Sentences with phrase «of a sedentary lifestyle»

What is less well known is the impact of a sedentary lifestyle on the mind.
In most patients, insomnia is the result of a sedentary lifestyle and poor digestion.
Many pets become overweight because of a sedentary lifestyle and lack of stimulation.
So, let go of your sedentary lifestyle and say «Hello» to an active one from here on.
Their lung capacity decreases too and the risk of sedentary lifestyle may just be the end for the former athlete.
The research also examines the business implications of sedentary lifestyles.
The onset of sedentary lifestyles and time pressures both inside and outside of school mean that many young people are not being encouraged to lead healthy, active lives.
The most negative impact of a sedentary lifestyle is the increased risk of health conditions.
«Our study points in the same direction — that the negative health effects of a sedentary lifestyle decrease with the extent of physical activity,» says Fawzi Kadi.
The combination of a sedentary lifestyle and aging contributes significantly to the formation of diseases such as osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases, in addition to a decline in cognitive abilities.
Harriet believes the hours of sedentary lifestyle are to blame for children being so overweight.
The dangers of a sedentary lifestyle are well - documented: People who spend most of their days parked in a chair are at increased risk for kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, and cancer, not to mention obesity.
But given that you're coming out of a sedentary lifestyle, I'll tell you this: your ability to recover and build your body from more intense training is a faculty of your aerobic base.
Stretches the Back: Reverse the ill effects of a sedentary lifestyle by performing a chakrasana.
In this day of sedentary lifestyles and computer overload, many people develop postural problems and low back pain.
«There's nothing wrong with TV per se, but TV watching may be indicative of a sedentary lifestyle
As a clinically - but - not - grossly overweight advocate of the sedentary lifestyle, whose daily exercise tends to begin and end at a breathless waddle to the shops, the fact that I'm the only Dealspwn staffer with a Kinect sensor borders on a cosmic joke.
This type of stenosis can be congenital but most often happens as a negative result of a sedentary lifestyle.
Well, most of us have either weak or chronically contracted lower back muscles because of sedentary lifestyle, overuse, posture issues, patterns of movement — many different reasons.
In 2007, Dr. Rikke Krogh - Madsen, a post-doctoral fellow at the Centre of Inflammation and Metabolism in Copenhagen, decided to test the effects of a sedentary lifestyle.
Middle - aged people have a 20 - year window to improve their heart health and stave off some of the impacts of a sedentary lifestyle.
The only way to break out of a sedentary lifestyle is by getting up and getting active.
Due to altered postures as a result of sedentary lifestyle, uniplanar single joint exercise routines, and general lack of dynamic environmental challenges so common in our modern convenience based society, the platforms are no longer ideal.
While the impacts of sedentary lifestyles have been well - documented, little attention has been given to how prolonged sitting impacts the overall health of an organization.
With obesity on the rise and becoming increasingly common (particularly within the United States), people are desperately searching for a way to negate the effects of their sedentary lifestyles and imbalances in their food consumption versus their energy output.
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