Sentences with phrase «of a body of water»

Dead zones take place at the bottom of a body of water when there isn't sufficient oxygen to sustain marine life.
I hope everyone is enjoying their day off with some BBQ, any sort of body of water and soaking up the last days of summer.
Around the exterior of the body of the water tower, they owner sells huge highway size billboard advertisements that sell for top dollar.
The biological fraction of aerosols is therefore linked to the history of biological activity of bodies of water close to the surface.
Flat surfaces take the full force of a body of water, but an oval one allows water to flow around.
I'm always in pursuit of bodies of water that will provide unusual motion and color.
«They're called ambush predators,» Troon said, «and what they do is they just sit on the bottom of their body of water with their mouth open and this little red appendage on their tongue.
Also, light that is reflected from the surface of a body of water gets partially polarised, so certain insects might confuse sunlight reflected from a car with a source of water.
A flood is defined as «surface water, waves, including tidal wave and tsunami, tides, tidal water, overflow of any body of water, or spray from any of these, all whether or not driven by wind, including storm surge».
Sanders urged the Cuomo administration to use its power under the federal Clean Water Act to reject the 124 - mile Constitution pipeline, which would cross dozens of bodies of water on its way from the fracking fields of Pennsylvania to Schoharie County.
Efforts to block a rule left over from the Obama administration — that would expand the federal government's oversight of bodies of water under the Clean Water Act — have been dealt a setback.
On April 12, on the other side of the body of water known alternatively as the East Sea and the Sea of Japan, 16 cryptocurrency exchanges announced plans for a self - regulatory body called the Japan Virtual Currency Exchange Association.
The path at the base of the wrap includes cobblestone foot path and the appearance of a body of water.
The proposed 124 - mile pipeline would cross dozens of bodies of water and would require tens or hundreds of thousands of trees to be felled.
The inaugural exhibition juxtaposes Mark Rothko's late black and grey paintings with Hiroshi Sugimoto's contemporary photographs of bodies of water.
The greatest transport of energy out of a body of water is generally evapiration and not radiation or conduction.
The Constitution pipeline would have crossed hundreds of bodies of water and involved the clearing of between 100,000 to 700,000, according to figures provided by the developer and those provided by environmental groups.
A beach or strand is a geological formation consisting of loose rock particles such as sand, shingle, cobble, or even shell along the shoreline of a body of water.
Mussels are the natural treatment plants of bodies of water and, therefore, just as important as bees.
Irena Salina, director of the award - winning documentary film, FLOW, about the world's dwindling water supplies, thinks it can be done if world leaders, international banks, the United Nations and other governmental organizations establish cooperative agreements for the use of bodies of water, including groundwater, and economic mechanisms to make sure those who need access to water can get it.
I rarely if ever wear flip - flops unless I'm within about 100 feet of a body of water or I've gotten a pedicure within the past four hours.
I hate being outside unless I'm in some sort of body of water!!!
I want to be by a lake... ocean... sea any time of body of water lol right now
It is a grassy area with a waterfall and several islands in the middle of bodies of water.
Filmed in conjunction with the real life discovery of bodies of water on Europa, one of Jupiter's moons, Europa Report sits on the fringe of fiction.
Pearson admitted there's more research to be done to see if those other senses come into play (such as hearing the rhythm of the waves) in regards to the healing effects of a body of water.
One of the unique and best hotels in China is the floating ark hotel which floats and function itself on a surface of the body of water in these situations.
Johnstone Strait is the northwest portion of the body of water separating Vancouver Island from mainland British Columbia.
Ortner's process focuses on his unique relationship with the ocean which is reflected in large - scale paintings of bodies of water.
The quiet landscape of a body of water or a beckoning field provides both a literal and psychological place of discovery and confession; or simply a metaphoric snapshot for an ideal state of being.
Meditative, the film continually washes into itself and then retreats, an inkblot test made from our collective consciousness of this body of water.
All the architectural details of a suburban yard pool were faithfully recreated, but instead of a body of water, the pool's edges enclosed a green expanse of grass.
With an average temperature of eight degrees Fahrenheit, six times saltier water than seawater, and the highest nitrous oxide levels of any body of water on Earth, it's safe to call the Lake Vida research site a «challenging environment.»
Vicariance, the change in geography (e.g. the formation of a mountain range via tectonic plate activity or formation of a body of water) that separates a species, often results in the formation of new species.
euphotic zone the upper layers of a body of water into which sufficient light penetrates to permit photosynthesis
Alternatively, it might be seen as a case of poorly defined property rights, as with, for example, pollution of bodies of water that may belong to no one (either figuratively, in the case of publicly owned, or literally, in some countries and / or legal traditions).
The melting of glaciers in the planet's poles has caused the weight of bodies of water to shift and, in turn, force the Earth to slightly wobble on its axis as well.
He also notes that it has a feedback effect, which it clearly does because heating of bodies of water increases evaporation, putting more WVP in the atmosphere, and increasing it's GH impact.
The Granite state has its fair share of bodies of water.
The state of Oregon is home to a wide variety of bodies of water.
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