Sentences with phrase «of ablation rate»

There is a threshold of glacier extent reduction dependent on the magnitude of ablation rate increase, where glacier runoff declines, the few examples suggest this is in the 10 - 20 % areal extent loss.
Comparison of ablation rates and onsite temperature records in the case of the South Cascade Glacier, Easton Glacier, Ice Worm Glacier and Columbia Glacier yield a relationship between air temperature and daily ablation for snow and ice in SWE (Figure 1).

Not exact matches

«If the ablation is limited to the pulmonary vein alone, the success rate goes down — almost to the level of the Amiodarone treatment,» Di Biase said.
In addition to having a higher rate of freedom from atrial fibrillation, participants who underwent catheter ablation also had lower rates of hospitalization and mortality during the two - year follow up.
Among patients with untreated paroxysmal (intermittent) atrial fibrillation (AF), treatment with electrical energy (radiofrequency ablation) resulted in a lower rate of abnormal atrial rhythms and episodes of AF, according to a study in the February 19 issue of JAMA.
In the paper the authors argue that there is no evidence for a speed up of the ice marginal zone due to enhanced ablation rates, which by some people was explained as if Greenland was not contributing to sea level change any more.
Ablation rates in May at the start of the melt season are widely variable from site to site, but fit within specific mean ranges based on elevation.
Revisiting each site through the ablation season and measuring the emergence of each stake identifies the ablation rate.
The amount of runoff provided by a glacier is the product of its surface area and ablation rate.
Cross correlation of May monthly ablation rates between Snotel sites as a result is poor, as are the daily ablation rates, correlation coefficients ranging from 0.43 - 0.76.
Ablation measurement on nine North Cascade glaciers for twenty - nine discrete two to six week periods during this part of the ablation season yield mean ablation rates of 0.036 m / day, 0.038 m / day and 0.028 m / day for July, August and September respeAblation measurement on nine North Cascade glaciers for twenty - nine discrete two to six week periods during this part of the ablation season yield mean ablation rates of 0.036 m / day, 0.038 m / day and 0.028 m / day for July, August and September respeablation season yield mean ablation rates of 0.036 m / day, 0.038 m / day and 0.028 m / day for July, August and September respeablation rates of 0.036 m / day, 0.038 m / day and 0.028 m / day for July, August and September respectively.
Ablation The onset of ablation is also seen in the spring ablation rates at the Snotel sites (TAblation The onset of ablation is also seen in the spring ablation rates at the Snotel sites (Tablation is also seen in the spring ablation rates at the Snotel sites (Tablation rates at the Snotel sites (Table 3).
The distribution of seasonal accumulation and ablation rates are measured in - situ.
They continue at a rate set by the wind and the moisture gradient, and rob the glacier of energy that would cause more ablation if used for melting.
The surface mass balance observations similarly indicate that the ELA has migrated upwards at a rate of 44 m / a over the 1997 — 2011 period in West Greenland, resulting in a more than doubling of the ablation zone width during this period...»
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