Sentences with phrase «of a particular element within»

Extends the observable collection to track events when a value of a particular element within the collection is changed.

Not exact matches

These features of group psychotherapy are combined with educational and / or inspirational elements within the frame - work of limited duration and specific goals such as increasing the individuals» adequacy in handling a particular relationship or problem.
But when further issues of organization and discipline arose, factions within the church tended to argue their cases by elevating to pre-eminence a particular element of the formula: restoration, freedom or union.
It is true, as Hall points out, that for Whitehead ordering principles are «immanent» within particular occasions (see UP 261 - 70), but in most cases those ordering principles also reflect the «mutual relations» of individuals, as well as the «community in character» pervading groups or societies of individuals (AI 142).13 This is particularly true of persons: the relations between occasions which constitute the human body and brain, and the «community of character» of the succession of personal experiences, give an essential element of unity to human experience.
Any point within the diagram represents some combination of the two elements of awareness and so represents the reaction of a particular person to a particular change.
The details within these elements will no doubt be elaborated according to the particular theological and practical emphases of each denomination or tradition, though firm consideration of each element is considered necessary if religious television is to take seriously the realities of television communication and the lessons of the past.
Finally, Whitehead's methodology of descriptive generalization would, on the micrological view, be seen as belonging within a particular tradition, i.e., as involving what might be called a «metaphysical reduction» of the empirical world to some foundational and actual element, on the same methodological lines as Leibniz's monads, Bradley's substrative feeling, Alexander's space - time matrix, or Heidegger's Being.12 In other words, Whitehead's actual entities are conceived as having a special kind of actuality of their own as the ground or foundation from which the empirical world derives.
There are a number of benefits to adding gaming elements to your training materials within the work environment including developing a particular skill, improving employee's health, and increasing knowledge retention.
Jonny Lambert selected this particular entry because he was impressed with the abstract and modernist approach the child had taken to incorporate the different elements of their life within the constraints of what the inside of a computer might look like.
The Download (comprising 4 files, within one zip file) includes: - A PPT Containing a Full Lesson - A complete lesson plan covering: objectives, key - words, differentiation, and lesson timeline - Double - sided A4 worksheet - A3 Silent Debate group worksheets - A Homework Task The topic of the lesson focusses on the following part of the specification: Human Concerns [Duties / Virtues / Yamas] • Hindu understanding of the concepts of free will, suffering and virtue, including their relationship to karma and samsara • The meaning and importance of Hindu virtues / moral duties (yamas), including harmlessness / non-violence (Ahimsa), compassion (daya), selfcontrol / restraint (dama) and giving (dana) • The relationship between virtues and particular elements of dharma • Common and divergent emphases placed on human concerns by different Hindu groups, including which virtues are identified as of core importance • Different interpretations and emphases given to sources of wisdom and authority by different Hindu groups Sources: Mahabharata V 39 Bhagavad Gita XVI, 1 — 3 Bhagavad Gita VIII 8 — 12 This is part of a series of lessons, if you like it: save countless hours by downloading the complete course!
Being cultivated is a matter not of having read any book in particular, but of being able to find your bearings within books as a system, which requires you to know that they form a system and to be able to locate each element in relation to the others.
One argument made by Bell, of particular interest to Animal Folks and all of us who are concerned with how breeding dogs are viewed and treated within breeding kennels, was the claim that «the state failed to prove the essential element that the dogs were pet or companion animals.»
Challenge Mode challenges players of completing a level with a specific task at hand such as clearing out 100 of a particular element block within the time limit.
That was when I went back to the Dutch masters, to Vermeer and De Hooch, in particular, and it was then I came to some understanding of the way these painters controlled their big shapes, even when elements of different size and scale were included within those large shapes.»
As a student in 1949 at the Art Students League of New York, for example, he laid paper on the floor of the building's entrance to capture the footprints of those entering and exiting.10 The creation of receptive surfaces on which to record, collect, or index the direct imprint of elements from the real world is especially central to the artist's pre-1955 works.11 Leo Steinberg's celebrated 1972 article «Reflections on the State of Criticism» isolated this particular approach to surface as collection point as the singular contribution of Rauschenberg's works of the early 1950s, one which galvanized a new position within postwar art. 12 Steinberg coined the term «flatbed picture plane» to account for this radical shift, through which «the painted surface is no longer the analogue of a visual experience of nature but of operational processes.»
It should be mentioned that another element is the presence of several solo shows within the section, which has also made possible for some spaces to present in a much more coherent or solvent way the research of a particular artist and to show different aspects of their production.
Descriptive elements visible in his earlier portraits from the 1950s are subsumed within paintings that have, over the course of more than fifty years, become more psychologically charged, but no l ess connected with evoking specific individuals in particular situations.
He retained his overall pictorial language but added the new element of space, placing his symbols within a defined foreground and background, though without suggesting any particular landscape.
Gottlieb first used this vast, horizontal format in 1960 allowing his minimal, graphic language to stretch across the picture plane; he explains, «I eliminated almost everything from my painting except a few colors and perhaps two or three shapes, I feel a necessity for making the particular colors that I use, or the particular shapes, carry the burden of everything that I want to express, and all has to be concentrated within these few elements
Responding to the peculiarities of the building as well as the particular history and nature of Glasgow, the galleries and stairwell within a magnificent town house are reimagined as a landscape of sculptural elements that turn the building into what Bock terms a «poisoned body».
It focuses on weather and climate extremes that are defined as rare events within the statistical reference distribution of particular weather elements at a particular place.
One of the key elements of contract negotiation, in particular in football, is time pressure: due to the so - called «registration periods» (transfer windows), there are very strict time - limits within which negotiations have to be successfully concluded, in particular in what concerns transfer agreements between football clubs and employment contracts of football players.
One of the key elements of contract negotiation, in par - ticular in football, is time pres - sure: due to the so - called «registration periods» (transfer windows), there are very strict time - limits within which nego - tiations have to be success - fully concluded, in particular in what concerns transfer agreements between foot - ball clubs and employment contracts of football play - ers.
Within your brand, you can highlight particular elements of your brand that match the needs of particular employers.
Most consumers» complaints dealt with items of a common element status, thus beyond the scope of the Warranty Program's coverage of «Private» homeowner items, being items «within'the owner's «points of demarcation» private ownership areas, to wit: inner painted surfaces of the unit's walls and ceilings, items on the upper side of the floor coverings, items on the inner sides of the windows, all by the way depending upon a particular condo projects» «points of demarcation», which could vary amongst condo projects.
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