Sentences with phrase «of a tetrahedron»

This large - scale work consists of a group five steel «clouds» made up of thousands of tetrahedrons, the smallest of the Platonic Solids.
«Our approach relies on the self - organization of the triangularly shaped blunt vertices of the tetrahedra (so called «footprints») on isotropic spherical particles.
Last month, when lasers began coursing around the edges of the tetrahedron, Rotational Motions in Seismology (ROMY), as it is called, began its reign as the most sophisticated ring laser in the world, capable of sensing how Earth itself twists and turns.
How many ways can the net of a tetrahedron be coloured if rotations aren't allowed?
He later described his vision of a tetrahedral carbon atom, in which the four bonds are directed as if toward the corners of a tetrahedron.
«Turns out, I can build a string that can fold any 3 - D shape from a string of tetrahedra.
Last month, engineers achieved first light in all four rings at the same time — a sign that the geometry of the tetrahedron is precise enough to keep all the lasers resonating properly.
I still got the required number of tetrahedrons and in fact the overall effect was to increase the amount of gold used by the percentage I wanted.
Because each spin of a tetrahedron is also shared with a neighboring tetrahedron, the creation of magnetic monopoles spreads around the crystal like a fans» wave in a stadium, forming monopoles of opposite «magnetic charge.»
The images below the schematic are (left to right): a reconstructed cryo - EM density map of the tetrahedron, a caged particle shown in a negative - staining TEM image, and a diamond superlattice shown at high magnification with cryo - STEM.
Many molecules have the shape of tetrahedrons and other polyhedra.
Standing at over six metres high and weighing five tonnes each, the branching forms are made up of thousands of tetrahedrons.
Dr Russo said: «With this procedure, we have found that what makes water behave anomalously is the presence of a particular arrangement of the water's molecules, such as the tetrahedral arrangement, where a water molecule is hydrogen - bonded to four molecules located on the vertices of a tetrahedron.
Hart chose sharply waved edges for the pentagons and allowed the edges of his tetrahedra to stray from straight lines, undulating first up and then down in a wave.
A short investigation to find the number of ways the net of a tetrahedron can be coloured using four different colours only once.
Some of the tetrahedra will have all faces the same colour, some will have faces of two different colours, others three and others four, but no two tetrahedra will be identical.
They were able to calculate that spin ice can achieve a double layer configuration, formed by the alternation of 2 layers of tetrahedra with positive magnetic charges and 2 layers of tetrahedra with negative magnetic charges.
7 Even after ice melts, some of those tetrahedrons almost always remain, like tiny ice cubes 100 molecules wide.
The arrangement of gold nanoparticles outside the cages was guided by a different set of DNA tethers attached at the vertices of the tetrahedrons.
The unit is split into three sections: How many ways can the net of a tetrahedron be coloured using four different colours only once?
Standing at over six metres high and weighing five tonnes each, the branching forms will be made up of thousands of tetrahedrons.
These are made from thousands of tetrahedrons and stand at over six metres high and weigh five tonnes each.
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