Sentences with phrase «of a smaller unit»

Playing with the sounds in words can help your child understand that words are made up of smaller units of sound.
The increase in the development of smaller units in urban environments is one example of this.
Already many countries show significant beginnings in the direction of organically transforming the town and turning it into an aggregate composed of smaller units.
The brain is a complicated network of small units called neurons, all working to carry information from the outside world, create an internal model, and generate a response.
Players would take control of small units and move them around a large board, trying to defeat as many enemy units as possible.
But Prisons Minister David Hanson rejected the criticisms, insisting that Titans would not be giant warehouses, but «clusters made up of a number of smaller units within one perimeter wall», adding that each unit would «serve a specific function in the process of educating, training and rehabilitating prisoners».
In Structured Literacy instruction, teachers guide students through systematic mastery of the smallest units of sounds (phonemes) and build upon that knowledge by introducing new, more complex material (morphemes and lexemes) in a structured and cumulative way.
New York City's density rules don't allow too many of these small units concentrated together, so Stage 3 mixes micro units with larger suites of two - and three - bedroom apartments and sometimes partners with existing apartment developers to scatter its small units and shared spaces in larger apartment communities.
Source critics see here the same three primary strata of tradition — J, F, and P — which we have already seen in Exodus; but we will do well to remind ourselves again that these symbols represent by and large the collection and arrangement of smaller units of oral and / or written material some of which, at least, were already long in existence.
Though Let the Sunshine In may be a star vehicle, Denis, in her first collaboration with Binoche, seems to have instructed her lead to think of the film as an ensemble piece, even if that group often consists of its smallest unit, the dyad.
Look at the Internet as a collection of smaller units than a monolithic whole makes for a better user experience.
Because secondary schools often range in size from 1,000 to 3,000 students in the same building, creating schools - within - schools has frequently been recommended as a practical means for realizing the benefits of small units.
The designers say that this is «because many inhabitants of a small unit in Taipei can only have a meal on the sofa.»
Allowing new construction of smaller units, ideally near services or public transportation, can increase options for seniors when they need to downsize.
If you live here in Vancouver I certainly don't need to tell you the issues plaguing us: soaring home prices, an inadequate supply of smaller units, too many water - damaged pairs of boots.
It further seemed to Cohn that comic strips are made up of smaller units, just as sentences are.
No, you'd not position them at a LaGrange point and you might do better with a larger number of smaller units than a couple of giants.
Use the four operations to solve word problems involving distances, intervals of time, liquid volumes, masses of objects, and money, including problems involving simple fractions or decimals, and problems that require expressing measurements given in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit.
Some of the smaller units are averaging 33 % and 35 % with one unit having a rate of 37 %.
These units, in turn, are made up of smaller units that accomplish other tasks, like establishing new characters and resolving conflicts.
These problems could require students to express measurements given in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit (e.g., feet to inches, meters to centimeters, dollars to cents).
is made up of smaller units; however, it is flexible, moldable to almost any space.
Like Maximum Security, Cube 48 is made up of smaller units; however, it is flexible, moldable to almost any space.
For much of the state, modifying zoning regulations to allow accessory dwelling units, commonly called «mother - in - law apartments,» could be an effective strategy to increase the number of smaller units.
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