Sentences with phrase «of a strong leader»

It's also worth thinking about the number of strong leaders in the side.
The presence of strong leaders at the district level meant that the district's teachers were not required to organize and implement district - level change.
It turns out the stereotype of a strong leader that dominates our collective imagination isn't what individuals actually respond to when it's time to follow.
Doing this requires the skill of a strong leader and a highly competent manager.
I've therefore outlined for you what I think are the main characteristics of strong leaders, along with some helpful pointers to help you identify these traits during the interview process.
[1] «The Myth of the Strong Leader» is a book that addresses all of these criticisms demonstrating both erudition on behalf of Brown and a keen ability to practice...
Litecoin: Over 14,000 nodes keep the blockchain secure, but like Ethereum, Litecoin is weakened by the cult of a strong leader in Charlie Lee.
«That is, I think, the true sign of a strong leader — when someone else can just step in, there is structure in place, and things can just go on as they were.
In addition to setting high standards for all, New York City learned from the research related to small schools and youth development, which emphasized the critical importance of strong leaders, accountability, assessment, caring relationships with adults, and engaging youth in demanding activities.
Known for its acquisition of strong leaders in the food and beverage industry, The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf ® continues to keep up its distinguished hiring reputation with Aidan's addition to the team.
I believe Coquelin will naturally start taking leadership on the pitch, he has all the abilities of a strong leader and I hope Wenger sees this.
This is a strong locker room with a TON of strong leaders including Staley.
A major reason for Wenger's initial success at Highbury was the presence of strong leaders within the team.
If we convince ourselves or others that it's necessary to be bold and forceful to be a leader, we're cutting off possibilities for some of our kids and cheating ourselves out of some strong leaders.
As a part of that vision, we were inspired to act and create a positive environment where young people can see that their village is invested in them, and that they have a support network of strong leaders that they can call on.»
In order to open a new school, charter operators must first find an ample supply of strong leaders — a challenge that can bedevil district and charter schools alike.
Great State Leaders: A Competency Framework for Growing Talent in a State Education Agency [PDF, 1 MB] Reforms of the scope and scale of those being undertaken by States today require the development of strong leaders at all levels of organizations to manage the change required by these and other initiatives.
In fact, some of the qualities of strong leaders — communication skills, leading by example, project management strengths — also help non-managers become great leaders.
To bring my years of experience to help achieve the goals and objectives of a team and company in need of a strong leader and hands on problem solver.
The Myth of the Strong Leader: Political Leadership in Modern Politics.
These leaders often fear that delegating tasks is a sign of weakness, when in fact it is a sign of a strong leader.
Clinton also speaks of the importance of strong leaders and Elders to help young people growing up to be respectful and to avoid destructive cycles.
Throw in the cult of a strong leader, and there's little to differentiate some altcoins from the Paypals and Visas of the world.
It is always a good thing when your first - choice center - back is one of the strongest leaders in your squad (see: Adams, Tony).
At 29, she is the youngest person in Trump's inner circle and one of its strongest leaders.
elected mayors are based on assumptions about what Archie Brown has called «the myth of the strong leader»;
The first and most important idea underpinning the whole movement towards Mayors, Commissioners and the like is what Archie Brown memorably calls «the myth of the strong leader».
Supporters of DEEMs should read a recent book that argues the superiority of collective leadership: Archie Brown, The Myth of the Strong Leader: Political Leadership in the Modern Age.
[1] «The Myth of the Strong Leader» is a book that addresses all of these criticisms demonstrating both erudition on behalf of Brown and a keen ability to practice what he preaches.
Mr Duncan Smith praised Mrs May as «one of the strongest leaders» since Margaret Thatcher and said her election U-turn was justified to strengthen her hand in the negotiations to leave the EU.
The Myth of the Strong Leader: Political Leadership in the Modern Age, Archie Brown (Perseus / PGW / Legato / Basic Books; OverDrive Sample).
One thing is for sure: We and the animals are lucky to have Wayne Pacelle as one of our strongest leaders in the animal community.
Unintentionally creating a blind spot and becoming out of sync with changes taking place outside of your company and scope of accountability can easily occur to some of the strongest leaders.
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