Sentences with phrase «of a national movement of»

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Breitbart is known for supporting what some refer to as the «alt right» movement in the United States, a loose affiliation of politically conservative groups that include overtly racist organizations such as Richard Spencer's National Policy Institute, which advocates for something it calls «white nationalism.»
Le Pen is campaigning for a wholesale renegotiation of the EU's treaties, restoring the primacy of national law, declawing the European Central Bank, ending free movement, and effectively killing the Single Market.
A working group led by Vice President Joe Biden is seriously considering measures that would require universal background checks for gun buyers and track the movement and sale of weapons through a national database, the newspaper said.
At this point, the idea of a higher minimum wage is certainly more than a proposal or an idea in a speech — it's something of a national movement.
As Henry Kissinger emphasizes in his new book World Order, the fundamental building block of all American and international engagement over the past hundred years — namely, the nation state and the Westphalian system in which states are embedded — is particularly weak in the Middle East due to fragile national roots and competing local and universalist identities, including pan-Arabic movements and messianic religious calls from the likes of Iran's ayatollahs and ISIS.
Over the last two years, the movement has brought national attention upon the issue of minimum wage, with a special focus on how much fast - food chains pay workers.
Fallon's rendition touched on the #MeToo movement («Come women and men who hashtag #MeToo / And believe me when I say that we believe you»), NFL players kneeling in protest of the national anthem, and Michael Wolff's controversial book «Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House» — with several jabs at Trump thrown in.
«We're hollowing out the whole high - tech sector right now,» says Chowaniec, who also serves as chairman of Startup Canada, which bills itself as a «national movement» to enhance entrepreneurship.
A founding member of the Reform Party, he quit Ottawa to become head of the anti-tax National Citizens Coalition, «on the libertarian side of the conservative movement,» as he described it.
This wave of scandals coincided with the #MeToo movement, a national conversation on workplace sexual harassment.
Trucking Industry Group Joins National Movement to Spread Message That It's #TimeToBuild Washington, D.C., May 15, 2017 — Trucking Moves America Forward (TMAF), the industry - wide image and education movement, is pleased to announce it will be an official affiliate of Infrastructure Week in 2017.
In addition to the normal representation of regional and linguistic interests, the commission included members from business, labour, the co-operative movement, the legal and academic communities, the public service and all 3 national political parties.
The response was best typified on Facebook, where out of 52 commenters, 10 said they were for the backpacks, 18 said they were not and a plurality — 19 commenters — gave no opinion on the backpacks, instead using the opportunity to criticize the students who have kick - started a national gun control movement.
The volatility of capital movements across national borders has led many observers to argue for a reformed «global financial architecture,» a body of consistent rules and institutions to prevent financial...
Student survivors of the Feb. 14 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School that left 17 people dead are now leading a massive national gun control movement.
But the national movement that Fowler unwittingly kicked off certainly gave more urgency to Chang's work, and today, the product of that effort, Brotopia: Breaking Up the Boys» Club of Silicon Valley, hits bookshelves.
Following Wednesday's shooting, a group of survivors quickly mobilized into an anti-gun movement, appearing on national TV and at rallies, organizing a trip to Tallahassee and even a nationwide march scheduled for next month.
For the record: the movement for Black lives (inclusive of all the various national & local orgs & grassroots movements) was accused of not having clear policy initiatives.
A vivid illustration of the death obsession driving the movement, transhumanist popularizer Zoltan Istvan just completed a national speaking tour in a bus made to look like a coffin as part of his pseudo campaign for president on the Transhumanist party ticket.
The movement of nationals of one country into another for the purpose of resettlement is central to Canadian history.
Second, the tradition is too big and too full of parties, caucuses, movements, and organizations to permit such a person emerging on a national scale.
Putting this in the most politic light possible, the National Liberal League resolved that «the Christian or anti-Christian character of this movement is solely a question of private interpretation.»
Thus, on the first national celebration of Martin Luther King Day in 1986, Jesse Jackson decried the widespread focus on King's great, unifying «I Have a Dream» speech, and stressed instead King's opposition to the Vietnam War — an opposition, be it noted, that King came to only after long agonizing with his conscience, and that he always carefully distinguished from the position of the extremists within the anti-war movement.
Early on he recognized the demonic in Hitler and his movement of National Socialism.
The subhead declares, «As the national gay movement shies away from the subject of homosexuality among the young, some gay teenagers are determined to open the subject up.»
The leader of the Hitler Youth stated «the destruction of Christianity was explicitly recognized as a purpose of the National Socialist movement» from the start, but «considerations of expedience made it impossible» publicly to express this extreme position.
But in 1974 at the second national workshop of Evangelicals for Social Action, one proposal that was endorsed as a valid way to implement the Chicago Declaration of Evangelical Social Concern called for a movement of evangelical, nonviolent direct action.
A movement for national reconciliation in a color - blind society had been seized by race - baiters who preached a gospel of victimization and identified the struggles of black America with the revolutionary theories of such Third World ideologues as Frantz Fanon.
Buber argues that Zionism is, or can be, a unique national movement precisely because it is based not on national «rights» or a myth of origins, but on dwelling in a land that belongs to no one people precisely because it belongs to God.
The rallying cry became the «inerrancy of the Scriptures» (the doctrine that defined for its advocates the limits of the post-fundamentalist, «neo-evangelical» coalition which found expression in the National Association of Evangelicals, the Evangelical Theological Society, Christianity Today, and other institutions of the movement).
• «The road from Stonewall, June 1969, to Stonewall, June 2011, was a trajectory of greater social acceptance of difference and nonconformity,» writes National Review's deputy managing editor on the magazine's website, describing the scene the night New York approved homosexual «marriage» at the famous gay bar where the riot that started the homosexual rights movement began.
With the disclosures out of the way, I can proceed to the judgment: There is no better book about William F. Buckley or National Review, and it is a good, quick sketch of the conservative movement's last few decades.
Initially, I was caught off guard that this thread turned into being about public figures from Emergent Village who gained some degree of national - level prominence coming out of the «emerging church» movement.
The Indian National Congress has also been formed as the political expression of the awakening of the people under the leadership of the class with western - oriented education; and linked to the politics of nationalism was also movements of social reform of family relations and caste structures on the basis of personal liberty and social equality.
Some of the post-partition policies of the Indian government have antagonized a large section of those Muslims who supported the Indian national movement against Pakistan.
Maudoodi entered the lists against the Muslim wing of the Indian National Congress by writing a book on Muslims and the Present Political Struggle, in which he argued so forcefully against the stand taken by the Muslim Congress that the Muslim Leaguers hoped he would come over to support the Pakistan movement.
«We are also convinced that the activity of the National Socialist movement has averted the danger of an all - destroying atheistic Bolshevism.
When we have emphasized to the full the immense gains made possible by the separation of the Christian movement from a special national state, we need also to remember that thereby the early Christian movement escaped practical administrative responsibility for the most difficult social problems that mankind faces.
«A careful reading of history shows that the Reformation was essentially a political movement, and the net result of it in Europe was a gradual displacement of the universal ethics of Christianity by systems of national ethics.»
After Dr. King was killed, multiple other instances took the civil rights movement into something of what people would call an underground phase, and it's really just resurfaced on a national scale.
The disparate German territories suffered under French occupation, which contributed to a gradual emergence of a national awareness, amplified by the Romantic movement among writers and intellectuals.
However legitimate from the standpoint of the gospel itself, such a movement was a denial of the church's location in suburban retreat, at cross-purposes with the national definition of Sunday, and a repudiation of the member's participation on the basis of the church's ability to provide yet another route out of the world.
He contends, first, that liberation theology should free its social analysis from a preoccupation with global «dependent capitalism» and move toward more specific analyses of land reform and of other pressing needs which would help popular Christian movements be «more politically effective at a national level.»
An effective broadcast reform movement in the future will need a number of member groups which are affiliated with large, national organizations.
However, in this minority were leaders of protest movements as well as prominent national leaders of denominations, and right beside them were agents of national media.
Totalitarian movements, such as National Socialism, seek to reorganize the entirety of human life.
The federal government has assisted the movement through a grant of the National Institute of Health for more than $ 20,000, to educate public school teachers in TM.
Thus the Holiness family includes pockets of influence within Methodism (many camp meetings and some educational institutions), pre-Civil War perfectionist antislavery radicals like the Wesleyans and Free Methodists, such products of the National Camp Meeting Association as the Church of the Nazarene and the Pilgrim Holiness Church, social - service movements like the Salvation Army, a synthesis of Holiness theology and a Campbellite - like ecclesiology in the Church of God (Anderson, Indiana), as well as a host of smaller bodies.
Such was the case with the former neo-Nazi leader Ingo Hasselbach, who reports that the East German National Socialist skinhead movement was born of disaffected but essentially apolitical youths who discovered Nazism only when the state and other hated authority figures labeled them as «neo-Nazis.»
Constantly concerned about alienating the southern wing of the Democratic Party, the Kennedys sought to channel the movement away from attacks on state segregation statutes, which, they claimed, were local conflicts in which federal authorities were powerless to intervene, and into voter registration efforts in which the national state could be of assistance.
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