Sentences with phrase «of a fraudulent scheme»

For the assumptions to apply, it is not necessary for the prosecution to show that the defendant knew that the transfer of the property to him had been part of a fraudulent scheme.
The lack of quality assessment standards, reliability and transparency of the new projects causes a lot of fraudulent schemes.
However, the Trustee's application was dismissed on the basis that the Trustee could not pursue claims that the investors were victims of a fraudulent scheme.
Even individuals who are not the architects of fraudulent schemes can be charged and prosecuted.
Although many legitimate businesses work to develop these products and markets, promoters of fraudulent schemes attempt to capitalize on the hype.»
«It's clear there is an ongoing, very substantial set of fraudulent schemes in Monroe County,» Schneiderman said.
The recent story on Rolling Stone, Scammers and Spammers: Inside Online Dating's Sex Bot Con Job, explains once again how this type of fraudulent schemes are operating.
«We consider that having regard to the callous, complex and sustained nature of the fraudulent scheme of which the appellants were convicted the sentence selected by the sheriff was appropriate and can not be said to be excessive.»
Quite apart from the consideration that suspected fraud may continue without swift legal action, prompt retention of lawyers to obtain advice and seek remedies for fraud may be required by the courts, since some types of relief available from the courts require that the relief be sought promptly following its detection — even if the full extent of the fraudulent scheme and your loss have yet to be revealed.
There have been many scams in the Bitcoin space over the years, and offering some sort of alternative token other than bitcoin is involved with a high percentage of these fraudulent schemes.
As part of the fraudulent scheme, Simmons also created and provided investors with false monthly statements.
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