Sentences with phrase «of a waste of time when»

It eliminates the need to go grocery shopping — which, let's be honest, is kind of a waste of time when you don't eat at home every day.
It is usually free to create an ad, upload photo and wait around to be contacted by a paying premium user but sort of a waste of time when your internal clock is ticking away.

Not exact matches

When you waste time, you have less of it on things like growing your side hustle.
Heitkamp has generally advocated for working with the president and his administration when possible and, in a meeting last spring, called the anti-Trump «Resistance» movement «a waste of my time
One of the biggest challenges self - organizing companies face is finding a way to balance the freedom that engineers receive to make their own decisions with a process that prevents them from wasting time when their instincts lead them astray.
Far better not to waste time trying to tidy your hundreds of thousands of photos, but instead just to use the best available tool to occasionally sort through the mess when you need to.
Sig Solares (the CEO of «wasted no time pony up the $ 1,500,000» when he won in an auction in 2006, DN Journal reported at the time.
However, I realized when acting like that, I'm wasting a lot of time and lessening my chances of actually succeeding with my goal.
When Fogg decided he really needed to get with the flossing program, for instance, he didn't waste time berating himself for having the dental hygiene habits of a child.
When Circuit City went kaput in January, I didn't waste my time on the chain's so - called going - out - of - business sale.
When teams don't have clear direction and leadership, they can often waste a great deal of time and effort on the wrong tasks.
When you picture a person who identifies as a woman getting engaged, you may think of someone who wastes no time breaking out the wedding magazines and jumping on the phone with venues before the ring is even resized.
When entrepreneurs invest in the preparation of accurate business budgets, they save enormous amounts of time and money - and often many months and years of wasted effort.
Now, I don't know about you, but when one of my clients reports a bad experience, I don't waste any time in getting to the bottom of things.
Think of the selling time wasted and tepid win rates when starting too low within organizations.
«Chasing funding when you are not ready for it is a waste of time that could be spent working on your product,» says Ben Rodda, an engineer and self - described «startup junkie.»
If an athlete wastes all of their energy in warm ups, how in the world will they have enough energy to perform at their very best when game time comes around?
And while you can do mundane things while waiting on hold when you call the cable, phone or electric company, it really is a) annoying and b) the classic waste of time.
Everyone has access to this service either through their insurance company or with telehealth providers like American Well, so why waste money and time on an in - person doctor visit when you can improve your health at a lower cost in the comfort of your own home?
When you get a list of leads from LeadGenius, your sales team can immediately start contacting prospects at scale instead of wasting valuable time researching each name before making contact.
While analysts waste their time trying to figure out, for example, when EV will ultimately take all market share of new car sales, for example, this series will concentrate on the first blow: when oil demand growth falls to zero.
100 % foreign ownership allowed Cold storage Sports centers Film processing labs Rubber and sugar industry) when engaging in partnerships with local farmers and use 30 % domestically produced raw material) Warehousing Tourism, E-commerce (with a marketplace value above 10 billion rupiahs and when working with local warehousing companies) Toll road operators Telecom device certification Non-hazardous waste management Raw medicine materials Pharmaceutical ventures Restaurants, bars, cafés Film making Film distribution Cinemas (required to show Indonesian films at least 60 per cent of their screen time) Direct selling Futures trading
Junk mail is a waste of paper and a waste of time to deal with, especially when most of it comes from...
I wont waste your time with the details of our family's difficult Summer, other than to say sometimes being a one - person business can be extremely challenging when family matters take me away from my work.
I personally do not wish to waste what little precious time I have here on Earth focused on things that are none of my business, or finding ways to justify or criticize someone else's choices when they really don't affect me personally.
To maintain its dependency scam, revenue flow, nd unearned privileges and tax dodges, religion tries to force itself into every aspect of life when dying is a time to bask in the glow of loving human, real relationships... and perhaps make a few apologies... like for wasting others; time with ignorant, self - servinge proselytizing.
Billions of dollars and hours wasted on imaginary sky gods, when that time and effort and money could be directed at reality.
But in this Gilead, Atwood has imagined a time when our nightmares about the perils of toxic waste, radioactive fallout, chemical and biological warfare, nuclear sabotage and the building
Also, we don't want to judge and condemn the people who enjoy going to a local church, but every time we try to go, it seems like such a waste of time, money, and energy when there are so many tangible needs in our community.
The answers are there for you to find if you really wanted to know, millions of others have searched and they found, you hate the truth and mock it so why would anyone even try to tell you anything when you already know it all, waste of time.
When you browse dozens of profiles while wasting time on a Monday night, you see exactly how many people are out there.
How can atheists waste so much time on this effort when there are thousands of elderly dying in nursing homes without being converted?
Moses, Aaron and Abraham, they're all a waste of time, when it's your ass that's on the line, it's your ass that's on the line!
Religion is a waste of time and I don't like to spend even a few minutes of my day thinking about it when I could be doing something far more productive... twiddling my thumbs, perhaps.
People refusing medical treatment because they think they can pray disease away, The demoralizing way religion makes you feel about yourself (I am a wretch, a sinner, a bad person by nature), the religious wars that have been fought for millenia, the self righteous passing laws based on THEIR beliefs (change to the pledge of allegience which now excludes anyone who does not believe in a fairy godfather, the change to the national motto that turned it into the lie «in god we trust», the bigotry that «my religion is the right one and you are wrong so I'll pray for you» kind of crap... don't you realize that it is insulting to me when someone says they will pray for me... its the same as saying I'm going to do something for you but there won't be any effect, so it is just a waste of time.
Should someone explain that the fear of God, in the sense of that felt in this world of time, should belong to childhood and therefore disappear with the years as does childhood itself, or should be like a happy state of mind that can not be maintained, but only remembered; should someone explain that penitence comes like the weakness of old age, with the wasting away of strength, when the senses are blunted, when sleep no longer strengthens but weakens; then this would be Impiety and folly.
To instead send your mind through imaginary scenes with Jesus, as Ignatian meditation and some other devotional paths do, is seen as not only a waste of time (why imagine he's here, when he really is here?)
Outside of the iconic opening crawl, Star Wars wastes very little time explaining what's going on, which is pretty remarkable when you consider that it's a tale of political upheaval with an undercurrent of Eastern mysticism.
I've been to countless churches trying to prove myself wrong, and all i get is judgement and a feeling of wasted time when I leave.
When the shepherds saw the star of Bethlehem, they wasted no time at all in racing to the boy Jesus to offer their words and worship.
When you are involved with it you are not aware of it, when you get out of it and see what it is for the first time you feel embarrassed that you wasted so much time in a very demeaning existeWhen you are involved with it you are not aware of it, when you get out of it and see what it is for the first time you feel embarrassed that you wasted so much time in a very demeaning existewhen you get out of it and see what it is for the first time you feel embarrassed that you wasted so much time in a very demeaning existence.
However, daydreaming can also be a waste of time or a danger when in one's daydreams there appears a seething reservoir of evil imaginations concerning oneself and one's relation to the world.
Most people never experience God or angels showing up within their realities, but when he does, it's obvious... he makes sure it's obvious, so it's not a waste of his time.
Which begs the question, why waste your time reading the bible when there are so many millions of better choices?
Yep you are right, I moved down here in the state of Mississippi, north of Crystal Springs from Chicago when I was ten years old but still I visit once in a while, now it's twenty years and sad to not much has change, like the parts you said about non-whites discrimatory or rasicts at other non-whites, when I went to school here they treated me as a alien from another galaxy, they pick at my voice cause I didn't had that southern dialog, unlike them I said my words correctly, but not just me, they even hated at others who had better intelect I am not picking at them, It is what I went through all these years, Mississippi and mainly this small town of Crystal Springs see America in a crazy awful view, They don't like difference that even within they own race, ther not that politcal, when some one say God they got there vote, I don't to say much to waste your time, I still remember when I was ten years old I had a constanct back ground check on me to see were I really come from evn though I had the paper saying Chicago Illinois barely no jobs but a church on every street for a town barely under five Thousand, till this very day, they look at me like I am a alien, did you ever had that experiance down here damn my keybroad mess up,
Roark «wasted» a lot of time «worrying» about the poor and the powerless as well when he designed Cortlandt.
When, at the end of your years, you fall into the Void that is The End of life, I do hope you have a moment to regret all the time you wasted on the hocus - pocus of religion.
Can you Redhead fathom the moorings (I am not securing any vessels at the time, although I am sure my uncles fishing boat is pulled up on the beach) of absolute nothingness (yes, I am currently studying dark matter but that is not nothingness) where from all material meanderings (to meander is to be in a constant change of path (like religions) currently are, I am not religious and I do not meander as I see it as a waste of time when traveling from one place to the next.)
Churchfolk contradict Deuteronomy 30 and the whole message of the Bible when they suppose that an imminent cataclysm is inevitable, and that efforts to address collective evils are a waste of time.
I'm afraid that when presented with parts of their bible that they have always ignored and that contradicts you can expect nothing but crickets so you're wasting your time trying to make this particular nut have to actually think.
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