Sentences with phrase «of a particular incident»

We shall not, however, pursue the examination of the particular incidents of his life any further.
But, I understand this question to be asking about these kinds of terms in general and not necessarily in the context of that particular incident.
A service is available to those who receive a photo red - light enforcement citation that allows the person to view the video of the particular incident on - line from any computer.
------------ Steve, you know full well that when the arguement about the inerrancy of scripture is debated, it isn't about commas or the order of a particular incident.
A powerful unfoldment of a particular incident in US history, the film becomes, by extension, a deeply personal and radical vision of the past and future.
After all is said and done, however, it will be the total picture, visible through the screen of particular incidents and utterances, that must be our final evidence.
Whatever the merits of any particular incident in the case of «climategate», it's clear there's plenty of obfuscation and opacity going on.
On January 12, 2009 the suit states that an assistant supervisor was informed of a particular incident involving a child and alum.
An experienced personal injury attorney can evaluate the facts of a particular incident and the applicable law to assess the potential for recovery by the accident victim for their medical bills, pain and suffering and lost wages due to missing work.
Insurance companies love dashcams because they provide a clear record of a particular incident.
Steve: It doesnâ $ ™ t bother me one bit, nor do I think that the Bible is any less the infallible Word of God, because I think that in all the thoudands of bits of manuscripts required to put together one copy of the new testament, there may have been a comma left out, or the order of a particular incident was off.
It doesn't bother me one bit, nor do I think that the Bible is any less the infallible Word of God, because I think that in all the thoudands of bits of manuscripts required to put together one copy of the new testament, there may have been a comma left out, or the order of a particular incident was off.
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