Sentences with phrase «of a steamroller approach»

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p. 21) Even if it could be proved that a steamroller approach is the most efficient way of getting certain work done (as it may well be in the short run), the fundamental issue is the negative impact of this methodology on personality.
The Steamroller approach to leadership is effective in leading masses of people to accomplish a certain goal.
The Steamroller approach is seen as Moses led millions of Israelites through forty years of wilderness wanderings, in Steve Jobs of Apple Corporation who has a vision for both excellence and creativity in computing, and in President Obama who pushes through his healthcare bill because he believes it is best for America.
The Steamroller approach is often the only way to effectively lead large groups of people where consensus will never be possible.
... That line comes compliments of the every - quotable Q pollster Mickey Carroll, who's out with a new survey today that found New Yorkers prefer Gov. Andrew Cuomo's charm offensive in hopes of getting lawmakers to support his budget to the all - out assault approach preferred by former Gov. Eliot «Steamroller» Spitzer.
As we and the good folks at CapCon take us down a video memory lane of former Gov. Eliot Spitzer, here's his (only) LCA Show rebuttal video from 2007, which poked fun at this «steamroller» approach toward Albany.
Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos does not at all like the tone Gov. Andrew Cuomo is taking with the Legislature these days, saying Cuomo is «heading in the direction» of former Gov. Eliot «Steamroller» Spitzer, whose tough approach with state lawmakers proved largely unsuccessful (even before the prostutition scandal that pushed him from office).
He also accused Cuomo of tapping the phone lines used by himself and his relatives and of taking a «steamroller approach» against political enemies, a reference to the term disgraced and former Gov. Eliot Spitzer once used for himself.
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