Sentences with phrase «of a millimeter per»

But the technique works only if the water moves very slowly — a fraction of a millimeter per second.
But new modeling studies by Marchant and his team have shown that sublimation of deeply buried ice is extremely slow, less than a tenth of a millimeter per year.
We delineate critical control parameters and show that complex solid parts can be drawn out of the resin at rates of hundreds of millimeters per hour.
Most experimental bacteria crawl just fractions of a millimeter per day.
That increase in ice translates to about a quarter of a millimeter per year less sea level rise than was previously predicted, says lead author Jay Zwally, chief cryospheric scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland.
As for 2 to 8 feet by 2100, there was a recent paper that discussed periods of time in the past where sea level rose by tens of millimeters per year.
RiseRate = 32; # tenths of a millimeter per year TotalRise = 0; # zero starting sea - level rise for -LRB-(i = 0; i < 2013 - 125; i + +)-RRB-; # loop year - by - year do -LRB-(RiseRate + = 1)-RRB-; # the rise - rate increases -LRB-(TotalRise + = $ RiseRate)-RRB-; # the total rise increases done; # now convert integer arithmetic to floating - point echo «$ TotalRise / 254/12» bc - l

Not exact matches

Beyond sea level rise, San Francisco is slowly sinking at a rate of up to 10 millimeters per year in a process called subsidence.
If this is the case, then, my logical conclusion is that the relative hotness between chile peppers is determined by the concentration or density of the capsaicinoids per square millimeter of the pepper bodies.
At this point, your little champ weighs in at around.04 of an ounce, and while diminutively - sized, your baby is a tiny entity that will continue to grow at the lighting - fast rate of about a millimeter per day.
A model of the flows in Earth's mantle below North America, developed by the scientists, reveals that the mantle material below 200 kilometers flows westward at a velocity of about 4 millimeters per year.
Researcher uses a custom - built, ultrasensitive microscope to determine that a sample grew 0.000000000014 millimeter per second — the equivalent of a pencil width every 16,000 years.
«Sea level observations are telling us that during the past 100 years sea level has risen at an average rate of 1.7 millimeters per year,» most of that due to thermal expansion as the top 700 meters of the oceans warms and expands.
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, made up of leading climate scientists, sea levels have risen some 3.1 millimeters per year since 1993.
Wettzell is moving to the northeast at a rate of 25.4 millimeters per year.
The occurrence of the three earthquakes induced a total of 1.8 meters of vertical displacement in the past 8500 years for a mean uplift rate of 0.21 millimeters per year.
Following up on the inspectors» findings, a National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) laboratory study has demonstrated severe corrosion — rapidly eating through 1 millimeter of wall thickness per year — on steel alloy samples exposed to ethanol and acetic acid vapors.
«We used this radio link between Juno and Earth to measure the velocity of the spacecraft to exquisite accuracy — to 0.01 millimeter per second or better,» Iess says.
Normally there are 500 to 1,200 of these cells per cubic millimeter of blood.
From their ground data, the researchers estimate that, for the most part, the North Anatolian Fault must move at about 25 millimeters — or one inch — per year, sliding quietly or slipping in a series of earthquakes.
Global average sea level has risen by roughly 0.11 inch (3 millimeters) per year since 1993 due to a combination of water expanding as it warms and melting ice sheets.
They can live hundreds, even thousands of years, and sometimes they grow so slowly they may advance only a few millimeters a century — an inch or two per millennium.
Using microscopic video recordings, the team showed that underwater oil droplets flowed continuously along the needles at a rate of 2 millimeters per second, similarly to the way water moves along cactus needles, the team reports online today in Nature Communications.
Deserts are typically defined by low average annual rainfall — usually 100 millimeters (less than 4 inches) of rain per year or less.
The Greenland ice sheet loses about 227 gigatonnes of ice per year and contributes about 0.7 millimeters to the currently observed mean sea level change of about 3 mm per year.
A new robotic micromilling device developed at the University of Saskatchewan can harvest 20,000 slices per millimeter of material.
The team found that people have large numbers of neural stem cells and progenitors early in life — an average of 1618 young neurons per square millimeter of brain tissue at birth.
There, the uplift of the mountains is extremely rapid (on the order of 1 centimeter per year, whereas in other areas 5 millimeters per year is more typical) and the river drops by 2 kilometers in elevation as it flows through the famous Tsangpo Gorge, known by some as the Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon because it is so deep and long.
The natural pace of sinking — scientists call it subsidence — would have been mere millimeters per year.
And the rate of that expansion appears to be accelerating, averaging 3.1 millimeters (0.1 inch) per year between 1993 and 2003.
As the maps below show, there has been an uplift of several millimeters per year throughout Sweden and Finland (center), as well as horizontal expansion (right).
A further factor is the rising sea level due to global warming, an effect that now also totals more than three millimeters per year and is responsible for another 15 centimeters of submerged land.
The silicon layers, which span nearly a millimeter in width, can stand up to a full atmosphere of pressure (15 pounds per square inch) without bending or breaking.
So far, the results suggest subsidence rates of some 9 millimeters per year in the southwest, and just 2 — 4 in the southeast.
Neuroimaging studies showed that such triggers set off an electrical wave of firing neurons that spread over the occipital cortex at a rate of several millimeters per minute.
Even so, he and Rouyer measured the velocities of steel beads, 1.6 millimeters in diameter, in an enclosed space shaken vertically at speeds up to 1.8 meters per second.
Dams on the river have cut the flow of sediment to one - tenth of its normal levels, but this probably accounts for only a few millimeters per year of the overall subsidence, says Higgins.
Still, the kids» blood pressure changes were not huge: The overweight children who ate the most sodium — an average of about 4.6 grams per day — had an average systolic blood pressure (the top number in the blood pressure ratio) of 112.8 millimeters of mercury (mmHg), whereas those who consumed the least — an average of 2.3 grams of sodium — had an average systolic pressure of 109 mmHg.
Today they are buried 1.5 meters beneath the mud and the modern sea level, indicating an average sinking rate of about 5 millimeters per year.
At threshold sedimentation rates of 1 millimeter per 1000 years, the low rates of microbial community metabolism in the North Pacific Gyre allow sediments to remain oxygenated tens of meters below the sea floor.
«For materials with low vapor pressure, we can grow crystals at a rate of one millimeter per hour,» Liu said.
The Greenland ice sheet is thought to be one of the largest contributors to global sea level rise over the past 20 years, accounting for 0.5 millimeters of the current total of 3.2 millimeters of sea level rise per year.
All are composed of calcium carbonate, and because travertine in hot pools grows at a rate of 5 millimeters a day — compared with just 1 millimeter per year for coral — Yellowstone offers an ideal natural lab for observing mineralization in action, he says.
By comparison, in rats that had received probiotics, two portions of the intestines had 14 and 21 bacteria, on average, per square millimeter, the researchers report in an upcoming Gut.
Since the 19th century, sea level has shot up more than 2 millimeters per year on average, far faster than other periods of global temperature change.
The water levels rose by about 0.1 millimeters (or 4 thousandths of an inch) per year from the first century through the eighth century.
The sum of metastatic tumor volume was first calculated from four lobes of lungs per animal (see Materials and methods), and the lung metastasis per group is presented as tumor volume (cubic millimeters).
Sinking velocity of the red blood cells expressed in millimeters per hour.
As glaciers and overland ice sheets shed ice and the warming oceans expand, sea level rise is accelerating; NASA says the rate of sea level rise has jumped from 1 millimeter per year 100 years ago to 3 millimeters per year today.
In past observations, gigantic galaxies deeply covered in dust, where several hundreds to thousands of stars are actively forming per year, have been detected with millimeter / submillimeter waves.
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