Sentences with phrase «of a smoking gun»

But analysts said the lack of a smoking gun took some of the heat out of oil prices.
In lieu of a smoking gun, a more complex picture of autism's environmental causes is now emerging.
I know you think this is some kind of smoking gun for AGW, but sorry, it» ss not.
Albany Law School Professor Vince Bonventre says he analyzed the government's case, and also initially believed that the absence of a smoking gun weakened the prosecutions arguments.
Albany Law School Professor Vince Bonventre said he analyzed the government's case and also initially believed that the absence of a smoking gun weakened the prosecution's arguments.
«These are fascinating results, and suggest that variability in RNA splicing might be one of the smoking guns of the aging process,» says Mair.
Other legal experts said it's unclear whether Bharara is searching for some sort of smoking gun — a direct kickback or an explicit threat or promise — or simply trying to make a case that what he calls the «show me the money» culture of Albany can prompt an indictment.
During the late 1960s Celmins also made paintings from photographs of smoking guns, automobile crashes and explosions.
Or if he did know about it, why would he allow all the glory of a smoking gun - magnitude «corruption discovery» go to a relatively unknown johnny - come - lately ozone depletion activist group (it didn't exist in when the 1991 NY Times article came out), and to a guy who was in grave risk of succumbing to a serious credibility problem if any prominent news outlet decided to dig into that particular situation?
If we are to see Bitcoin or any cryptocurrency gain serious traction these type of jumps, up or down, are kind of a smoking gun.
Yet proponents of the multiple - migration hypothesis have so far lacked the archaeological equivalent of a smoking gun: a directly dated early modern human fossil found far outside Africa's borders.
And, indeed, in further experiments, they showed that the protein interacts directly with molecular structures known to stabilize heterochromatin — revealing a kind of smoking gun that, for the first time, directly links mutated WRN protein to heterochromatin destabilization.
Quasars, for instance, turn out to be a kind of smoking gun.
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