Sentences with phrase «of a particular breed»

If you know your dog is a high percentage of a particular breed of dog, you may monitor for diseases known to affect that breed.
Also, if you are new to pet ownership, be sure and inquire about the grooming, nutritional, and seasonal needs of your particular breed or species of pet.
What if your rabbit doesn't exhibit the obvious characteristics of any particular breed?
So when you see a puppy who is a member of a particular breed, you have a pretty good idea which genes (and therefore which traits) he inherited.
If you're looking to adopt a purebred cat of a particular breed, consider using a purebred cat rescue group.
I can understand the desire of some for a purebred dog, or those with a love of a particular breed.
Getting renters insurance with a dog doesn't have to be difficult just because of the perception of that particular breed.
You can too help in this effort whether you're a breeder or future owner of a particular breed.
A breed standard is a written description of the ideal dog of a particular breed by which it is bred and judged at dog shows.
That complexity makes it very hard to weed these problems out of a particular breed.
There's all kinds of information for the care of your particular breed online, or in your local library, or at your local pet store.
If you'd like a pet of a particular breed, but aren't interested in showing your cat, this can be a great opportunity.
As a conclusion, I would like to say that feeding a dog requires some knowledge about the physiology of the particular breed, it's behavior, manners and eating preferences.
Again though, how this affects different breeds of dogs depends on the developmental patterns of each particular breed.
Each rabbit species has a different set of breed standards that tells you what a normal size and weight of that particular breed should be.
This is achieved by selecting only the best, most suitable male (stud dog) to mate with the most suitable female of that particular breed.
Now, having said that, owning a dog of a particular breed does not necessarily mean that you will be denied coverage.
These cats need to meet certain standards to be considered as part of a particular breed.
If you admire the distinctive appearance of a particular breed of cat, it is imperative to do some research before you make the decision to buy one.
So if you're trying to predict pet health by the age of your pet, talk to your veterinarian about the average lifespan of your particular breed.
When will we as a society focus on the real problem rather than lump every dog of a particular breed into a «dangerous» category?
Because many other health issues are also hereditary, you should do some research on the ancestry of your puppy and any health issues of that particular breed.
They compete with each other and under the scrutiny of judges to essentially find and focus on the areas of their particular breed that need improvement.
The group screens applicants carefully, does home checks, and makes sure that prospective adopters understand the needs of this particular breed.
Getting renters insurance with a dog doesn't have to be difficult just because of the perception of that particular breed.
I am sure you are aware of the cost of this particular breed.
A lot of people may be curious to know what the average collar or neck size is of their particular breed of dog.
The first level of competition is for dogs of a particular breed that have not yet earned championship titles.
Significant events in the last 100 years, such as wars and economic depressions contribute to reducing the genetic diversity of breeds by producing severe bottleneck conditions such as political or geographical isolation, at times having reduced the effective breeding stock of particular breeds to only a few dogs.
We are staunchly anti-irresponsible breeder, it's true, but we also support those who have dedicated their lives to the betterment of the particular breeds who have won their hearts.
Each year, the American Temperament Testing Society holds evaluations across the country for dog breeds and gives a passing score for the entire breed based on the percentage of passed over failed within total number of the particular breed tested.
The American Temperament Test Society provides testing around the country for dog breeds and provides a passing score for the entire breed, based on the percentage of passed over failed within total number of that particular breed tested.
Up next is an intense two days attending the world's premiere canine contest, which strives to choose the best example of a particular breed.
I learned recently that Virginia (where I am currently living) laws state «No canine or canine crossbreed shall be found to be a dangerous dog or vicious dog solely because it is a particular breed, nor shall the local governing body prohibit the ownership of a particular breed of canine or canine crossbreed.»
The purpose of pure breed dogs was to carry on the strong traits of any particular breed and for those who truly love certain breed because of those characteristics to be able to continue to have those dogs in their homes.
Many of these breeds are referred to as «toy» versions of a particular breed, according to VetStreet.
when i referred to walcott as the whippet i was roundly condemned by the arsene fan club that passes for football pundits on this site... i now see that i was wrong... and would like to extend my profoundest apologies to whippets everywhere for maligning the genuine qualities of that particular breed... as for walcott...
It is the most important dog show in America, but I doubt whether a half a dozen people scattered among our 50 states purchase a dog of a particular breed simply because that breed happened to go best - in - show at Westminster.
Matthews is also the spotlighter of this particular breed of spy; his field journal being the award - winning, CIA - approved -LRB-!)
Both are the hottest versions yet of their particular breed, and with tiny production runs (2000 GPs will be made and a scant 333 quattros, 19 of them getting British number plates), they'll always be in demand.
The Pawmetto Lifeline Breed Request program is designed to match a person's love of a particular breed with a rescued pet of that breed.
We don't want to miss the opportunity to track and identify a sudden increase of intake of a particular breed type (which may hint at a community shift or potential mill activity), a shift in the euthanasia of breed types, or the ability to illustrate the inherent risks individual dogs have simply because of what they look like.
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