Sentences with phrase «of a few years»

The standards will be phased in over the course of a few years in grades K - 12, with full implementation in 2014 - 15.
If the child's life is insured the company might keep a waiting period of a few years at the start of the policy where no coverage will be provided.
She had a tough time of it a few years back and things really haven't gotten any better since then.
A pot that works is of much more use to you than the nostalgia of a few years of cooking.
Oh and carbon dating has a resolution of about 500 years as of a few years ago, so by now they probably have gotten a bit better at it.
The good news is you get to pay off that cost over the course of a few years in manageable monthly payments.
In all three cases, I viewed my work as a short term, with a time horizon of a few years at most.
He explains that it provides the kind of quality and detail that you could only dream of a few years ago.
They even made a feature movie out of it a few years back, but it wasn't very good.
I found this photo taken of it a few years before its renovation, when it was very brown.
«Instead of a few years out, I'm now looking quarter to quarter,» she says.
Today diagnostic, medical and surgical procedures unheard of a few years ago are now commonplace in veterinary practice.
And if today's dollars are worth a lot less than the dollars of a few years from now, borrowing money becomes expensive, even at zero percent interest.
I was reminded of this a few years ago, when an employer I was working with asked my candidate to provide a statement of his current earnings.
However, a gap of a few months is much different than gaps of a few years.
It keeps it roots firmly in place from the 360 version of a few years ago, Only step back is the lack of online co op and races.
Extended terms of a few years or more rarely hold up in court.
Outside of a few years in the middle of the decade, mortgage rates declined steadily over the decade, reducing mortgage costs for homebuyers.
Thanks to the housing crisis of a few years ago, the government has established an assistance program to help those with mortgage debt.
The real estate crash of a few years ago has taught us the value of buying no more house than we can afford.
You could take advantage of a few years of lower monthly payments, then sell your house and pay off the mortgage.
Many people today have bad credit, particularly following the recession of a few years ago.
This is relevant to the global cooling scare of a few years ago.
A lot of what goes into modern risk assessment makes auto insurance a lot more expensive for teenagers, students and all younger drivers who lack of few years of experience on the road.
Moreover, every gadget contains scores of different technologies — a typical cellphone of a few years ago, for example, was comprised of more than 10,000 different patents.
...... If we still had some of the younger teams of a few years back I'd probably agree but we have a team of experienced players now.
During a perennial winter of a few years, he found, surface waters lose considerable heat.
I like heels so I now have to look around for the heel height of a few years back.
And its nice to see something that meant so much to me when I was younger stand up over the passing of a few years.
Having had lots of experience with the type of classes she described, I can only say I wish I had thought of that a few years ago!
The proactive approach to retention is working, as many of our leaders today were our new recruits of a few years ago.
But in the space of the few years since ebooks took off in a big way, it might be self - publishing that has undergone the most transition.
There has to be cash and high quality liquid debt adequate to provide a buffer of a few years of expenses.
In the mortgage market, they are known as adjustable rate mortgages and were partly to blame for the record foreclosures of a few years ago.
Just as quickly as an idea comes into fashion, it can fall out of fashion; especially in the face of a few years of relatively poor performance.
During the «interest only» frenzy of a few years ago, this concept seemed to get lost in the all consuming drive for lower monthly payments.
That's a jump of a few years, but it's another interesting overlap that I know nothing about.

Phrases with «of a few years»

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