Sentences with phrase «of a grain of sand»

Scientists have come a step closer to gaining complete control over a mind, even if that mind belongs to a creature the size of a grain of sand.
That's nearly three times the estimated number of grains of sand in the world, according to school officials.
He and his colleagues have been developing a program, first described in a 2011 paper, that follows the trajectory of every grain of sand in a model storm under various wind conditions.
Many of you are familiar with the saying it takes a lot of grains of sand to fill a bucket.
The bumps may be slightly pink, but are typically the same colour as the skin and around the size of a grain of sand.
Since there are only 10 to the 80th power baryons in the universe, this means that an addition of just 10 to the 21st power baryons (about the mass of a grain of sand) would have made life impossible.
But as you go through life, these tiny miracles add up, like little grains of sand, until many years from now, you have millions and billions of grains of sand, and you look back at your life, and see miles and miles of gleaming white beach.
«This force of one hundred femtoNewton that presses on a molecule of one nanometre can be compared with the force of a grain of sand on a person's shoulder.
For the particles to have an effect, the impact must be extremely intense, such as that caused by a firearm or micrometeorites (objects the size of grains of sand capable of hitting satellites at the speed of ten kilometres per second).
Wandering through the hourglass with the rest of grains of sand.
This is a hologram - style device that presents images that appear out of grains of a sand - like substance.
A soft touch of hot sand makes you squeeze it hard, dip your hand more and you find thousands of grains of sand hidden from the midday sun, each of them so small but unique... White, yellow, gold - they shimmer in the sun.
«Coherence,» he writes, «means no mere sameness but sameness in difference: not the unity of grains of sand, but of parts of an organism which complement each other but are not all cast in the same mold.»
«Nature is too complex, they (the authors) say, and depends on too many processes that are poorly understood or little monitored — whether the process is the feedback effects of cloud cover on global warming or the movement of grains of sand on a beach,» the Times article explained.
Just a month after a science fiction writer speculated on storage devices the size of a grain of sand comes news from the magazine Science of developments in magnetic anisotropy that could eventually be used to store information in individual atoms, paving the way to pack as much as 150 trillion bits of data per square inch, 1,000 times more than current data storage densities.
Believing that universe expanded from something the size of a grain of sand — or even out of nothing — does, indeed, sound like «fairytales and mythology» to me.
If each was the size of a grain of sand, they would fill every beach in Florida.
Delfyett's groups use «laser chips about the size of a grain of sand to transmit as much information as we can from point A to point B.» His team holds the record for shortest and most intense pulse from a semiconductor laser diode and recently invented a chip that can transmit more than 1 trillion bits or terabit of information per second, nearly 200,000 compressed digital TV channels.
Traditionally, the process involves plucking the inner cell mass from a 5 - day - old embryo known as a blastocyst (a round ball of 150 to 200 cells the size of a grain of sand), which destroys the embryo.
A typical meteor barrelling through the thin atmosphere at this height is just the size of a grain of sand or a small pebble.
New research from the University of New Hampshire has led to the development of a novel technique to determine the surface area and volume of small particles, the size of a grain of sand or smaller.
«Sprinkling of neural dust opens door to electroceuticals: Wireless, implantable sensors the size of a grain of sand could have wide use in body monitoring.»
Similar to the human brain, the fly brain, which is about the size of a grain of sand, is encased in the hard shell of its exoskeleton and cushioned by a layer of fluid that allows the brain to slosh around on impact.
Mostly, the meteoroids are about the size of a grain of sand and pose no risk at all.
Using this «Z Machine,» Sandia scientists can heat something about the size of a grain of sand to temperatures that aren't normally possible on Earth.
«What we managed to do is to get our microresonator and combine it with a semiconductor laser, which is the size of a grain of sand, essentially, and out of that get even higher - quality laser light than you can get with these much larger laser systems,» he says.
The size of the mite is approximately the size of a grain of sand.
A microchip is a tiny transponder, about the size of a grain of sand, that is encoded with a unique identification number.
But if a bug with a brain the size of a grain of sand can adapt to new situations quickly and smoothly, there must be a simpler, more analog way.
The Internet of Things enables all types of objects to be connected to the Internet, such as computers, smartphones, refrigerators, windmills, tiny sensors the size of a grain of sand, etc..
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