Sentences with phrase «of a given book»

Many times authors don't like the idea of giving their book away for free.
If you love the idea of giving books, consider making it the theme of the shower: Have everyone bring their favorite with a note to the baby tucked inside.
I mentioned how editors have to financially justify their book acquisitions to boards with sales numbers — today, every editor can tell you how many copies of a given book did sell.
The only downside of giving the book as a gift?
To read the bible «literally» is to read the bible as the authors of a given book or letter intended it when it was written.
Within hours of giving her the book, she called to thank me for sharing the book with her that she was thoroughly enjoying the book and impressed by the excellent writing.
The book reports literally means to write the plot and themes of the given book upon which a report is to be written by the students as assignment.
One of the central questions would be whether it is reasonable to require a library to create a particular alternative format of a given book.
From numbers of units sold to overall sales of any given book, no one is going to speak up with specifics unless he has to (or unless he's a pioneer like Hugh Howey... [Read more...]
Instead of giving them a Book of Shadows and Celtic symbols, I chose to change that.
Before the rise of Amazon's KDP Select, I had serious reservations about the merits of giving books away for free as a means to build readership.
Many parents (and grandparents) make the mistake of giving books to children that are far too difficult for them to read independently, much less in a 15 - minute read - aloud session.
Another reason is the change Amazon made to their weighting of free ebooks during promotion days, which reduced the benefit of giving books away.
Totally agree with you on the power of giving your book away for free and soliciting reviews.
Since books with smaller page dimensions can hold less text on each page than books with larger page dimensions, the smaller version of a given book will have more total pages than the larger version of that same book.
For traditional publishers, the hardcover represents the flagship edition of a given book; hardcore book collectors pursue first - edition hardcovers above all else.
When we first approached the idea of giving Book Links a STEM focus, many of our contributors gravitated towards the same angle: girls and STEM.
Authors need to know highly detailed budgets and plans for marketing of any given book before agreeing to sign a contract, a fact that she stood her ground on despite the high - pressure sales pitches and ominous threats to her career that she experienced from some Big Five publishers.
Producers can look at the success of a given book, and gauge whether or not that audience will take an interest in a movie or television version.
Yes Seth is a big advocate of giving books away for free, during a launch process window before selling the book or permanently to grow mind share and an audience.
The peril of giving a book away, rather than offering it at a steep discount, is that people will scoop up free books, not read them initially, and then forget they own them.
Whether it's the main plot or a subplot, I can guarantee it's almost always my favorite part of any given book.
It's a good idea to get over your fears of giving your book away for free, because if it is done for a limited time, for a specific purpose, and carried out in the right way, it can be very rewarding for everyone involved.
See more to love here: • Icelandic turf houses are old - school green with a Viking twist (photos) • The beautiful Icelandic tradition of giving books on Christmas Eve
Most surprising and gratifying was that many of them gave the book as a gift to family members, friends and acquaintances in order to help educate them about how serious food allergies can be.
From numbers of units sold to overall sales of any given book, no one is going to speak up with specifics unless he has to (or unless he's a pioneer like Hugh Howey who wants to see transparency in order to foster good decision making about the market).
Only true outliers will be a phenomenal success — making the New York Times, selling more than 1,000,0000 copies of a given book and become a staple of the industry.
This includes the so - called best - seller list, whose rankings are determined not by the popularity of a given book but by how much a publisher is willing to invest to promote it.
Unfortunately due to the large volume of titles we receive we are unable to discuss the merits of any given book, or on occasion why we might reject a title for inclusion in the competition.
In addition to publishing books independently, Danny has adopted the approach (controversial to many) of giving books away for free.
«Whether pirated copies were easy or difficult to obtain turned out not to have an actual impact on the sales of a given book
The name is meant to imply that by using the Kindle Touch you can see through to the «bones» of a given book.
Some established, strong - selling authors report declining income, because high - volume readers are switching to monthly ebook subscriptions, which compensate writers much less per «borrow» than do outright sales of a given book.
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