Sentences with phrase «of a particular group by»

He defined racial profiling as over surveillance of a particular group by the Justice System than other racial groups.

Not exact matches

In particular, «agricultural commodities are supported by the dynamics of water shortages in Asia and the Western United States, the declining payback from the green revolution in terms of improving crop yields and the increasing demand from Asia for a diet based more on grains and meat as the population becomes wealthier,» the group responded by e-mail.
In particular, when you applaud the exercise of autonomous judgment or freedom by some individual, group, or company, ask whether you would still applaud it if the individual, group, or company had values different from your own.
The question of whether we can harness it for creating anything more substantial than amusing pictures of cats, Shirky writes, «will be answered much more decisively by the opportunities we provide for one another and by the culture of the groups we form than by any particular technology.»
In a study, a group of researchers found that by taking a 40 - second break and simply looking at a computerized image of a green roof, employees» focus on a particular task improved.
Though risks and performance vary by country, we see potential among the broader group of emerging markets, and in particular emerging Asia.
Hmmm, maybe God established this set of rules for a particular group of people at a particular time and it isn't meant to be taken literally by us today.
But when we look at the aggregate impression estimate, either by ad group or over the entire plan, this is taken into account and we have get a forecast of over-all interest in a particular topic.
For in America today, the usual secularist reaction in dealing with any message brought to society by a particular community is automatically to assume that the message is from a «special interest group,» one whose motives are those of self - interest, even when hidden behind a rhetoric of altruism.
In the United States, where the Church experienced a particular problem with clerical abuse scandals during the 90s and early 00s, their Bishops Conference commissioned a Report on the causes and nature of clerical abuse by the John Jay Institute, an independent legal research group, called the John Jay Report.
Man - made environments vary according to the particular life - histories of the human groups that live by them.
We controlled for a variety of other factors that may also have influenced STI rates in particular areas and we also used older age groups, unaffected by the schemes, as a further control.
In doing so this group is positively influenced by developments in contemporary philosophy and the social sciences that stress the impossibility of getting beyond particular languages to a reality of which they speak.
A refugee is, by definition, a person who, owing to a well - founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion, is outside the...
His text is at points deeply appreciative of liberation theology, not only of its base - community populist group movements but also of particular individuals, like Ignacio Ellacuria, S.J., one of the six Jesuits who was slain by members of the Salvadoran army's Atlacatl battalion and to whom Sigmund's book is dedicated.
Every trace of the notion that the keys of the Kingdom, or the resources of grace, were held by a particular group of men had to be pushed away.
Stern's Foreword offers a remarkable portrait of how the decision to focus on a particular movement was reached by watchdog groups.
Here are a few of those affirmations: all baptized Christians have Spirit - granted charismata assigned to them; offices are a particular type of charismata; there is no ontological difference between officeholders and other members of the congregations; the priesthood of all believers does not divide a congregation into distinct groups (laity and clergy); ordination is a public attestation to the presence of the particular charismata by the whole congregation; ordination is not necessarily an irrevocable appointment to a lifelong task.
Thus, if the commands of one with authority are perceived to lie within what might be called a «circle of permissibility» recognized by the church (or nation), those demands ought not to be considered infringements of liberty even if individuals or entire groups within the church disagree with particular decisions.
The irony, of course, is that your post trying to assert that Christians do more good is actually doing bad by discriminating against a particular group.
After my family, and what amounts to be a small church full of people, were maliciously harmed by Christian leaders of a certain theological and denominational bent (despite an uproarious public outcry calling these leaders to account and condemning their actions), I find myself recoiling when this particular denominational group is mentioned.
He began his address by noting a bishop whom he thinks has demonstrated the pastoral method of accompaniment: «I have just met with a group of persons abused as children, who are helped and accompanied here in Philadelphia with particular care by Archbishop Chaput...»
By not making it about me but Jesus I find that paradoxically I have become more of my true self, letting go of a false self due to social programming and over identification with any particular group.
O'Malley is especially single - minded in eschewing the use of terminology such as «liberal» or «conservative», making the valid point that such broad groupings were not easily identifiable at the time and were often marked by a certain fluidity in connection with particular issues.
Whereas European Protestantism was largely shaped by state support of particular churches and adjustment to the needs of other religious groups, American Protestantism was largely shaped by autonomous churches.
This was a group which met once a month for political worship, that is, for analysis of particular social crises and reflection and prayer about them, followed by asking what could be done in response.
In that year, the FCC released a programming statement in which they concluded, under a good deal of pressure from particular groups) that no public - interest basis was to be served by distinguishing between sustaining - time programs (those broadcast on free air - time) and commercially sponsored programs in evaluating a station's performance in the public interest.
It is a particular imperative of the Christian conscience to have enough concern for persons to work for the correction of injustices by both personal and political means whenever these are perpetrated by any group upon another.
This community is not only the particular church group to which we belong, but the whole living body of those who in all times have sought God and been found by Him.
The bible was written by a group of men in a particular culture in a particular time and place in history.
The Christian Science Monitor: All politics is local, even the US election as seen by Kenyans Kenyans are closely watching the US presidential election, with two groups in particular rooting for each of the candidates.
For example, as the result of law suits instituted by public - interest groups, the courts held that whenever broadcasters present a particular point of view on a matter of public importance, they also must provide opportunities for opposing viewpoints to be presented.
No one knows who actually wrote it, but «the word of god» was carefully edited by a group of men in the year 325, in order to include only the content that supported their particular philosophy.
20This is not, however, to say that all interest is «biased» or «ideological» in the sense that it expresses, in Ogden's words, «a more or less comprehensive understanding of human existence, or how to exist and act as a human being, that functions to justify the interests of a particular group or individual by representing these interests as the demands of disinterested justice» (The Point of Christology [San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1982], p. 94).
There is an increasing attempt by churches belonging to different confessional families, groupings of those oriented in a particular theological direction, or even by individual churches themselves, to engage in bilateral or multilateral dialogues, where specific issues regarding the doctrines and practices that continue to be both theological and practical irritants, like the practice of Baptism or the existence of mixed marriages are discussed, analysed and debated, and attempts made to produce consensus documents for further study and action.
No one but the murderer himself has anything to answer to and it's creepy to suggest that any particular group has to «prove» itself by making some special statement of condemnation that others don't need to make.
By moving to such overall considerations, we can avoid the question of what happens to particular groups within society and consider the average results.
These groups unwittingly weaken the impact of the Christian message either as they try to alter the distinctive character of entire denominations, attempting to turn liberal churches into conservative churches, or as they undermine the consistency of image projected by liberal churches in areas important to their particular constituency.
Instead of being guided only by the needs of a particular oppressed group a liberationist may seek to help the church as a whole find the appropriate response to the recognition of its role in that oppression.
Adopting «in Jesus» name» as the necessary minimal condition for a counting as a «Christian congregation» for the purpose of a theological school's study does not, of course, require any particular answer to the quite different question whether God is truly known and worshiped by groups who do not worship in Jesus» name or whether God is redemptively present to them.
I was reminded of this with particular poignancy a few days ago, when I read that the Japan Science and Technology Agency had awarded a grant of $ 3.4 million to a group of Japanese and American researchers in «evolutionary science and technology» for a project to be conducted at Monash University, the ultimate aim of which is to determine — based on models provided by Integrated Information Theory (IIT)-- whether it is possible to create «artificial consciousness.»
As the chapter continues, Wright tackles postmodern scholarship, which he believes has offered some helpful critiques of Enlightenment assumptions while providing useful analyses of how certain texts might be received by particular groups, but which tends to veer into the complete dismissal of large portions of the biblical text.
Although ghetto and other poor people are being served by many centers (one condition is that they must give help to anyone within a certain geographic area), minority groups in particular have often viewed such services as being offered by an alien «university whitey» who, in their opinion, fails to consult them about the kinds of services they need.
NETWORK, a group founded by 47 Catholic sisters that speaks out on social justice issues in particular, will be hitting states like Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia in order to reveal «how federal budget cuts proposed by Rep. Paul Ryan, (R - WI), and passed by the House of Representatives will hurt struggling families in these states,» a release by the group reads.
These interrelated myths, created by the selective inclusion or exclusion of particular persons, groups, or power relationships within television's perspective have the capacity to replace the real - life equivalents in people's perception.
(Acts 10:37) That is to say, the original circulation, transmission, and consequent preservation of the evangelic tradition, by separate items, were not controlled or determined by any one particular theological idea, let alone created by it; but it was nevertheless believed to have a significance which can be stated only theologically, though the controlling theological ideas no doubt varied from person to person, and from group to group (See my article «The Christ of the Gospels,» Religion in Life, 10: 430 - 41.)
The truth held by a particular group of Christians?
The choice of afternoon topics is influenced by the particular interests of the group..
However, as a point of discussion, I think people are recognized as persons of authority / leadership / spiritual gifting / etc. by particular groups and it seems that God has established not one authority, but multiple Christian authorities who agree on a lot and also disagree on a lot too.
But evangelicals thought of their «churches» as «denominations» where «the word «denomination» implies that the group referred to is but one member of a larger group, called or denominated by a particular name.
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