Sentences with phrase «of a major earthquake»

What if another series of major earthquakes were to strike this region?
You should make sure you get enough earthquake insurance to cover your belongings in case of a major earthquake in your area.
Should this work pan out, the trick will be to find a way to absorb the massive energy of a major earthquake — or find a better place to send it.
Although the risk of a major earthquake destroying your Tennessee home or business is slim, it is very real.
For instance, scientists with the U.S. Geological Survey figure a 63 percent chance of a major earthquake rocking the San Francisco Bay Area in the next 30 years.
Reauthorization is critical to the full implementation of NEHRP and the successful translation of research into actions and results that protects the nation from the devastating effects of a major earthquake.
Although the risk of a major earthquake destroying your Tennessee home or business is slim, it is very real.
David Biello reports from China on the aftermath of the major earthquake that struck this week.
In recent years, India has witnessed a rash of major earthquakes, the most recent of which devastated Bhuj last January.
He says that the chance of another powerful tremor occurring in the area close to the epicenter of a major earthquake gets «up to the order of some percent» over the following week, but notes that the size of the area in question is difficult to define accurately.
The organization has recently been in the spotlight as a result of an ongoing trial in L'Aquila, in which seven scientists and engineers who served on Italy's «Great Risks Commission» — including longtime INGV President Enzo Boschi — face charges of manslaughter for allegedly downplaying the chances of a major earthquake before the lethal tremor that struck the city in April 2009.
Where else in the world are huge populations still at risk because they are living in cities where the primary building construction is unreinforced concrete and there is a likelihood of a major earthquake like this?
[4] In fact, in recent years, the number of major earthquakes per year has actually decreased, although this is likely a statistical fluctuation.
Sept. 28, 2017 - In the event of a major earthquake, hurricane or flood, electricity might be lost for days, affecting communications, recovery efforts and people's lives.
In case of a major earthquake, these old reactors have increasingly been identified as major hazards for the 20 - 30 or so million people living in Tokyo.
Earthquake insurance is extra insurance coverage that you can add to your homeowners insurance to cover the cost of major earthquake damage.
A series of major earthquakes have struck beneath the Pacific Ocean in less than a year and a half.
All those indicted took part in a meeting held in L'Aquila on March 30, 2009, during which they were asked to assess the risk of a major earthquake in view of the many shocks that had hit the city in the previous months.
In the last few weeks, we've watched the devastating effects of major earthquakes that have struck Nepal, affecting so many lives and destroying countless homes across the country.
While geologists don't see much risk of a major earthquake, the faults often cause damage to infrastructures such as roads and pipes.
A series of major earthquakes have struck below the Pacific Ocean in less than a year and a half.
The experts, they ruled, could not be faulted for saying there was no reason to think that the risk of a major earthquake had increased following the earlier tremors.
Some of the more recent conjectures include the constant winds over the oceans pushing varying amounts of water on the earth at one time or even the effects of a major earthquake.
According to Earthquake Model for Canada1, a report produced by AIR Worldwide for the Insurance Bureau of Canada, the risk of a major earthquake is highest in Vancouver, Victoria, Montréal, Ottawa and Québec City.
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