Sentences with phrase «of a large asteroid»

«Understanding properties of silicate melts and glasses at ultra-high pressure is crucial to understand how the Earth has formed in its infancy, where impacts of large asteroids led to a completely molten Earth,» said Prescher.
After traveling four years and 1.7 billion miles, NASA's Dawn spacecraft arrived at Vesta last July, the first stop on its tour of the largest asteroids in the solar system.
In 1992 there was a meeting at Los Alamos National Laboratory to look at the consequences of large asteroid impacts on Earth.
«NASA already is working to find asteroids that might be a threat to our planet, and while we have found 95 percent of the large asteroids near the Earth's orbit, we need to find all those that might be a threat to Earth,» said NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver.
«NASA already is working to find asteroids that might be a threat to our planet, and, while we have found 95 percent of the large asteroids near the Earth's orbit, we need to find all those that might be a threat to Earth,» NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver said of the Grand Challenge.
Simulations by Japanese astrophysicists suggest that shock waves (perhaps from high - energy collisions in the infant solar system) flash - heated the chondrules, which then became part of larger asteroids.
By examining infrared data taken earlier by the Spitzer Space Telescope, they discovered a swath of dust particles ranging in size from 0.1 to 20 microns (finer than a split hair) that added up to the mass of a large asteroid and, based on their warmth, were strewn about 1.8 Earth — sun distances from the star.
This artist's conception shows the immediate aftermath of a large asteroid impact around NGC 2547 - ID8, a 35 million - year - old star.
Most of the large asteroids in the Asteroid Belt are already known, so this means that either the meteorite originated on an asteroid that has been eroded, or there is another large asteroid out there.
This concept images shows ARM robotic capture Option B, in which the robotic vehicle ascends from the surface of a large asteroid, on its way to a lunar distant retrograde orbit with a smaller asteroid mass in its clutches.
This asteroid — about the size of Ceres, one of the largest asteroids in the Solar System — smashed into Mars, ripped off a chunk of the northern hemisphere and left behind a legacy of metallic elements in the planet's interior.
Iron meteorites, derived from the shattered cores of larger asteroids, reach Earth only rarely.
The next time Friday the 13th happens in April, in 2029, it will coincide with the flyby of a large asteroid that will only narrowly miss Earth.
Although we rightly worry about the consequences of the impact of large asteroid, billions of years ago they may have brought the water to the Earth and helped it become the world teeming with life that we live in today.»
In the 2020s, NASA's human spaceflight program will revolve around sending astronauts to high lunar orbit to study a small boulder robotically plucked from the surface of a large asteroid, agency officials announced yesterday.
Ceres and Vesta, which are much farther from Earth's orbit, are considerably larger than the near - Earth asteroids consideration by NASA for its asteroid initiative, which includes using a robotic spacecraft to capture a small near - Earth asteroid and also remove a boulder from the surface of a larger asteroid.
Advance our understanding of the origin and evolution of the solar system by studying two of the largest asteroids, Vesta and Ceres which appear to have remained intact since their formation 4.6 billion years ago.
Formed by the impact of a large asteroid or comet, Caloris is one of the largest, and possibly one of the youngest, basins in the Solar System.
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