Sentences with phrase «of a common culture»

There is nothing holy or special about the tasks of politics, just as there is nothing holy about any of the common tasks of common culture.
We [scientists]... should do what we can, or we shall be pushed out of the common culture.
Indeed, movies are an integral part of our common culture because they reveal themes that transcend race, sex, and socioeconomic status.
The crucial question is whether a plurality of religious and secular faiths, each of which had developed its own traditional culture, that is, philosophy, morality, ideology and legal system of corporate life, can, through inter-faith rational discourse, create at least the basic framework of a common culture or common direction and scheme of values for peoples to build together a new dwelling, like the national community.
Christians have access to the truths of common culture the same way as do non-Christians, through common grace.
The approach of Lent serves as a reminder to Christians of a common culture that they share.
Further and with regard to emotion rather than theory, there is reason to wonder whether the empirical approach, even when it gives sustained attention to particular histories, has provided a definition of a common culture that is socially persuasive.
The perpetuation of this happy situation, however, depended upon the survival of a common culture throughout Western Europe and the permanent confinement of Protestantism within the orbit of that culture.
And it was further derived from the fact that all of the Protestant churches were rooted in the soil of a common culture — the culture of Western Europe.1
European peoples have been sufficiently molded by Christianity to have that faith as an active ingredient of their common culture.
The state is a political community living in a given territory with sovereignty.The nation is a social and psychological community based on identical feeling of common culture and heritage.
In «Choice, Testing, and the Jigsaw» in the Forum section, Diane Ravitch and Nathan Glazer show how the very concept of a common culture has evaporated in the public schools even as Steiner worries about the testing culture that may be replacing it.
There are legions of maxims in the living lore of our common culture, and many, like the Golden Rule, bear a moral message: «Two wrongs don't make a right» (ancient Scots); «You are only as good as your word» (early American); «Honesty is the best policy» (Cervantes, Ben Franklin); «It's better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness» (old Chinese proverb).
Thirty years later, the federal government's National Commission on Excellence in Education («A Nation at Risk») decried the effect of America's inadequate education on the creation of a common, democratic culture: «A high level of shared education is essential to a free, democratic society and to the fostering of a common culture, especially in a country that prides itself on pluralism and individual freedom.»
The legacy of the common culture: displacing teachers of color in multicultural teacher education.
Whatever intimate and painful episode unfolded on broadcast TV, Miller's painting draws our attention to contemporary behavior, to how adults divulge their private lives and say «everything» on national television but leave open any judgment as to the humanity or inhumanity of common culture.
As the pragmatist John Dewey might have it, Grotjahn makes art as a sentient «live creature,» with art, rather than nature, forming the basis of the common culture.
The Bad Faith exhibition will feature the first showing of Common Culture's new work I Dreamt I Was A Monkey — And They Made Me Wear Shoes, a multi — channel video installation featuring «ex — TV «soap» actors performing scenes of discrete social interaction» set against a backdrop of high street consumption.
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