Sentences with phrase «of a sky fairy»

For all those who are talking to themselves today, thinking that some supernatural deity is listening to them, please seek professional psychiatric help before you hurt someone or yourself in the name of your sky fairy, vote against others» rights, or promote your chosen flavor of insanity over the scientific method.
You can keep your disgusting, silly stories about your ass hole of a sky fairy to yourself.
Fine demands from your vicious, vindictive jerk of a sky fairy like these:
Hey billybob, have you had any time to post some of that proof of you sky fairy?
That is why they need their guns Sey, to kill people like you who make fun of their sky fairy.
Hey Deacon, have you found that proof of the sky fairy yet?
and I answered what I would ask of the sky fairy to prove its existence.
You are blaming Arsenal for the death of someone with a an un-diagnosed heart condition, you need to educate yourself, also, as your name on here is Godswill, surely it is the fault of the sky fairy, and not Arsenal as it was his «will».
C'm on, an infinite number of sky fairies can dance on the head of a pin.

Not exact matches

Much of your argument such as I've seen, for your sky fairy (and I really think that is an appropriate term for your obviously fictional deity with all the self - contradictory tales about it in the bible), really seems to consist of a combination of willed ignorance and arguments from ignorance.
Ah, so you are referring to that place of eternal torture that your «loving» sky fairy is going to send us?
To believe in childish sky fairies takes an I.Q. of lower than 80... which you seem to have!
That is way more believable than some sky fairy creating us and a hole lot more fun to think of the possibilities.
When the totality of facts are taken into account, «miracles» turn out to be nothing more than believers who are desperate for some sign of my existence ignoring the downside of a set of facts, focusing solely on the upside and calling the quarantined «good» a miracle from me or one of the other sky - fairies.
In your (entirely fictional) sky fairy, in the absence of any valid evidence, and with so much contrary evidence to the Christian fables, I do not trust.
you believe in a narrow view of a god based on ancient fairy tales and that if you adhere to the teachings of a supposed son of god you will go to disneyland in the sky forever... which is damm ridiculous... I consider myself an atheist but I am aware of the possibility of a creative force which created the universe... but that god chatted with people 2000 years ago and brought out a book is childish and stoopid!
the abundance of purely uneducated Muslim believers, their oppressive existence in their self created repressive regimes, lifestyles, and governments, their radical inturpitations of their fairy tale book, the fact that their culture and people have contributed less to man kind than any other culture and people of all the earth, their self ritious belief system that empowers them to commit atrocious crimes against humanity, the muslim men prance around in flip flops and linen moo moo's while they lock their woman in their household prisons to be abused slave - wife's, are entirely too ignorant to even build sewer systems and even after thousands of years that other cultures have developed running water toilets, toilet paper, and effective sewerage systems, they still whipe their pood - cracks with one hand (no paper) and eat with the other, and yiddle to the sky just before detonation of their suicide bombs that murder innocent men, woman, children, and babies.
If only others would push sky fairy beliefs out of prominence.
They want the entire country to be an echo chamber, spouting back their fairy in the sky worship and never questioning the authority of their god.
Or, what if you created the Universe, gave that guy a disease, and then healed him... and when he believed in you, peoples started making fun of him, telling him that you were the sky fairy.
Ever heard of Solomon's 700 wives, of Lott sleeping with his own daughters (both) of Moses giving up his wife to be one of the Pharoh's concubines, all with apparent smiles from the hokey Yahweh sky - fairy?
much better use of the time we have here on earth than talking to yourself or a fairy tale in the sky.
Vic, nice pick and choose there, but actually, your Christian book of horrors AKA the bible contains some very nasty demands from your fictional sky fairy too.
It takes a lack of intelligence to believe that a magical sky fairy impregnated a virgin with himself so he could die and then go to heaven and hang out with himself.
Espousing fairy tales, the existence of the Invisible Sky Friend, his virgin - born son, and transubstantiation are all inconsistent with higher learning, critical thinking, and reason.
If you are a scientist, then how can you not apply the same standards of the empirical process to your sky fairy hypothesis?
Now, your need to speculate that the sky daddy of the atheist exists addresses your bias and also explains why atheists like to claim tooth fairy as real
Vic, then you must also believe that your violent, vengeant sky fairy is also giving you these vile instructions, from both testaments of your horrid Christian book of nasty AKA the bible:
Just because we don't yet know doesn't mean some sky fairy did it... Also why would a deity make the universe rate of expansion such that we could never travel to the end of it?
There is an example of circular reasoning by SeaVik and neverbeenhappieratheist above that «proves» I believe in a sky fairy / wizard.
You're insane, how can you disprove something that's NEVER been proven??? The burden of proof of your magic sky fairy is all on xians.
When a President (Bush) utilizes his military to invade another country (Iraq) and cause the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent civilians all because he believed his god told him it was the right thing to do... yeah, I think we have a right to bash people who take direction from invisible sky fairies.
maxi, Yes atheists lack a reason to believe in your sky - fairy and the creationist pseudo-science that attempts to muddy the water about the real science that disproves the foundation of your religious texts.
We basically get a lot of pleasure out of pretending some sky fairy is looking out for us.
You believers are all full of fire and brimstone when you are preaching to the choir, but when a real non believer heretic is in your grill calling you out on your sky fairy myth, all I get is nothing but crickets.
Dirt, if quoting from your bible and sincerely interpreting what it says is a crime in the eyes of your nasty sky fairy, and if your god is as murderous and evil as your folklore shows him to be then I feel that I can fairly call your «god» an ASS HOLE.
All of you are crazy nuts on a ridiculous lark for your various sky fairies.
Now, as for the bible bile that you keep dumping on us, let's have a closer look at some of the other content in your Christian book of nasty AKA the bible, re some of the demands that your horrid sky fairy is said to make of you:
@ christopher, if your father had only done exactly that we wouldn't have this creature you call yourself... kinda a waste of space really but you have potential to be something not moronic still so perhaps you can still use air better suited to others with goals in their lives other then to please their non existent sky fairy.
Write an article that panders even a bit to religionists, and they come out in droves yapping about how the sky fairy wants us to do good works, and then debating their various versions of mythology.
I do know that much of what I read in the Bible isn't just about a magical sky fairy or guy in the sky watching all our moves.
I find that much more believable than the presence of some preexisting sky fairy (which came from where?)
Since Vic and Theo keep blathering about their sky fairy, their supposed «creator» of the universe, it is now appropriate to point out that the foundation of their religion is complete nonsense, along with other issues regarding their sicko bigoted, se.xist supersti.tion known as Christianity:
This same percentage of the population has rejected the notion of witches, sky fairies, santa clause and the flying spaghetti monster, all of which are childish mythologies.
Out of the millions of gods why do you only call God a «magic sky fairy»?
If you think that the sky fairy is responsible for all of your triumphs and failures, sorry, but that is really foolish.
Of course there are no gods, ghosts or other sky - fairies.
All about money Bill... nothing else no fairy in the sky needed... crickets have DNA... like the Prince of England.
I know that this is hard for a bible whacker to grasp, but Atheists don't even give a second's thought to any of the thousands of advertized sky fairies.
I have billions of invisible sky fairys and they are all just as powerful as the Hebrew God.
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