
I am delighted to have a second publishing home in Little, Brown, and a publishing team that will be a great partner in this new phase of my writing life
When pull back the curtain of your writing life, intriguing elements can exist for interesting emails.
One of the benefits of the writing life is the preservation of memories.
With form criticism the original insights of Reimarus and Strauss come into their own, and the possibility of writing a Life of Christ vanishes for ever.
Over the course of his writing life, Augustine combined a number of elements from his fragmented culture — Neoplatonic philosophy, Roman civic morality, the heritage of the great Roman poets, Manichaeism — with his dominant but open - ended Christian faith, into a new synthesis.
More than common circumstances, however, what drew me and so many other young writers to L'Engle was her articulation of the writing life as a sacred art.
The prophecy in the last words of John's Gospel, that if the many other things which Jesus did were to be written, the world itself would not contain the books, comes close to fulfillment in the oft - repeated enterprise of writing a life of Christ or an interpretation of some aspect of his teaching.
And to me, a book that illustrates the best of the writing life is Stephen King's «On Writing - A Memoir of the Craft.»
I wrote a ton of articles for Demand Media, the site behind several large «content farms» including eHow, where most of my writing lived.
I haven't been blogging much about book marketing recently, mostly because my head has been consumed with the launch of The Write Life Magazine.
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