Sentences with phrase «of a false dichotomy»

Conclusion: This represents a type of false dichotomy in that it excludes a third option, which is that there is insufficient investigation and therefore insufficient information to prove the proposition satisfactorily to be either true or false
This represents a type of false dichotomy in that it excludes a third option, which is that there is insufficient investigation and therefore insufficient information to prove the proposition satisfactorily to be either true or false.
But if the anti-theist was ever guilty of a false dichotomy, perhaps it is most obvious here.
They are also shorn of the false dichotomies that seem to trouble a much older generation of Catholics.
Hermeneutics, with its emphasis upon tradition and narrative, is central to the philosophy of science now cognizant of the false dichotomies between objectivity and subjectivity, science and ideology, engendered by the modern Enlightenment.
We need to get rid of these false dichotomies and «us» /» them» mentalities where someone (usually «us») is right and someone else (usually «them») must therefore be wrong.
I think you have fallen into the trap of the false dichotomy of the Kingdom of God being either / or.
There are a lot of these false dichotomies in the common internet Paleo «wisdom.»
And it's another in a long list of false dichotomies that just doesn't have to be the case.
It is a combination of a false dichotomy, and a pure old fashioned ad - hominem attack.
The authors give four explanations in the paper which I believe is a bit of a false dichotomy.
Shouldn't we just step away from governments since our own visions of equity is one of a false dichotomy so how «equitable» will be governments visions on equity?»
They received a whopping 1,113 comments, a number which includes many early childhood educators and advocates, including NAEYC Affiliates, all of who were mobilized and out in force to fight against the codification of a false dichotomy that separates «care» from «education,» reflecting an outdated understanding of the roles and expectations of the early childhood profession.
Truth be told, it's something of a false dichotomy: There is no truly «best» system, only the system that's best for the person playing it.
Truth be told, that very question is something of a false dichotomy: There is no truly «best» system, only the system that's best for the person playing it.
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