Sentences with phrase «of a hung parliament led»

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Stable and united, that's what we were told — but the realities of this hung parliament are much more acrimonious than we've been led to believe.
It is therefore vital that a truly meaningful vote should be held within the time frame of the article 50 negotiations and not be left to verbal assurances — not least because there is no guarantee who will be leading the Conservative party by next autumn, nor indeed where the balance of power might be in any future government or hung parliament.
Of course a successor will lead in the same nightmarish context of a hung parliament, but he or she will not have been culpable for the last election and will have every intention of leading the party into the next onOf course a successor will lead in the same nightmarish context of a hung parliament, but he or she will not have been culpable for the last election and will have every intention of leading the party into the next onof a hung parliament, but he or she will not have been culpable for the last election and will have every intention of leading the party into the next onof leading the party into the next one.
Second, the gap between the overall - majority goals is vast: anything between a Labour lead of 1 per cent and a Tory lead of 10 per cent is likely to give us a hung parliament.
But Laws — who was a key figure in the hung parliament talks that led to the formation of the present government — has denied his row over Morgan's sacking is «positioning» and believes the real offensive is yet to come.
A new political landscape Back on the hustings, the Conservatives today accused Nick Clegg of trying to «hold the country to ransom» as they unveiled a mock election broadcast from the «Hung Parliament party» warning it would lead to financial catastrophe.
Farron had stuck resolutely to his line of «no coalitions, no pacts,» with other parties, in the wake of the general election result, which led to a hung parliament.
[124] Some of the opinion polls had shown a 20 - point Conservative lead over Labour before the election was called, but this lead had narrowed by the day of the 2017 general election, which resulted in a hung parliament.
What is clear is that unless one of the two main parties can open up a substantial lead a hung parliament remains the most probable outcome.
Using different methods, pollsters are divided about the extent of the Conservative lead, but they all show the gap with Labour shrinking, making the landslide Mrs. May hoped for unlikely and even, for at least one polling company, raising the possibility of a hung Parliament.
On an equal amount of votes — 34.5 % a piece — the Conservatives would have almost fifty seats more than Labour, Labour would need to have a lead of about four points over the Conservatives just to get the most seats in a hung Parliament.
A hung parliament would «lead to a sort of stagnation to a sort of haggling and a bickering among politicians and we won't get done what so badly needs to be done in our country».
A hung parliament, leading to electoral reform as the price the Lib Dems will try to exact as a condition of supporting a minority administration, could be the key.
The election produced a hung parliament, with the Conservative Party led by Arthur Balfour and their Liberal Unionist allies receiving the largest number of votes, but the Liberals led by H. H. Asquith winning the largest number of seats, returning two more MPs than the Conservatives.
In Australia, where AV has been used for over a century to elect the House of Representatives, it has rarely led to a hung parliament.
The tradition in the United Kingdom appears to be that single party government is the norm, even when a general election leads to a hung Parliament, and that the largest single party, rather than participate in a coalition government, usually forms its own ministry, supported tacitly or openly by one of the smaller parties.
Salmond reiterated SNP policy not to enter a UK coalition government led by the Conservatives in the event of a hung parliament.
He said: «Any result between level pegging with Labour and a Tory lead of 11 % potentially produces a hung parliament.
They would gain over a dozen of seats every election, leading to more hung parliaments where Nick Clegg gets to decide who forms the government.
The significance of a five - point lead is that it is the point at which, on a conventional projection, Labour would win more seats in a hung parliament than the Tories.
A hung parliament has «surely sunk any chance» of the prime minister pressing ahead with merging the Serious Fraud Office with the National Crime Agency, predicted a leading white collar crime lawyer.
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