Sentences with phrase «of a degree of»

I see this a lot, from entrepreneurs of all degrees of experience and income.
«Most Canadians are unaware of the degree of over-investment in residential housing.
Regardless of the degree of sexual harassment or assault, Michaelis says such behavior in the workplace should be treated as a legal matter.
I remember, for example, the website,, which says it all in terms of the degree of speculative fervor that was evident at the time.
According to the report, because cryptocurrency exchanges and wallet providers are under no obligation to identify suspicious activity, terrorist groups are able to transfer money into the EU's financial system, taking full advantage of the degree of anonymity provided by virtual currency platforms.
But in terms of the degree of conversations we're having in the activity levels, it feels quite good.
Clarke said that Worm's estimate of 100 million sharks killed every year may be too high because of the degree of uncertainty in conducting a global estimate.
«Vancouver, Toronto and Victoria are flagged as markets which are more vulnerable than average to a cool down period in light of their recent strength and our assessment of degree of over-valuation.
So, no one can follow perfectly, therefore the difference between you and an honest attempt to follow, e.g. many Catholics, is just a matter of degree of falling short, correct?
So in that sense, fundamentalism is itself an index of the degree of inevitable change.
Persuasive love is extended to all, irrespective of the degree of estrangement of the individual.
Hence, the presence of degrees of excellence in things demands as its cause that which is perfect in itself, namely, God.
«We have stated before that time is but hours of night and day and that the hours are but traversal by the sun and the moon of the degrees of the sphere.
But it may be that the maximal case on the closed dimensions would suffice to furnish the standard for the open ones, that, e.g., perfection of knowledge and goodness is in some sense the «measure» of degrees of happiness, even though the latter can not be absolutely but only relatively perfect (R but not A).
«Third, Oxford faced the continuing dilemmas of the universal church existing in the world and took a step in clarifying Christian thinking about war and its diagnosis of the degrees of international anarchy.
This principle, according to which «it belongs to the nature of a «being» that it is a potential for every «becoming»» (PR 33), is never allowed by Whitehead to have deterministic implications precisely because there are all sorts of degrees of relevance of one actual occasion to another.
While the former aims at the restoration of «true man,» «original man,» the goal of the latter was the transcendence of the human condition, the acquisition of some degree of freedom from the needs or laws that determine ordinary human life by assimilation to a radically different state of being [The Heating Journey (Pantheon, 1973) p. 17].
Ps 133:1 ¶ A Song of degrees of David.
This dualism replaced the great chain of being that depicted reality in terms of degrees of being and value as the dominant vision of the modern world.
Experience has taught me that though it is tolerable to describe the bath water in the simple categories of warm - cold, it would be disastrous, in practice, if I failed to comprehend the possibility of the degrees of coldness and warmness.
Normal adult samples can be distinguished from mentally and emotionally sick adult samples better than 99 out of 100 times on the basis of the degree of religious observance in the childhood home... the degree of religious observance in the childhood home plays an important role in the maintenance of mental health.
Schweitzer believed that we should reverence all life and that the attitude of reverence precluded discrimination of degrees of value.
PPS: I did not distinguish between «breeds» and «species» but that is simply a matter of degree of exactly the same process.
A fuller explanation of the degrees of satisfaction and evaluation that relational thought envisions would, however, convey the same message about the ultimate importance of personal decisions and their impact on the future.
In their standard metaphysical discussions, process theists usually define coercive power as the power to bring it about that another entity is totally devoid of any degree of self - determination.
The vista of possible mutual adjustments between the scope for individual resistance to necessity and the range of degrees of social necessity which may take place in a process of successive approximations is infinite and might occupy.
The union of persons, both in the more intimate sense and in the wider sense of degrees of sociality, requires that there be distinct persons, each marked by his or her own speciality, with whom association may be found.
I recognize the vast inclusiveness of such a definition, and hold that there is a great variance of degrees of culpability for sin, from negligible to great, but that the working of ill - being is nonetheless appropriately named sin.
To illustrate, research has discovered that changes in our skin temperature and the degree of skin conductivity of small electrical impulses (both indications of our degree of general relaxation) are correlated with emotional changes.
Although Barth rejected the analogia entis, he has had his own doctrine of degrees of event - hood!
Harmony is the mutual adaptation of several items for joint inclusion within experience, while intensity refers to the wealth and variety of factors jointly experienced, particularly in terms of the degree of contrast manifest.
But the attempt to reduce living systems to such, that is to say formal reductionism, fails in part because the number of possible combinations or classifications is generally immensely larger than the number of degrees of freedom.
It is made out of a degree of freedom — not total freedom, for we are always burdened and limited by the impact of our past decisions — and responding to the empowering offer becomes itself a moment in a sequence of ever more empowering offers.
It says: «The bilateral theological dialogues carried on with the major Christian Communities start from a recognition of the degree of communion already present.»
It promised an unheard - of degree of individual freedom, an unlimited opportunity to compete for material well - being, and an unprecedented limitation on the arbitrary powers of government to interfere with individual initiative.
In return, advertisers provide programs that allow the viewer to escape into vicarious experience but perhaps most importantly, to reassure them of some degree of order and stability in their lives.
The development of some degree of shared identity occurs in any close relationship.
In every alcoholic, the counselor should assume the presence of some degree of resistance.
So far, no Christian here has been able to present any, of any degree of validity.
Even in the essay with which Carpenter is preoccupied my purpose was to provide a Whiteheadian Christology in which Jesus» distinctiveness was not described in terms of degrees of obedience or conformity to the initial aim.
Instead, I have portrayed a spectrum of degrees of resistance to falsification.
There is an infinite variety of degrees of order among which the two instances of the enduring object and the corpuscular society stand out with a certain simple clarity.
The distinction between us and the animals is not of degree of complexity but of kind.
«Event» is a general term for a happening of any degree of complexity or extension through space and time.
They can be engaged in helpfully by persons of any degree of spiritual maturity — from the person who has never prayed in his life but wants to begin to the saint of ripe experience.
We have opened the doors of the Lord's church to people of all degrees of commitment, asking only, «Do you want to join the church?»
It is an indication of the degree of holiness assigned to these saints that their miracles are described by the Arabic word which in Muslim dogmatics is used only for miracles performed by God's messengers, rather than by the word customarily used to refer to the miracles of saints.
Hence, it has taken many years for us to come to understand that, as I said in an earlier chapter, we are in reality a routing of experiences, possessed of some degree of awareness and of self - awareness and marked by a capacity to enter feelingly into the lives of others.
Each of the nine kinds can be further specified into subtypes and each admits of degrees of specificity.
This sandwich is the product of some degree of sandwich evolution.
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