Sentences with phrase «of a national movement towards»

Value - added methods and measurements are also being utilized in education as part of a national movement towards teacher evaluation and accountability in the United States.

Not exact matches

Hence it suggests the Conservatives are doing better in the Con - Lab marginals than in national polls (the poll shows some movement towards Labour in the marginals since May, but the previous poll was taken during that brief narrowing of the polls in mid-May, so the change reflects the national picture).
And the Obama ESEA reauthorization (ESSA — Every Student Succeeds Act) has given the Secretary of Education a new federal tool — the ESSA State Plans approval process — to further our national movement towards The Common Core Workforce Development System.
The two branches of the American suffrage movement — the National American Woman Suffrage Association (led by Carrie Catt) and the National Woman's Party (led by Alice Paul)-- took different approaches towards their mutual goal of winning the vote.
Written By Attorney Lester Rosen, Founder & CEO of Employment Screening Resources (ESR) The «Ban the Box» movement that seeks to eliminate questions about past criminal conduct on initial job applications is quickly heading towards becoming a national standard and will be a hot issue for employers in 2014.
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