Sentences with phrase «of a single moment»

The photograph documents all the quirks of a single moment's posture, one the athlete could never sustain.
Finding each print of inherent value, his grid compositions are built of multiple iterations of a single moment and a single image.
Doctors need to make the most of every single moment they have, and medical assistants are a great resource for helping more patients more quickly.
As spontaneity coexists with restraint, atomized contours of spray provide an immediate record of a single moment of gesture and action.
I could probably give any number of examples of single moments in many, many games, but if I had to choose just one, I'd cheat slightly and say the Monkey Island series.
In two successive novels, The Manticore (1972) and World of Wonders (1975), Davies continues to explore the implications of this single moment, which forces a variety of characters to confront their own compound of good and evil.
My failing has always been the reduction of every single moment to a binary: Championship / No Championship.
Lifelong legacies have a string of these single moments that lead them to be known as one - like my dad.
Another rotten romance inexplicably released by formerly respectable indie studio Miramax, «Boys and Girls» is a badly miscast and sadly stagnant collegiate rip - off of «When Harry Met Sally,» devoid of a single moment of emotional sincerity or even a single character interesting enough to care about.
Novels that explore the repercussions of a single moment — in the process making us think «what if?»
With so much to see in Potsdam, take advantage of every single moment thanks to our Lazy Sunday promotion.
This exhibition is a personal snapshot of single moment, bringing together things that have recently lodged in my mind and shaped my thinking.
Like stills from the early films of Antonioni, his paintings often present the intensely stylish surface of a single moment.
Selski's compositions are tightly rendered and highly detailed, with the compositions evenly portraying elements that contribute with equal force to a singular impression of a single moment in time.
The lines, the surfaces, the colors, all of this put together culminated in a pure expression of a single moment of creation.
It is here when «Time» becomes the essence in Denzler's work, focusing in the diffraction of the images in an attempt to catch the ephemerality of a single moment in such a way that can remind us of paused picture frame from VHS reels.
Instead of a single moment — a landscape at dusk — McAllister permeates our peripheral vision with a sunset that unfolds temporally as our eyes move from left to right, from electric pink to dusky navy.
As a result, Aho's paintings convey the discrepancy between the vibrancy of a single moment, the vagaries of memory, and the indulgences of the imagination.
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