Sentences with phrase «of a larger body»

Yet, each school board member is one part of a larger body and has no individual power.
But there is a problem they have to face is that looking for someone to date is not that easy because of their large body size and shape.
Their selection out of a larger body of writings was a function of its growing corporate life, in response to a developing situation.
These efforts fly in the face of a large body of scientific evidence showing that preventing unintended pregnancies strengthens the family.
The traditional denominations could benefit from the creative energy of the emerging churches, while the emerging communities could benefit from the rich resources and history of the larger body.
You can get one of the large body pillows and heat it up for your child to take with them while they nap.
And like an iceberg, the tip of this large body of work is emerging in direct consumer applications, too.
However, whales of large body size likely arose multiple times in the evolution of sperm whales, and the majority of these large whales also had unusually large upper and lower teeth.
The findings are from a rigorous new review of a large body of research conducted over more than 40 years.
The approach yields reliable and precise summaries of large bodies of research.
The extra screen space doesn't really add enough real estate to make much of a difference — especially not at the cost of a larger body.
Discussion often centres around his depictions of large bodies, but actually he was interested in subjects of many different shapes and types.
Although depending on your situation, I personally wouldn't recommend calculating how much taxes you owe so near the vicinity of a large body of water.
This requires antitrust professionals to think outside of the box, without the guidance of a large body of case law to guide them.
RR245 ranks in the top 20 list of largest bodies in the Kuiper Belt, making it the largest object, and the only dwarf planet, discovered by the OSSOS so far.
The fact that people have cited Hal Fritt's work in discussions says nothing at all about their understanding of his large body of research.
An intelligence knowing all the forces acting in nature at a given instant, as well as the momentary positions of all things in the universe, would be able to comprehend in one single formula the motions of the largest bodies as well as the lightest atoms in the world, provided that its intellect were sufficiently powerful to subject all data to analysis; to it nothing would be uncertain, the future as well as the past would be present to its eyes.
For now, Pluto will be the only of these large bodies that New Horizons will visit.
While I was marveling at Georgia Sagri's strange and charming flat - metal sculptures of large body parts in a storefront gallery, two women came in and said they couldn't find any Documenta works at the nearby Polytechnion university.
In fact, however, they are scientific abstractions derived by distinguishing «primary qualities» (mass, position, velocity) of large bodies from «secondary qualities» (color, taste, sound, smell, etc.).
Some examples: The Picasso heirs are still in possession of a large body of Picasso's works.
The emergence of a large body of secular Jews who can only be classified religiously as theists raises anew a question that Jewish scholars have been debating for thousands of years.
In the case of the universe, and other universes it is conceivable that what we observe is only a subset of something else (like the creation of a cell in a living body) and that larger body may also be a subset of a larger body, and on and on it goes.
All this is just a snippet of the larger body of work that has landed him the «most interesting golfer in the world» moniker.
«Law enforcement, fraud investigators, insurance companies, and others rely on these tools to make sense of large bodies of structured and unstructured data.»
The sea is just 5 ° north of the Martian equator and would be the first discovery of a large body of water beyond the planet's polar ice caps.
Comets which consist of two parts, like Chury, can form after a catastrophic collision of larger bodies.
How does the gravity of large bodies like the sun, Earth or black holes warp space?
Mark Uhen, a paleontologist at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, adds that the study is the «first real test of the idea that the evolution of large body size in cetaceans is a dietary adaptation.»
If the «string - of - pearls» exocomets are indeed fragments of a larger body, they could help astronomers understand the composition of their massive parent, Roberge says.
«I doubt there's a Q.E.D. in the offing,» says planetary fluvial geologist Alan Howard of the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, but the deltas» strong clustering around a single elevation «does suggest we had to have something in the way of a large body of water.»
Loss of large bodied terrestrial and aquatic fauna may have had a huge impact on systems and suggests many trophic cascades that formerly arose fromtop predators have vanished.
Another is that a group of larger bodied hominins — H. erectus — reached the island of Flores about 1 million years ago only to shrink because of a lack of predators and scarce resources, a process called island dwarfing.
Quantum mechanics explains the forces that affect matter, except for gravity and the behavior of large bodies such as planets.
This suggests the grains are being replenished via collisions between some number of larger bodies totaling around 1 − 6 times the mass of the Moon.
«A systematic search for asteroids within the newly identified branch will be needed to find the size - frequency distribution of large bodies within the branch,» she says.
The studies described below represent the highlights of the large body of scientific work done on the benefits of beta - sitosterol for lowering cholesterol levels and improving cardiovascular health.
We continue our focus of large body movements with the added weights to build strength and tone those large, superficial muscles while we tone from the inside with our smaller, pulsing movements.
In members of the animal kingdom, fish, reptiles, and non-human primates express and infer power through expansive postures, large body size, or the perception of large body size.
New York is particularly vulnerable to flooding, not only because of the large bodies of water that surround it, but also because of heavy snowfalls in the winter.
We continue to present disciplines largely in isolation from each other, place an emphasis on the mastery of large bodies of factual and procedural knowledge and treat learning as an individual rather than collective activity.
A marine layer is an air mass which develops over the surface of a large body of water such as the ocean or large lake in the presence of a temperature inversion.
There are still meteorites flying around, destroying smaller objects on the map and they could herald the imminent impact of a larger body of metal or stone.
One of the most - anticipated shows of the fall season, Rashid Johnson's unveiling of a large body of new work at Hauser & Wirth's cavernous Chelsea space is expected to celebrate a reboot of sorts in his meteoric career.
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