Sentences with phrase «of a few degrees by»

Because the new precise observations agree with existing assessments of water vapor's impact, researchers are more confident than ever in model predictions that Earth's leading greenhouse gas will contribute to a temperature rise of a few degrees by the end of the century.

Not exact matches

The misconception of social's utility discussed in the intro aims to capture the high degree of attention garnered by a post in the first few hours of posting, but this is a high - competition space.
After graduating from Stanford with a degree in mechanical engineering and product design, Sterling was bothered by how few women were in her program and became obsessed with «disrupting the pink aisle» with a toy that would introduce girls to the joy of engineering at a young age.
«While everyone is focused on valuation and bubbles (to some degree rightfully so), the fact remains that the last few years have been supported by a low level of net equity issuance that has, all else equal, supported prices,» says Dan Greenhaus, chief global strategist at BTIG.
For turnover in FX derivatives, several things stand out (Graph 4): (i) activity has generally risen over the past decade even when scaled by a measure of cross-border transactions; (ii) developed Asian markets stand out as having a high degree of turnover; (iii) there was a particularly strong increase in turnover in these markets between 2013 and 2016; and (iv) FX derivatives turnover in emerging Asian economies has also increased significantly in the past few years, but remains a small part of the global market.
The only difference is the «degree of wackiness» — some supernatural beliefs and practices are generally accepted by society and a few are not, but none have a rational basis in the 21st century.
In terms of a secret agenda for collectivist authoritarianism, I admit a few liberal elites are that depraved — I was myself shocked by the degree to which the leaders of the Democratic Socialists of America, the ones who helped train our current President and whose leader (Michael Harrington) I myself read and admired in the 80s, were open to deception and smear - tactics, as revealed by Stanely Kurtz's Radical in Chief.
Out of a vast body of oral or written material, through long testing, a certain few selections are made, generally not by an official body so much as by the decision of the community itself as evidenced by degree of use or disuse, and these become the sacred canon.
Even within a small group comprising only a few members who are united by the bond of common religious experience, a certain degree of division of functions will exist.
And the simple fact is that in an era when nearly everyone assumed that communism had come to stay, it was not simply a few isolated Polish Catholic priests like Wielgus whobelieved that there had to be some degree of cooperation with the institutional manifestations of communism; it was the Church at the very highest level of all, in Rome itself: for the assumption that communism was a permanent reality and therefore had to be dealt with was the very foundation of Paul VI's Ostpolitik, the most famous and the most ignoble manifestation of which was Pope Paul's betrayal (there is no other word) of the Hungarian Cardinal Mindszenty, who was stripped of all his offices and replaced by a Hungarian Primate whose remit (faithfully accomplished) was to establish cordial relations with the communist regime of the deeply unsavoury Janos Kadar.
Yeah, respond to one of the few cases where people of one religion A behave with a surprising degree of respect to a radical member of your own religion B by haughtily saying that God doesn't hear the prayers of adherents of religion A, only those of religion B.
We certainly didn't feel like braving the 10 degree New England air yesterday morning to hit up our favorite little place in town, Leo's, for breakfast but I'd say this was quite the perfect way to «make do» with a few pantry staples, settle down with a full warm plate in hand, watch the kitty sleep by the fire, and spend some time with the seed catalog dreaming of spring.
If we didn't know any better, we would think that Julius Winfield Erving II is in control of things to a degree matched by few athletes.
Due to the high degree of satiation provided by these foods, students will consume fewer calories throughout the day and will be significantly less likely to suffer from the negative effects of excess weight gain and child obesity, a condition dramatically increasing among students across the country.
On average, fewer than 2 % of teen mothers attain a college degree by age 30.
This is interesting, since the two latter styles of parenting are nearly opposites: permissive parenting is characterized by a high degree of warmth with few, if any, boundaries set by the parent; helicopter parenting, on the other hand, is illustrated by a parent who «hovers,» or becomes too involved, in the child's decision - making.
There can be few historical parallels for an attack of quite this degree of vehemence mounted by a former party leader on an incumbent.
In order to describe the mechanism of a membrane sensor which measures the degree of lipid saturation in the yeast cell, the researchers used genetic and biochemical methods and simulated the motions and underlying forces of membrane lipids over a period of a few milliseconds by means of extensive molecular dynamic simulations.
The average temperature is 2.7 K, but it differs by a few millionths of a degree from one spot to another.
Moreover, first - year enrollments jumped by 14 % between 1999 and 2001, suggesting that the number of degrees is likely to rise in the next few years.
So, in theory, if you could manage to lower the temperature of the surface of the ocean ahead of a hurricane by a few degrees, you could conceivably pull enough heat out of the system that the storm would start to wind itself down.
As Stephen C. Riser and M. Susan Lozier note in their February 2013 Scientific American article, «Rethinking the Gulf Stream,» «A comparison of the Argo data with ocean observations from the 1980s, carried out by Dean Roemmich and John Gilson of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, shows that the upper few hundred meters of the oceans have warmed by about 0.2 degree C in the past 20 years.
Atom interferometers work by cooling down a cloud of atoms to just a few degrees above absolute zero.
«I would say it is significant that temperatures of the most recent decade exceed the warmest temperatures of our reconstruction by 0.5 degrees Fahrenheit, having few — if any — precedents over the last 11,000 years,» Marsicek says.
In the few scent studies conducted so far, researchers asked women to smell T - shirts that had been worn by men with varying degrees of body and facial symmetry.
«People in modern societies can take lessons from this research by attempting to get lots of light exposure during the day while reducing blue - wave light exposure after dark and dropping inside temperatures by a few degrees at night.»
Jolted by the 40 - million mile per hour sledgehammer blow, one knot of gas — 100 billion miles in diameter in a piece of the ring — has already begun to glow brightly, as its temperature surges from a few thousand degrees to a million degrees Fahrenheit.
The Philippines» Mount Pinatubo, for example, cooled Earth by a few tenths of a degree Celsius for months after it blew its top in June 1991.
Their gate, described in this week's Nature, consisted of two side - by - side loops of aluminum cooled to a few kelvins (nearly -459 degrees Fahrenheit).
Planck has been looking for variations in the temperature of the CMB, which emerged at around 3000 kelvin, but by now has cooled to just a few degrees above absolute zero, on average.
Transplant surgeons may have found a simple way to improve the functioning of kidneys from brain - dead donors: Cool the donor's body by just a few degrees.
Resume: Progress in the last few decades in nano - scale thermal transport has enabled a significant degree of control over heat and sound propagation by lattice vibrations - phonons.
Progress in the last few decades in nano - scale thermal transport has enabled a significant degree of control over heat and sound propagation by lattice vibrations - phonons.
The radio images of NGC 4151 reveal a chain of knots several light years in length, separated by a few light months, which then appear to make a fairly sharp turn — about 55 degrees — to merge with a previously known straight radio jet about 800 light - years in length.
I can understand that approaching equilibrium takes a long, long time, while TCR gives a better measure of what will happen over the next few decades (and that technology and society may be very different in 200 years time); but on the other hand, I thought nations had agreed to try to limit global warming to less than 2 degrees C overall, and not just to limit it to less than 2 degrees C by 2100.
Cooling by a few tenths of a degree in Fig. 9 is a result mainly of the 100 GtC biospheric uptake of CO2 during 2030 — 2080.
There is evidence in satellite and radiosonde data and in observational data for poleward expansion of the tropical circulation by as much as a few degrees of latitude since the 1970s [34]--[35], but natural variability may have contributed to that expansion [36].
Try making baked apples by coring a few whole fruits and pouring a bit of maple syrup in the whole, then roasting at 375 degrees until soft.
By starting with a few degrees of inversion for a few minutes at a time, the body gets used to the inverted position and begins to reap the benefits of hanging upside down.
By the first day of summer, we sometimes are already breaking the 100 degree mark, so we try to cram as much outdoor fun into the few months of Spring.
With my degree finally completed, the past few weeks have been a mixture of feeling fearful of adjusting to a world not defined by an institutions rules and enjoying my new freedom (may have darted off to Paris and Amsterdam last week for a cheeky celebratory trip).
Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige and company have mastered their banal stretch - the - tale - out template to such a degree that it's guaranteed few will question why the previously elusive Infinity Stones — which have been teased in just about every prior movie installment, as well as in some of Marvel's TV offshoots — are collected with ridiculous ease by purple people - squashing supervillain Thanos (Josh Brolin).
Now new research published in Education Next shows that by the age of 24, individuals who lived in single - parent families as adolescents have received fewer years of schooling and are less likely to attain a bachelor's degree than those from two - parent families.
For example, there were few differences by age (over or under 30), highest degree attained, the length of time a teacher had student - taught, the number of teaching methods courses taken, grade level taught, community type, and whether a teacher had ongoing guidance from a mentor.
On Wednesday afternoon in Radcliffe Yard, before a tent packed level full with degree candidates in the Harvard Graduate School of Education, keynote speaker Reshma Saujani, M.P.P.» 99, was telling a story about the classroom visit a few years ago that got her angry enough to launch Girls Who Code, a nonprofit that, by doing just what its name says, aims to send more women into tech.
In a few short years, middle schoolers would go from Growing Up Forgotten, the title of a 1977 report by the Ford Foundation, to being what David Hough, then director of the Institute for School Improvement at Missouri State University and managing editor of the Middle Grades Research Journal, described as «studied, researched, and analyzed with a greater degree of exuberance and sophistication than ever before.»
Alarmed by few viable paths to quality, affordable degrees and eventual employment available to graduates of Boston's general high schools, Leschly and his team struck out with Match Beyond and in close partnership with CFA to disrupt the sector.
More than 75 % of Colorado's jobs by 2020 will require some sort of post-secondary degree yet fewer than 23 % of Colorado's high school students are currently
I've had quite a few where I have only been able to turn it a few degrees before having to slacken off the wrench and move it round, but once you've got it moving you can usually undo it the rest of the way by hand.
This seat also reclines by a few degrees and, under the control of the second remote control in the rear console, features multifunction, multizone, programmable massage and vibration.
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