Sentences with phrase «of a single photon»

Adding spatial structure to an optical beam of single photons reduced the speed of light.
The team demonstrated that this hybrid device enhances the collection efficiency of single photons by more than a factor of 10 compared to a single nanocrystal without the antenna, without the need for complex and bulky optical collection systems used in many other experiments.
A prerequisite for quantum networks is the ability to create a stream of single photons on demand and the researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute succeeded in doing exactly that.
Completely secure, high - speed quantum communication, or even a model of quantum computer, may be among the possible applications for the new source of single photons recently built at the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw (UW Physics), Poland.
Conventional research had been focused on the generation of single photons in pure polarization states.
Now consider a single molecule that is supposed to loose more rapidly its energy by collision after absorption of a single photon.
Reflection of single photons from the resonator implements a quantum logic operation between the atom and the photons.
In experiments, the researchers found that their detectors were up to 100 times more likely to accurately register the arrival of a single photon than those found in earlier arrays.
In previous arrays, the detectors registered only 0.2 percent of the single photons directed at them.
The team is now working on a new generation of improved devices that will allow deterministic production of single photons straight from the chip into optical fibers, without any additional optical components, with a near unity efficiency.
We study the group velocity of single photons by measuring a change in their arrival time that results from changing the beam's transverse spatial structure.
The system sends keys consisting of up to 60 000 bits of information in 1 second, with each bit represented by the phase of a single photon — phase being a measure of how far it has gone through its cycle of vibration.
If a key travels in the form of a string of single photons, no one trying to listen in on their conversation can intercept it without leaving a trace.
It is a two - state quantum - mechanical system, such as the polarization of a single photon.
Experts have integrated thousands of single photon detectors onto a silicon chip, similar to that found in a digital camera.
Weizmann Institute scientists have demonstrated for the first time a photonic router — a quantum device based on a single atom that enables routing of single photons by single photons.
«What makes tungsten diselenide extremely versatile is that the color of the single photons emitted by the quantum dots is correlated with the quantum dot spin,» said first author Chitraleema Chakraborty.
There is a small effect from the radiative properties of the «GHG's», but they simply act as a sort of hybrid thermal / optical delay line which delays the flow of any single photon through the Sun / Earth / Atmosphere / Universe system by causing it to make multiple «bounces» through the system: surface / GHG / surface / GHG / escape to the energy free void of space.
This combined nanocrystals - nanoantenna device was able to produce a highly directional stream of single photons all flying to the same direction with a record low divergence angle.
External sources of single photons are no longer needed at all, and the necessary number of quantum memories has dwindled to just one.
New information about how light energy is changed into neural signals shows how an individual photoreceptor cell of the eye registers the absorption of a single photon, or quantum of light
The isolated bright spot corresponds to a quantum emitter generating a stream of single photons.
The quantum dots serve as a source of single photons and could be useful for the integration of quantum photonics with solid - state electronics — a combination known as integrated photonics.
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