Sentences with phrase «of a buffoon»

Falstaff is far from the only comedic pole of the film — in fact, Hal's rival and foil Hotspur, sometimes played as a dashing, formidable opponent, is something of a buffoon in Norman Rodway's portrayal.
And just what kind of buffoon do you think would believe in something with can not be proven??? Oh right, religious people, sorry I forgot about them.
In such cases, a nation is in real danger — it is ruled by the pride and arrogance of buffoons whose egos command the nation's laws and power for their own selfish and childish causes.
I think its fun but I know that many Dad's actually take offence to the way that Daddy Pig portrays fatherhood and that he's a bit of a buffoon #stayclassymama
In January, 53 per cent of respondents thought Mr Johnson was «too much of a buffoon» but this has risen to 65 per cent.
Hirsch is hilarious, playing the role of buffoon without ego — he scrunches his chubby face as he strains to articulate even the simplest thought, and eventually spews out words even dumber than his dopey mug.
One minute Sinise is a sinister villain, the next minute he's somewhat of a buffoon.
What bothers me the most is that the enemies don't even attack the player, and instead pace around like a bunch of buffoons waiting for their turn to die.
Inspired by Rembrandt drawings, the artist manipulates the concept of the historically authoritative formal portrait to create an absurd cast of buffoons.
«I'm a federal employee charged with carrying out the mandates of these buffoons - have they no shame?»
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