Sentences with phrase «of a larger problem faced»

One of the largest problems facing Facebook was the site's mobile versions.
My criticism of Advantage Credit Counseling Service in this article is simply as an example of a larger problem facing the credit counseling industry at large.
The bill's authors assert PROSPER's reforms will simplify and improve student aid and that the proposals outlined will help students borrow responsibly.1 Those are certainly laudable goals, but the bill seems to miss two of the largest problems facing higher education today: maintaining access and increasing affordability.
It is of little comfort for me to confirm you are a good example of a larger problem faced my scores and scores of students in America.
In my mind, one of the largest problems we face is the enormous difficulty in changing our attitudes toward consumption.

Not exact matches

But, McDonnell says, the company also has bulked up its technical understanding of the security problems facing large industrial organizations as Wurldtech has expanded its customer base.
Western Australia's smaller clothing manufacturers are facing supply problems from China as larger US and European importers capitalise on the easing of trade restrictions.
As one of the largest technology firms in the world, how to maintain sustained growth is now the biggest problem Apple is facing, and the formation of a sound app eco-chain has become a top priority.
Some of the company's problems are the routine worries that every start - up faces, only an order of magnitude larger.
The two previous articles (part one and part two) in this series covered the basic mechanics of the blockchain and the largest problem the blockchain currently faces.
Not only did the exigencies of the life of the first Christians, with the problems they had to face, occasion the handing on of the tales and the teaching, and to a large degree determine how the tales and the teaching were to be communicated.
With the larger economic problems the nation faces in funding the Depression - era program, Astrue has made little headway, particularly since he took office after the collapse of President Bush's efforts to reform the system, and especially now that his six - year appointment has carried him, a Republican legacy, into a Democratic administration.
The last large area of problems which an ecologically - oriented global community must face up to is what may be called the man - society relationship.
One of the problems continually faced by religious broadcasters has been that of handling the large volume of correspondence generated by their programs.
From the very beginning, India's leaders faced the problem of instituting a secular and democratic state before the conditions for it - anadequately large secular and egalitarianminded citizenry, and impartial legal institutions - had been met.
The question of providing spiritual fellowship to those committed to Christ in different religious communities is a peculiarly Indian ecclesiological problem which has been with us for many decades and needs to be faced squarely, for the number involved is large and the stand of many of them based on the distinction between the spiritual fellowship of faith and the Christian communality, have theological justification.
Ms Maile Carnegie has had an extensive career leading business innovation programs in large corporations with particular expertise in how large, mature organisations stay competitive in the face of digital disruption and applying a fresh approach to complex problem solving.
This car is one of the most common in the world, two Swedish rear facing seats in the rear seat with plenty of room in the front is no problem (see photos above, click for larger size).
Riots, Communities and Victims Panel Report Commenting on the independent report which emerged today from the Riots, Communities and Victims Panel, Christine Blower, General Secretary of the National Union of Teachers, the largest teachers» union, said: «While many teachers are only too aware of the social problems and all too often grinding poverty that some of their pupils face, it has to be remembered that the key task of teachers is to teach.
«That fear of real problems, combined with mistrust about the government, is the toxic combination that this nation now faces,» Cuomo wrote in the statement, seemingly situating the corruption that has occurred in Albany during his own administration as part of larger, institutional failures nationwide.
Clinton said other necessary reforms include proper treatment for the mentally ill and drug addicted who make up an increasingly larger percentage of the prison population, sentencing reform so people with low level offenses do not face long prison terms, and tackling income inequality, which is often at the root of the problem for many people caught in the criminal justice system.
«The governor has never liked spending money but the problem that the governor faces is how do you appeal to the base of the Democratic Party and voters at large without spending money?
The veteran MP for Walsall North stated: «The party is faced with the problem of a leader who is simply not acceptable to a large number of people who would normally vote Labour.
The group warned that if the current occupation by the military was not stopped, fleeing residents of the area would face serious humanitarian crisis and pose a problem to the state and the nation at large.
I think the deeper, underlying problem is the principal - agent problem within large, sprawling corporations: managers often do not face sufficient penalties for failure, sometimes they can escape entirely unscathed by blaming others, people are rewarded for winning government contracts regardless of the corporation's actual ability to deliver (this seems intuitively like a good idea - after all, winning fat government contracts is inherently good, right?
Should Bilbray fall on Tuesday, it will be seen as a sign of larger electoral problems facing the party in the fall.
It is clear to me that this culture of intimidation, back room deals, and working for your largest donors is one of the biggest problem facing our democracy.»
He told PA: «The party is faced with the problem of a leader who is simply not acceptable to a large number of people who would normally vote Labour.
The threat of large - scale electronic fraud is a mere fantasy, many election officials conclude, compared with the logistical problems they face every Election Day.
Another problem with the current GI Bill is that it gives more generous benefits to regular service veterans than to reservists or National Guard members, a large number of whom have faced the same dangers and casualty rates as their regular - service comrades during long, full - time deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The proposed solution, the first of its kind for this problem, can be applied to other large river systems around the world facing similar tradeoffs.
«Climate change is arguably the largest collective - action problem the world has ever faced,» said lead author Nick Obradovich, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Political Science in UC San Diego's Division of Social Sciences.
It may be true that a child's zombielike stare at the TV set is a sign of focus, as he writes, but the positive implication inherent in this statement pales in the face of a large amount of research that links young children's excessive television viewing with attention, learning and social problems during childhood and teen years.
Even if one chose to accept the risk of handling a spacecraft inside a human - occupied sealed vessel, we would face the final problem of how to build a chamber wide enough or a doorway strong enough to get a large spacecraft inside.
These technologies are still emerging and many face problems that the larger the quantity of data produced, the lower the quality.
If you don't send excess FODMAP down into the large intestine, in the face of no other underlying problem, there will be no bloating or embarrassing elimination problems.
I can tell you that as a counselor many of the problems my clients face come from the pressure they feel of not doing whatever the «right» thing appears to be from a larger perspective and not their own.
There is a presentation that requires students to assess the significance of 5 problems faced by the Weimar government between 1918 - 23 - this is presented in the form of a «snowball» activity, where students prioritise these problems in progressively larger groups.
It heads off many of the problems that students will inevitably face when undertaking large projects.
The large gap in student performance between white students and minority students is one of the most serious problems facing the United States.
Indeed, in many large cities during the 1960s and 1970s, the problems facing minority high - school students actually worsened, as their schools became battlegrounds for such issues as busing and identity politics, issues that overwhelmed more routine efforts to improve the quality of education.
For many of the problems we now face are at much larger scales, emanating from and affecting entire landscapes (and seascapes), countries, regions, and indeed the earth.
With one of their largest client groups being within education, Raynors were very aware of the importance of listening to the demands, and adapting their offering to help solve the problems business managers were facing.
Aside from the fact that she believes there is relevance and value in teaching fiction to students, even when they may not be required to deal with those sort of texts frequently in their adult lives, the largest problem everyone faces in her school, Lovdahl says, is the lack of necessary resources to effect this transformation.
Middle school students are more likely to face discipline problems when surrounded by large numbers of students who are repeating grades, according to a new study from researchers at Duke University.
Reading Borough Council believes it is facing a particular problem because «economic difficulties» mean young families who would have traditionally moved out of the town into suburbs and larger properties are remaining where they are.
The problem is worst in the Northeast — the region that, in many ways, never desegregated — where students face some of the largest academic achievement gaps: in Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts and the District of Columbia.
Rhee has repeatedly claimed that the problem facing American education is not a lack of money, despite the fact that in Connecticut, at least, the lack of sufficient resources means urban students face larger class sizes, fewer options and middle - income and working families end up paying unfairly high local property taxes.
Driven by curiosity (as always), I've just spend a large part of my lunch break browsing through various forums [1], trying to get a handle on what problems self - publishers are facing when they are creating their ebooks.
The larger problem facing the e-reader industry, Kidd added, is how soon it can add new features, such as color e-ink displays, that significantly boost demand: «There is no visible short - term solution to drive significantly more sales of ebook readers, except to use price as a tool.»
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