Sentences with phrase «of a guilty verdict»

Is your driving record feeling the pain of a guilty verdict?
He was sentenced to 12 years in prison, but is free pending appeal of the guilty verdict.
Critics of Gov. Andrew Cuomo — including his Republican gubernatorial opponents and a GOP - aligned super PAC — pounce on the news Tuesday of the guilty verdict in the corruption case of his close former aide.
Cameron had pledged to apologise in July 2011, when he told the Commons he would «not fall short» in the event of a guilty verdict.
You can ease the pain of a guilty verdict by completing a South Carolina defensive driving course.
But there's a peculiar lack of evidence that consumers were ever deceived or harmed by Sears» tire pricing strategy, regardless of the guilty verdict.
The conviction is a major victory for U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, coming on the heels of a guilty verdict in the case of former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver.
Her comments came in reaction to Republican Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan raising the possibility of discussing changes to the state's ethics and anti-corruption measures in the wake of the guilty verdict of former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver's guilty verdict.
But she declined to say anything about Andy Coulson, her successor as editor at the News of the World, although reporters repeatedly asked her what she thought of the guilty verdict against him.
According to the Innocence Project, eyewitness testimony played a role in 75 percent of guilty verdicts eventually overturned by DNA testing after people spent years in prison.
After learning of the guilty verdict today, Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. sends this along noting that «it is a little bit more complicated than not being able to forecast earthquakes».
Two months of ongoing criticism of the guilty verdict that sent Dennis Oland to prison — and of the character and motives of jury members who delivered it — is raising questions about rules in Canada that gag jurors after a trial, says Toronto lawyer Allan Rouben.
If you're facing an increase in auto insurance rates as a result of a guilty verdict, enroll in a WA defensive driving course today!
A PBR refers to any time you plead guilty for a crime and are assigned probation in lieu of a guilty verdict by the court.
In the event of a guilty verdict, we recommend less harsh, alternative punishments that still send a strong message.
Ease the pain of a guilty verdict and consider enrolling in a defensive driving course.
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