Sentences with phrase «of a new humanity»

He was the first born of the new humanity showing us what a person with a pure heart could achieve.
This will entail causing the destruction of humanity as it has existed up until now, and will in turn become the first step in order to conceive of a new humanity.
If the norm of the new humanity in Jesus Christ obliges us to question the Apostle's opinions about the proper status of women and the institution of human slavery, so also that norm obliges us to scrutinize each of his moral judgments regarding its Christian faithfulness for our time — including his perception of homosexuality.
«Through baptism, man becomes a part of the new humanity which is the body of Christ, and thus comes to share in the resurrection of the heat of the body, Christ the Lord,» is the way a study on Iranaeus has been summed up.
Jesus has created the community of reconciliation: the Church, the Body of Christ, Therefore, we are already part of a new humanity where there is no discrimination on the basis of gender, caste, language etc..
In this context these texts are most adequately interpreted, and this central message is utterly appropriate to the norm of the new humanity that we meet in Jesus Christ.
Education within some such framework alone can lead to a new culture of moral regeneration of our pluralistic society and provide the cultural preparation for the awareness of the challenging relevance of the gospel of New Humanity in Christ in our modern technological age.
Once God has died in Jesus, he is present only in Jesus» resurrected body, and that body is the cosmic body of a new humanity.
It is dull, flat, boring, and finally demonic, because it prevents the realization of that new humanity which is only possible where the Holy is present and participated in.
Even in Chalcedon's tortured attempts to bend rational language to serve the cause of paradox it is evident that in the description of the new humanity, Jesus Christ, the God - man, the distinction between the divine and the human is to be maintained:
God's loving action in Jesus Christ is the creation of a new humanity and a new community in history.
Apparently Moon and his second wife are already considered the true parents of the new humanity, fulfilling the prophesied marriage of the lamb in Revelation 19.
Our Lady of Guadalupe reminds us that the Church was established to be the vanguard of a new humanity and a new civilization, one family of God drawn from every race and every nation and every language.
Are they the best structures for discerning with others the signs of the times and for moving with history towards the coming of the new humanity?
By raising Jesus from the dead, God appointed him to be the founder of a new humanity.
A significant lack of clarity about the nature of sin and radical evil in the context of a new humanity looms in this project.
It is the building up of a new humanity... the new heaven and the new earth.
Eucharist is an anticipation of the new humanity which God creates.
This social ethic operates with a sense of a new humanity and moves towards the goal of genuine social pluralism.
Global Gathering of all LIGHTWORKERS, INDIGO STAR SEEDS, HEALERS, SCIENCE RESEARCHERS & TRUTH SEEKERS, the 144,000 who will lead the Humanity into new age of Aquarius & the new Earth the Sentient Beings for celebration of New humanity.
So long as the church was an alienated sect, it kept alive a vision of a new humanity but had no power to influence the wider society other than to be a leaven in the loaf.
Above all, it identifies the reality of Jesus» rising from the dead as the beginning of a new creation as well as the birth of a new humanity.
All the possibilities of the new humanity are opened to women also since they also have all the potential and resources for the new humanity.17
An authentic witness to the meaning of this process must incorporate a vision of a world that is ceasing to be itself, of a Godhead that is kenotically becoming its own Other, and of a new humanity that is passing into the final paradise.
Perhaps Alyosha's views were suggested by the ideas of Solovyev (who published his lectures on Godmanhood in 1881), and if so, this would point to a Christian source for Zossima's teaching and Alyosha's vision of a new humanity.
Christian Feminism: Visions of New Humanity.
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