Sentences with phrase «of a healthy democracy»

Confidence in an independent fourth estate is a cornerstone of a healthy democracy.
The Chief Justice has rejected this characterization, and explains this dialogue as part of a healthy democracy.
The national Action Committee on Access to Justice in Civil and Family Matters is also currently running a social media campaign aimed at raising public understanding of accessible justice challenges as a component of a healthy democracy.
But the people who most need to learn this lesson are the architects of new democracies: they must recognise that robust checks and balances are just as vital to the establishment of a healthy democracy as the right to vote.
As a result, both the performances and Johnson's artworks facilitate conversation about the fragile balance between solitude and social immersion — seemingly antithetical states of being that are as necessary for artists as they are for any active member of a healthy democracy.
We must recognize the importance of these common spaces, and the role they play in enabling the workings of a healthy democracy — and we must push back when leaders like Bloomberg attempt to diminish our access to them.
Anonymous participation in debate is a vital part of a healthy democracy.
Mayor Bloomberg's brazen refusal to acknowledge a court order upholding the Occupy movement's right to protest reveals a dangerous contempt towards free assembly in public places, a cornerstone of a healthy democracy.
Third, as mentioned, higher # of convicted officials for corruption can actually be a sign of a healthy democracy - rule of law is paramount, and you get investigated and convicted even if you ARE a Prime Minister.
The Action Committee on Access to Justice in Civil and Family Matters launched the #justiceforall campaign designed to raise public understanding of accessible justice challenges as a component of a healthy democracy.
Education, he added, is a key to human development, transforming a country, widening life's options for individuals and society as a whole, and is a tool for the development of the nation and of a healthy democracy.
«As far as Iraq is concerned they have always disagreed about removing Saddam by force - such disagreement is part of a healthy democracy,» the spokesperson said.
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