Sentences with phrase «of a humanitarian crisis»

This raises the prospect of a humanitarian crisis on the island and a mass wave of migration to the mainland.
We are on the advent of a humanitarian crisis, and the nuclear family has somehow become politically incorrect.
Thus, disability in the context of humanitarian crises will continue to present new challenges, requiring innovative solutions, dedication and attention.
After three months of telling your stories, some say this could be the turning point of a humanitarian crisis impacting 400,000 people in public housing.
Real Madrid have pledged to donate $ 1m to aid refugees in Spain in the midst of the humanitarian crisis in Europe at the moment, according to the Daily Mirror.
In the event of a humanitarian crisis triggered by an unmanageable flow of Venezuelans escaping the Maduro regime, large - scale violence could easily flare up in guerrilla strongholds and criminal hubs along the border.
The speedy resolution of the humanitarian crises caused by the barbaric atrocities of the terrorist group will also feature prominently on the summit's agenda.
The speedy resolution of the humanitarian crises caused by the barbaric atrocities of the terrorist group will also feature prominently on the summit's agenda, he added.
That could include content shared by animal rights groups to expose animal testing conditions or animal abuse, or content that raises awareness of humanitarian crises around the world, such as famine and the impact of war, according to Instagram.
We need an impartial analysis of how many people have died and are dying from Maria in Puerto Rico so the public fully grasps the magnitude of this humanitarian crisis and our government responds appropriately.»
US strikes appear to have made a vital contribution to the lifting of the siege of Amirli at the start of September — the Northern Iraqi town in which 17,000 Shiite Turkomen were trapped in a state of humanitarian crisis and facing the prospect of massacre had ISIS forces overrun them.
There is a fundamental change underway in the underlying drivers of humanitarian crisis and of humanitarian response that will become a reality in 2025 if we consider that an essential condition that defines a «humanitarian situation» is a communications crisis.
A communications crisis, then, lies at the heart of a humanitarian crisis, where a disconnect emerges between the urgent needs of an affected human population and the capacity or will to meet these ends, On the socio - political level, this communications crisis partly defines humanitarian identities.
As such, disability interacts with and exacerbates the negative consequences of humanitarian crises, which are often highly difficult to adequately respond to in any case.
International aid has pulled Somalia back from the brink of the humanitarian crisis.
The government's determination to deport Afghan asylum seekers against advice and in spite of the humanitarian crisis was perhaps best illustrated by Amber Rudd's recent insistence that a 23 - year - old man was deported to Kabul despite a court order demanding he remain in the UK.
«No responsible executive should stand on the sidelines of a humanitarian crisis,» said Councilman Ritchie Torres, who has been a vocal advocate for public housing residents.
The year is 2022, and for the fourth time the Navy was the last contingent to arrive at the scene of a humanitarian crisis in the Pacific Ocean.
There are many charities, including the International Rescue Committee, which focus on helping victims of humanitarian crises like the ones recounted in this story.
The work calls attention to the increasing frequency of these humanitarian crises, and will be appear in various locations in the city's waterways during the Biennale.
We also have to confront how the mismatch between climate change and market domination has created barriers within our very selves, making it harder to look at this most pressing of humanitarian crises with anything more than furtive, terrified glances.
The Express Tribune: We are witnessing that global warming is leading to more volatile weather patterns in the world, which is causing many different kinds of humanitarian crises.
The risk of a hurricane occurring is higher in tropical, sub-tropical and coastal regions, but the risk of a humanitarian crisis as a consequence of the weather event is higher in economically less developed countries.
DRC is in the middle of a humanitarian crisis, with about 7.7 million people on the verge of starvation, according to UN food agencies.
The funding is being provided through her department's Rapid Response Facility, which fast - tracks money to charities in the event of a humanitarian crisis.
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