Sentences with phrase «of a work of fiction»

All of this is very reasonable, of course, but it's not relevant to the quality of a work of fiction.
The difference between good dialogue and bad dialogue can mean the success or failure of a work of fiction.
He is also an author of works of fiction and books on writing.
It is more often found in the back of a work of fiction or an ebook.
Nevertheless, Chad Post, of Open Letter Books — the man behind compiling the aforementioned translation database — notes that the number of works of fiction and Poetry in translation being published in the United States has been growing steadily over the past five years, jumping from 360 titles in 2008 to 453 in 2012 — with an increase of 26.3 % from 2011 to 2012 alone.
His seven novels, compulsive reading for their adepts, fail all the normal tests by which one would judge the merits of a work of fiction.
The «literal readers» of the work of FICTION called the BIBLE conveniently ignore the fact that it is a book that has been (i) heavily edited, (ii) translated hundreds, if not thousands, of times over the last couple a» thousand years and (iii) was «written» by folks over at least hundreds of years and at least hundreds of years AFTER the events it attempts to describe.
Glad we can find at least one Dead Guy Cover, @twitter -19118987: disqus — I thought it was interesting that @syntactics: twitter didn't know of any, then realized that I couldn't recall seeing a dead male on the cover of a work of fiction, myself.
Fan art, or fanart, are artworks created by fans of a work of fiction (generally visual media such as comics, film, television shows, or video games) and derived from a series character or other aspect of that work.
Should you read the book entire, you will see that it bears the marks of a work of fiction written in weekly instalments.
[1] For best courtroom adaptation of a work of fiction, the award goes to the applicant, Clarissa Olenka Szakacs, who shamelessly feigned what she thought was necessary to convince the court to circumscribe access by the respondent to their almost - six - year - old daughter.
It was written with all the narrative conventions of a work of fiction — and received some defiant votes from our judges — but it was too deeply identified as journalism to be considered for our list.
Tweet Lou Aronica is the author of a number of works of fiction and nonfiction, including the New York Times bestseller, The Element (written with Ken Robinson) and the national bestseller, The Culture Code.
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